Do I Really Need A Protein


New Member
I've been natural since 04/07/2011. I don't think my products contain any protein. Do I really need a protein? How useful is it? My hair is growing and sometimes it gets dry, but am I damaging my hair by not using one?
No. I am natural and when I first started my hhj I thought I needed protein. I used it weekly and my hair was never in worse condition. Once I stopped using protein the breakage nearly stopped.

I think most naturals only need a small amount of protein. Also, almost all hair products contain some type of protein, so you should be fine.
I am also natural. I find that regular use of protein helps my hair stay strong. However, the key to using it is to balance it with moisture. I wear my hair curly most of the time. Before I started using protein, I found that my ends regularly snapped off with just a little manipulation. Now, that rarely happens and as I check my shed hairs, I can see how much stronger and thicker my hair strand is.

My advice is to test it out on your hair and see. I know the blanket statement is always that naturals don't need protein. However, that statement isn't necessarily true for everyone.
I think it really does depend on the head of hair. When I first went natural, I bought into the whole idea of "if you're natural, you don't need protein." And my retention was just fine. But by accident, when I started including light protein in my regimen, I noticed that my strands seemed stronger, and the little bit of breakage I experienced during my washes and detangling sessions dramatically decreased.

It took me 6 months of "learning" my hair to figure out that it wasn't anti-protein at all. Now, 12 months into my natural journey, I now know that while my hair LOVES moisture, it also LOVES regular dates with light-medium protein as well :)

Throw the rules out of the window, and take the time to learn what works for YOUR hair :yep:

ITA, w/ bride91501 and mzteaze. I am abt 90% natural (gradually trimming). I too heard the all protein is evil info and for some it is:yep:. Moisture/ protein balance is key. Learn how to do a strand test. I am not protein sensitive so I can use hard proteins +DC w/o incident but not everyone can. I also regularly use reconstructors in my HHJ. I have very little breakage when I style or detangle my hair. As all have said, you really will need to see what works best for you. Start w/ a reconstructor or lightweight protein +DC to be on the safe side. If your hair likes it try a hard core one the next time around. BTW- I use hardcore protein abt every 8 to 10 weeks or so after clarifying. I may use a reconstructor every 2 to 3 weeks. All are used to maintain vs correct at this point in my HHJ.
Throw the rules out of the window, and take the time to learn what works for YOUR hair :yep:


I agree with this. You have to listen to your hair. My hair seems to be fine with proteins in my shampoos or styling products. However two weeks ago I decided to use the Aphogee 2 minute reconstructor and my hair is shedding so much I won't be using it again any time soon.

So its whether your hair likes protein? needs protein? and then what type? and how often?

You will have to try a few things to figure that out.
My biweekly egg mask and my weekly protein DC does help with my breakage. I have to cosign with all the other ladies who posted in this thread, you do you. If you see breakage do what u gotta do and forget the fact that mary sue had a huge set back because of protein. Because while Mary Sue used aphogee 2 step and had an issue doesn't mean you will. I say do a group of test strands if breakage occurs and see what works for you.
I'm natural too.... The only time I would every recommend a protein treatment is if you like to flat iron your hair, if it feeling weak, damage or you have moisture overload.
I'm natural and don't do protein treatments EVER. I did after my BC and it dried up my hair serious. I actually used Alphogee 2 step and it took about a year to correct. Since then, I don't do them at all ever. Deep conditioning and hot oil treatments work for my hair. I do twist outs or wear my hair straight. Since I like to have swang, I hardly add product to it when straight except a bit of heat protection. My hairs doing well and is growing. For your reference, I have soft, thin hair. 3c/4a. More 4a though.