Do Heat Protectants Really Work?

This is interesting.

Honestly...he made perfect sense to me. I began to wonder yesterday what heat protectants actually do. I mean the iron is hot...and it does touch the hair. If I put Sabino on my finger and then clamped a flat iron on my finger, I would still feel all the effects of having been burned. The protectant wouldn't do a thing. I would love to understand the science behind a protectant and figure out if, for the most part, we are being ripped off.

I know that they do something, but considering the example with my finger...what do they really do outside of making the hair feel different in a good way?

Great thread!


I am not sure, CJ. But they do have sprays/chemicals that make fabric and bedding "flame retardant." And they do make sun screens that help keep your skin from burning. So maybe there could be some protection for your hair... up to a point. There's only so much a sun screen can do if you're outside in the heat for the whole day.
No offense to your childhood hairdresser, but he's making excuses. Of course heat protectants are not going to shield your hair from all heat. If they did, then nobody would use them, because the hair would never get straight. As he said, the iron is hot, touching your hair, there's no getting around that. But the way that I understand it, the cones in heat protectants wrap around your hair and form a protective barrier, so even though you aren't protected from all the damage that heat can do, it does take "the edge" off.

And with the example of your finger...I think it's a little faulty, just because of the inherent differences between the living tissues of the skin and the dead material that is hair. Heat protectant works for the hair the same way that like..cloth works for skin. If you go outside on a really cold day with a sweater, you're still going to feel the cold. But it's better than going out there butt naked, because at least you're getting some kind of protection. Imo, any protection is better than none.

And lastly, I think if anyone doubts that they actually work, then they should try straightening once a week with heat protectant for a month, and then straightening the same amount, the same time, but without heat protection. I bet they won't make it that full second month. :lachen:

Just to be clear, I am not a doubter. Also, I have no loyalty to the hairdresser. I just happened to drop by when he was flat ironing and hung out there for a little while. I use a heat protectant if I put heat in my hair (which I have only done once since March) and refuse to use heat without a healthy dose of SMB. I just don't know how it does what it does, and I used the example of my finger to describe my thinking process. My example was not meant to be perfect or even close to correct...just an illustration...and I'm not trying to be right...just sharing....casually wondering about protectants. No debate here. :yep:
I am not sure, CJ. But they do have sprays/chemicals that make fabric and bedding "flame retardant." And they do make sun screens that help keep your skin from burning. So maybe there could be some protection for your hair... up to a point. There's only so much a sun screen can do if you're outside in the heat for the whole day.

Ummm...again, I believe they work, but my own silly questions just have me wondering for a little while how they work. I just dropped in the thread to share my thoughts since the topic came up, not to disagree about whether or not they do or don't work.

I am faithful to my heat protectant! Just curious...:yep:

He makes sense to me.

Yes...when presented with his rational argument - and this is a man who has 3rd generation clients because he is sooooo good at styling and growing ethnic hair - I perfectly understood what he was saying. I didn't particularly agree with him, but I kept quiet about it because...well, what would disagreeing do but lead to an endless conversation on something we don't see eye-to-eye on?? It's not that serious to me.

He has never in 32 years of styling used a formal protectant, and his clients don't have burnt-off, falling-out hair. Nearly all are relaxed like I once was, their hair is gorgeous, shiny, and strong, and he trims as needed. He's great at hair styling, and if I were relaxed and needed special care, I would go to him in an instant for everything but heat styling. lol

So...I am with you, Poka. Rationally, his words made sense...especially with the visual of the iron right there in front of me. This man also knows how to restore broken bonds in hair with food or chemicals (salt, honey, eggs, etc,) and he creates his own products I have a great deal of respect for his work. I just like to understand...

Anyway...going to read. Maybe Google or Bing will shed some light for me...

Ummm...again, I believe they work, but my own silly questions just have me wondering for a little while how they work. I just dropped in the thread to share my thoughts since the topic came up, not to disagree about whether or not they do or don't work.

I am faithful to my heat protectant! Just curious...:yep:


I didn't think it was a silly question. I thought it was a very thoughtful and vivid comparison to think about burning your finger. Made me think! That's why I said there are chemicals to stop burning... to a point.
I didn't think it was a silly question. I thought it was a very thoughtful and vivid comparison to think about burning your finger. Made me think! That's why I said there are chemicals to stop burning... to a point.

Totally OT, but I wonder what would happen if we put flame retardant in our hair. Would that be a heat protectant? Ok...moving on...

You are sweet to call my example thoughtful and vivid. :yep: for all who were curious like me, here is the thread that a member posted a while ago. It helped me understand why I like heat protectants and dispelled any nagging curiosities about whether or not they do anything special. They do. I am glad I have mine! :yep:

Enjoy, and I hope this is helpful to us all!
