Do men make better stylist than women???

Do men make better stylists than women?

  • Yes, men make better stylists.

    Votes: 61 60.4%
  • No, not at all!

    Votes: 6 5.9%
  • I think they are both about the same.

    Votes: 34 33.7%

  • Total voters
I have heard that before but I confess.....The only time a man has ever done my hair was to give me an edge up in the back for my Halle Berry cuts. LOL
Your friends have lovely hair!
I've only had a man do my hair once and he did a great job, never thought about it.
ok i guess i will be the outlier here and say no, not necessarily.

i had a male stylist and he was generally ok but he loved to cut, did not want to follow my instructions on how i wanted my hair taken care of (admittedly, i had some picky requests seeing as how i had recently found lhcf) and was very money hungry (charging me different prices for a relaxer from one 3 month stretch to the next). i have had a bunch of bad female stylists but now i have a female stylist who is great-- she listens, knows what she is doing and is honest.

so IMO, no, men do not necessarily make better stylists

when a man become a hair dresser and they are not gay the backlash sometimes they can get they must have love for hair.
not saying they aren't great female stylist but their are sooo many female hater hair dresser:nono:
when you come in with any thing longer than SL that doesn't look like some tried to eat your ends say bye bye to your length:nono:
a trim become more than 2 inches
I cannot answer the first question for sure, but I can definately answer the second one...YES, YES AND YES!

My hair is not even long, but is longer than all but 1 of the stylists I've ever had.
I really think most have tried to purposefully and slyly mess my hair up after they say things like 'your hair so long' or 'you have nice hair' ... Chemically or otherwise they try to mess it up and they are SO rough with it. I have to tell them that they are hurting my scalp when they comb it or that the relaxer needs washing out over and over again. My natural hair ain't even coarse. They just don't handle it with care which is why I never go back to those haters.
I do watch them and it seems that if the client has short hair, they are more gentle and considerate... what is that?
Another thing I can't understand is why their hair is in such bad condition. A lot of the time its jacked up, dry and breaking badly.
I've found a stylist who I like now who has APL hair, but what will happen when I reach BSL if she's still APL :ohwell:?

I think they probably handle your hair like they handle their own hair. That's why they don't have much. I think if they knew better they would do better. I've seen men who didn't have a clue and I've seen women who have mostly long hair clients and vice versa.
i personally agree, and to be a woman..i know i sound like a traitor to my sex...but i'm not i promise.. i think men are totally better when it comes to all things cosmetic. Whenever a man has done my hair, nails , or was sheer perfection. Women on the other hand...can leave a lot to be desired. I think this is because a man will try to do what's best for you..and what compliments's like they know what looks good on a woman and they go from there...but of course there's an exception to every rule!

when a man become a hair dresser and they are not gay the backlash sometimes they can get they must have love for hair.
not saying they aren't great female stylist but their are sooo many female hater hair dresser:nono:
when you come in with any thing longer than SL that doesn't look like some tried to eat your ends say bye bye to your length:nono:
a trim become more than 2 inches

AMEN, I agree, thats why I don't let female hair stylest do my hair the times I go, I do my hair, or my mom, or my male hair stylest, he is wonderful, I love that boy,lol.
I think they probably handle your hair like they handle their own hair. That's why they don't have much. I think if they knew better they would do better. I've seen men who didn't have a clue and I've seen women who have mostly long hair clients and vice versa.

ITA, I have been looking for a new stylist for a while, I picked up a business card at the bss that looked promising. I decided to myspace the stylist, and her hair was a mess. I don't care if a stylist has long or short hair(every black woman doesn't want long hair), but if the few inches you have are jacked, I can't deal with you.

I actually ended up letting a white guy at Wal-Mart trim my hair last week and he did an amazing job, I was soo pleased. I just went in with clean flat-ironed hair, and he hooked me up. I am going to keep going back to him.:grin:
I go to a male twice a year on vacation. He is a family friend and treats my hair with love. I really think it depends on the individual though.
I think it really does depend on the individual. When I got my first relaxer 20 years ago, it was done by a guy. I never knew why when I washed my hair it would still curl up and all my room-mates' hair would be straight. I found out a few months later that he underprocessed my hair. Not that he was a bad stylist, but he just wasn't familiar with chemical processes and ethnic hair. However, he did a great job at cutting my friend's hair. (he was white and gay).........

