Do Mirrors Ever Trick You?


New Member
Hey Everyone,

I was just wondering, do some mirrors in your house ever trick you in terms of your hair length? Last night when I was doing my hair for bed, I looked in one mirror outside my bathroom, and my hair looked pretty almost at bra strap. But when I looked in the mirror in the bathroom, it didn't really look like it was that close to bra strap. LOL I'm frustrated because I will be going to the salon in about a week, and I'm curious to see how much my hair grew. But has this ever happened to any of you?

lol yeah when I look at it from the side when its all back and down, it looks longer, and the same thing when I turn around to look at it from the back. then I start doing the tilting the head back thing imagining what my hair will look like in 3 months,6 months, a year,
LOL me too
Supergirl said:
Pictures are a great way to keep track of your progress.

[/ QUOTE ]

I try to explain to my family that I take pics to keep track of my progress but they still insist that it's because I have a hair obsession.
But they don't understand, if it wasn't for the pics, I wouldn't have a clue as to what my hair was doing back there!
I know just what you mean. I had that a couple times and i was confused as all get out. Thought it was just me or something. When i look at the back of my hair w/my back towards the 2nd mirror on the wall it looks short but then when i look at it facing the mirror on the wall its longer. I was just like whatever. lol