Do hairdressers/stylist really know what split ends are?


New Member
I ask this question because yesterday, I was talking to this guy who works at a salon and I ask him if they are any good or are they scissor happy where he works. He replies that they cut hair a lot, so I say suppose I come in for a wash and set will they try to convince me to cut my hair. He say if you have split ends and he points to a part of my hair which is out and says like that I would cut that and even it up. I said I do not have split ends, look carefully, show which hair is split, I admit my hair is uneven but not split. So, do stylist and others confuse uneven with split ends?
I don't think they confuse the two, but I do think they place a premium on even ends (I get kinda scissor happy with my own hair because I like my ends neat). Also, it's easy for someone who doesn't know your hair to assume that your ends are uneven due to breakage and damage rather than to just know that your hair grows unevenly.
I think that even hair looks better and is easier to style, so they cut your hair off and tell you that it's split instead of just dealing with the different lengths.
I agree with the above poster. whats so stupid is that as soon as ur hair grows an inch or two it will be uneven again, because the hair from ur nape will go down ur back faster than the hair from the crown, just like the bangs will take longer to hit ur armpits than the hair above ur ears. I reallu wondering what their reasoning is behind this?:drunk:
For the most part, I believe stylists know what split ends are. They may believe that uneven ends are a sign of breakage which I believe to be true in a lot of cases. The breakage may not be recent but it is still breakage. Trimming uneven ends will just help one have thicker ends, make the hair look better (imo) and I don't think that is bad at all. I know some of us go to the stylist for different reasons but I know I go so that my hair will look and feel (health wise) better and that's what many stylists aim for. Nonetheless, ultimately the choice is yours and your stylist should respect your requests and how you want to achieve your hair goals.
I agree with the above poster. whats so stupid is that as soon as ur hair grows an inch or two it will be uneven again, because the hair from ur nape will go down ur back faster than the hair from the crown, just like the bangs will take longer to hit ur armpits than the hair above ur ears. I reallu wondering what their reasoning is behind this?:drunk:

In total agreement that is why when you go to a stylist your hair never grows rather achieve length because they keep cutting it to keep it even. I agree it will be thicker not necessarily healthier though. That is why me personally I have no splits because I am always protecting the ends and yes I am very uneven but I do not wear my hair out at all. always in an updo, bun or french roll. I plan to cut and even up when I achieve a certain length. My hair is very healthy now and yes while the uneveness may be due to past breakage (before it got healthy) it is also due to growing uneven.