Do garlic treatments work for ALL types of shedding?


New Member
I have been shedding pretty bad for about the past 2 weeks; I mean SEVERAL strands of hair each time I rake the comb through my head. I just realized that it could be due to my medication (thyroid) needing to be adjusted. I have figured out the source of the shedding and will go to the doctor next week.

I shampooed last night and did an aphogee treatment b/c it helped in the past with shedding, however when I rollerset this morning (I DC'd overnight), I still shed hairs. On the flip side, I have to say that I tried the Pantene R & N deep conditioner and the Pantene detangling mist and I had absolutely no issues with detangling.

My question is do you think a garlic treatment (it's a shampoo right?) work for shedding, even though it stems from an internal source? Once I get my medicine regulated and in my system, I know the problem is going to eventually work itself out (internally), but has anyone else used a garlic treatment to stop shedding in it's tracks when the shedding was medically related? Also, do you have any reccommendations? Anything that can be purchased from Sally's b/c I want to do it next weekend and mailorder may not be back that soon.

If I don't stop the shedding now, I seriously think I will almost be bald in almost no time. O.K. maybe not bald, but just to let you know how serious the shedding is cause it's really serious......I have to try to laugh to keep from crying......

Thanks in advance.


Please someone help me! I am about to go and take my rollerset down to flat iron my roots and as if I didn't lose enough hair already when I was rollersetting it, hair is just probably still going to be coming out in my comb.

As difficult as rollersetting is for me and as long as it takes me to do it(now that I am transitioning), I would probably be willing to do my hair all over again tomorrow if I can find something that's available at Sally's (and not have to wait to mail order it)
So sorry to hear of your excessive shedding... I don't know if the garlic takes care of all shedding... Like you said if it is thyroid... You may need to get your medication adjusted again...

The garlic/EVOO does curb it down, if not stop it for most ladies... It took a couple times for me...
Sorry I was not , much help, but If you have some garlic cloves and EVOO you could heat it up a little then apply it to your hair and go under the dryer for 20 minutes..It might help, but I don't know of anything that will stop it in it's tracks...

Hopefully some of the pro's will help you:yep:
If the issue is internal/medical- no topical application will be able to get to the root of the problem.especially if its hormonal like your thyroid
I agree you need to go get your meds adjusted.
Thanks so much LadyZ and nappity4b.
For a minute I was beginning to think that none of the ladies on the board suffered from shedding at all, or shall I say, maybe they have never heard of or used a garlic treatment for shedding.

That was the answer I was afraid of - that since it's internal there wouldn't be much to stop it in its tracks. I will be going to the doctor this week, but I will try the garlic cloves and EVOO.

How exactly should I do it? Steep the garlic in a little water to get the juice or something and THEN mix with EVOO or what?

Thanks again.

Thanks so much LadyZ and nappity4b.
For a minute I was beginning to think that none of the ladies on the board suffered from shedding at all, or shall I say, maybe they have never heard of or used a garlic treatment for shedding.

That was the answer I was afraid of - that since it's internal there wouldn't be much to stop it in its tracks. I will be going to the doctor this week, but I will try the garlic cloves and EVOO.

How exactly should I do it? Steep the garlic in a little water to get the juice or something and THEN mix with EVOO or what?

Thanks again.


Try crushing up some garlic cloves in a pot, pouring some EVOO into the pot and let is heat gently for an hour or so. Strain the mix and then use it.
I hope this gets resolved for you soon. Get to the doc as soon as you can :)_