DIY'er goes back to the salon


New Member
I have been a DIY'er for at least 6 months now. I haven't had a trim in a while, so I figured I'd go to the salon and get it trimmed and treat myself to a blowout. All week, I was contemplating backing out and just doing my hair myself. So with butterflies in my stomach, Friday morning, I drove to the salon. As I was driving, I kept thinking that I should should go to my regular salon. Instead I went to a salon my friends frequent. I've been before had a great experience, so I figured I'd go back.

The shampoo girl proceeds to wash my hair, which was tangled from wearing a bun for 2 days. As she's combing the conditioner thru, I can hear the raking, but because I didn't detangle before hand, I didn't trip...she seemed to be handling it okay. But then came the rollerset. She didn't even put anything on my hair to do the rollerset! She just begain to rake thru my hair with this small comb and roll it up. In the end, I did see the hair in the wasn't a ridiculous amount, but it was still a lot more than I'm used to. Then she gave me some quick, wack rollersetting job...I think I had 6 rollers in my hair. :lachen: Okay,maybe 10.

Once my hair was dry, they asked who I was waiting for, and I said the owner, who was doing a relaxer at the time. The owner motioned for me to go to this other girl. I thought she was just taking my rollers out, but then she started taking her jacket off. This girl has done my hair before, so I didn't trip because the end result was great. Next thing I neck is on fire. So I asked her to cut the dryer down, and she said okay, but because my hair is natural it has to be hot. Natural??? :perplexed I'm only 11 weeks post! So she proceeds with blowfryer, and I pull away (again) and tell her to cut it down. She says okay, but is still looking at me. So I said "I don't see you cutting it down".

She says something to the girl in front of me, in Spanish, and she tells me it has to be hot cuz my hair is natural. I was like no I'm not, and I've had my hair blown out enough times to know that it doesn't have to be this hot. So she tells me to wait for the owner. As I sat there, I decided it wasn't even worth it to waste anymore of my time with them, so I got up and went to pay. They tried to charge me $50. I was like I don't think so. I paid for what they did, and was out.

So as I'm cursing this whole situation, on my way home, I feel the back of my hair and my neck is stinging, but my hair is STRAIGHT. She put some kind of cream on my hair before using the dryer. So when I got home, I looked under my sink, and I had some Garnier Fructis Sleek & Shine Anti Humidity Smoothing Milk and Aveda Anti-Humectant pomade. Not to be outdone, I mixed some and put it on my hair and blew my roots out.
My hair isn't BONE STRAIGHT, but it's close and it hasn't reverted yet. My neck is still itching.

I don't think I'll be able to go to a salon again for a LONG time.
Awww. I'm sorry that happened to you. I've never had a dominican blow out but I'm looking forward to it this summer. What salon was it (so I know not to go there)?
Awww. I'm sorry that happened to you. I've never had a dominican blow out but I'm looking forward to it this summer. What salon was it (so I know not to go there)?

It was Claudia's in Silver Spring. I wouldn't say don't go there, because I've never experienced this there before, but just be aware. Stick to your guns...if you want the owner, wait until she's done. I'm kind of upset I didn't speak up sooner, but I'm just glad I didn't endure the horrific heat and pay for a terrible service.
It was Claudia's in Silver Spring. I wouldn't say don't go there, because I've never experienced this there before, but just be aware. Stick to your guns...if you want the owner, wait until she's done. I'm kind of upset I didn't speak up sooner, but I'm just glad I didn't endure the horrific heat and pay for a terrible service.

Yeah, I understand. BTW, you're hair is GORGEOUS!
Sorry this happened to you...your hair is still beautiful...

-daephae, if/when you get a dominican blow out, will you post pics?...I really want to see how it turns out with hair our length because I've only seen this done with longer hair.
You're 11 weeks post and she thought you were natural? :rofl: Dang girl, is your newgrowth like that? :lachen:
I'm in Long Island and was ready to go to MD and beat 'em down for ya!:whip: Your hair is gorgeous! One bad salon visit can ruin a lot of progress.:sad:
okay thanks for scaring the:evilbanana::gotroasted: out of me!:lachen:I have been talking myself to the salon for a relaxer. To bad salon visits lead me to this site in the first place. I have not been sucessful doing it myself. Now I have to start the brainwashing over again
okay thanks for scaring the:evilbanana::gotroasted: out of me!:lachen:I have been talking myself to the salon for a relaxer. To bad salon visits lead me to this site in the first place. I have not been sucessful doing it myself. Now I have to start the brainwashing over again

:lachen: Don't be scurred. Just pay close attention to what they are doing and you should be okay.
I don't appreciate the way they treat 100% Natural hair at Claudia's. She had me so HEATED, I walked out and went across the street to Pearla's.
