Do i really need this?


New Member
do i really need a chelating shampoo??? (sp?) i know that i do have hard water but ive never in my life used 1 before im just now hearing about it.. lol i know... im so late just started taking my hair seriously tho...i just dont wanna go out getting more stuff i dont need. if this is needed please recommend some brands thanks!!! :grin:
I was about to say if you don't live somewhere with hard water you'd be fine. Since you have hard water I would suggest investing in a bottle
Do we really NEED any of the bajillions of products and tools we buy?? :) Just get it and enjoy it lol
Be careful with ACV it is very drying. You don't need to use alot and I would never put it on my hair straight. Absolutely should be mixed with water.

Sorry I meant acv rinse. A couple as tables spoons and a couple of cups of water does the trick
I never heard of them a few years ago when I had hard water but I did use acv and bottled water as a final rinse and did fine. I haven't seen chelating shampoo in the stores I frequent but mizani has one - you can get it on amazon.
I'd think u'd need it to rinse out your relaxer or if you're like me I have hard water and even with a filter I still sometimes need to chelate. I'd suggest paul mitchell three or Organic Root Stimulator Creamy Aloe, and I happen to have an extra bottle of the Paul Mitchell Three I can send you if you're interested just pm me. Make sure to dc after chelating it may make your scalp feel kinda dry and if you're trying to use a gentle shampoo that's good for hard water terax latte is pretty good too out of them all I like ORS for the moisture PM3 for the clarity and softness terax for the gentleness
yes you need one. Just get the smallest - travel size bottle. Unless you live in the Miss Delta or some other place with very bad water and/or use alot of products, 1x/m usage will be sufficient.
thanks every i was really hoping to hear of course trying to start spending less..this college budget is no