The best female stylist I had sported a short precision cut but didn't have a problem maintaining my hair and several other of her clients hair at MBL. She was all about healthy hair practices.

In the same vein, I have had some female stylists that did my hair and weren't worth a penny. I wouldn't say that they were jealous, I would just say they lacked the skills to do a good job on my hair (to the standards that I was used to).....(but I did have one that told me I needed about 4 inched of my hair trimmed when I told her I hadn't had it trimmed in about 3 months.............I had been bunning since my last trim)

My brother has been a stylist for a very long time and he is 150% straight:grin: and can really throw down on hair. In observing him doing other people's hair, I notice that he is very precise and he is all about how the end product looks. (heck, he would even let me bring my Lacio Lacio in to him b/c he said he had never used it and didn't know how my hair would turn out - bad reflection on him if it didn't turn out well). He is also into hair care and tries to make sure you can maintain your style in between visits.

So again, I say it just depends on the stylist.

I think its very true. Women in general hate so much on other women that its just mind blowing. When it comes to trimming I would much rather go to the barber shop than a beauty salon

You know I never thought about going to a barber shop to get a trim. That's a great idea!
Not necessarily. I had one that was ok. I had another that was really good (and really cute :giggle:). But my current stylist is female and I love love love her. She is absolutely my favorite. Doesn't double book, great with both taking care of my hair and styling it, also does my color. Just love her. :lick:
My first haircut when I was twenty was by a man. And it was the best hair cut I've had since! When I went to go back, he'd moved back to NY. I was very sad, but now I have a stylist who I've seen once or twice ( I just go in when I want even ends- I don't trim often at all, maybe once or twice every two years? Any other trims I do at home). She's extremely sweet and it doesn't hurt that she's got waist length relaxed hair either. ;). I'm sticking with her b/c I know a stylist with REAL waist length healthy hair is very hard to find.
I don't think men make better stylists than women. I've only had my hair done by a man once, and I don't think he washed my scalp vigorously enough for my taste. When it came to roller setting, he took forever as well.
I guess I'm a little jaded because of where I live (we don't have many male stylists particularly African American) but the big metropolis areas like Atlanta, NYC, Chicago etc., seem to have an abundance of male stylists. And if I was completely honest I would have to say yes that men are better stylists think Andre Walker, and others. Just like interior decorators and fashion designers -- the majority seem to consist of men. :yep:
I prefer male stylists definitely. All of my major stylist in my life have done an amazing job!

I do my own hair now since Im not in MD but I usually prefer a male over a female. Same with makeup too!

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i heard they are better because they do what they would want their woman to look like i assume they are talking about straight men lol
WHen I had women stylists as a teenager, my hair would always magically be 'damaged' right before APL. CHOP CHOP. One, I was young and ignorant, would always pull the relaxer through to my ends EVERY time I had progress around that length. A couple months later? CHOP CHOP.

I had a man bring my hair from a faded bob (shaved in the back) to that same length. I was devastated when he moved to another state. Other males were always gentle and caring and always asking BEFORE chopping and checking in with me to see if I was OK with more coming off or not.
Makes usually work harder because they habe more to prove its like a woman climbing through corporate she has to work harder because automatically people think she got the job because xyz or she isnt as good as the men. Smh
I've only been to two male stylists before. One was a guy I saw in high school that took too darn long on my hair and wasn't impressive. The other was a gay, white, southern guy who made made my hair bounce and behave like crazy.
I think it's because black men LOVE to see us with long hair so they treat it special and are more gentle when they get the opportunity to finally play in it. Sometimes women are a little jealous of unusually long natural hair (especially if its healthy long hair). I've never been to a man before and may try if I ever decide to go to a salon again but honestly, it's VERY unlikely you will see me sitting in anyone's salon chair again though.