DIY relaxed here please


Beauty IS skin deep.
For those of you who self-relax, how do you style your hair? Do you rollerset immediately after or do you blow dry and flat iron? Back when I used to self-relax, I would let my hair airdry overnight and flat iron the next day. But since I've been contemplating on getting a relaxer again, I'm just wondering how you all style your hair afterwards.
I just learned how to rollerset, so I immediately rollerset after I self-relax. This has only happened once and the results were pretty good. Although, I believe no matter what style you do after a relaxer always comes out nice, because the hair is so manipulative at that immediate state.

I have sought out rollersetting twice in a 7 day period, and I hope to wreep the benefits of it soon.
after i self relax, i'll blow dry my hair on low (and i do small sections, so i'm not ripping through my hair or anything), and dry-set my hair on flexi-rods, using a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner. if i feel like sitting under the dryer, i'll do that for 20 minutes; else, i'll leave the rollers in for about an hour, take them out, and i have bouncy, fluffy curls.

here's how i set my flexi rods in:

if I keep relaxing :spinning:...I've decided that the first week I'm just gonna bun it b/c I wanna do reneutralizing, DCing, clarifying/protein treatments to make sure my hair has recovered from the relaxing process.

Then that next week I will rollerset (as always). I might try that flexi rod rollerset thing sometime over the next month, that looks like a good idea.
after i self relax, i'll blow dry my hair on low (and i do small sections, so i'm not ripping through my hair or anything), and dry-set my hair on flexi-rods, using a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner. if i feel like sitting under the dryer, i'll do that for 20 minutes; else, i'll leave the rollers in for about an hour, take them out, and i have bouncy, fluffy curls.

here's how i set my flexi rods in:


Oooo!!! your rods look so neat!! if I done that there would be bits of hair sticking out all over the place!! lol :lachen:
after i self relax, i'll blow dry my hair on low (and i do small sections, so i'm not ripping through my hair or anything), and dry-set my hair on flexi-rods, using a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner. if i feel like sitting under the dryer, i'll do that for 20 minutes; else, i'll leave the rollers in for about an hour, take them out, and i have bouncy, fluffy curls.

here's how i set my flexi rods in:


That looks great.:yep:
Oh, I like that! I'm going to remember that when my hair is long enough to rollerset.

after i self relax, i'll blow dry my hair on low (and i do small sections, so i'm not ripping through my hair or anything), and dry-set my hair on flexi-rods, using a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner. if i feel like sitting under the dryer, i'll do that for 20 minutes; else, i'll leave the rollers in for about an hour, take them out, and i have bouncy, fluffy curls.

here's how i set my flexi rods in:

Pookie, the flexirods look great!! That's a neat idea. The reason I asked the question is because I'm a bit rollerset challenged, and I would love to get the benefits of a rollerset right after a relaxer, but am scared that it won't turn out right because I don't quite know how to do it yet.
It depends on my mood, sometimes I'm tired/lazy and throw my hair back in a bun or pin it back in a twist to airdry. If I'm semi-tired, I'll do a braid/twist out or cheat set and either airdry or dry under the dryer. If I'm in a good mood and the kids are sleep, I'll rollerset :yep:
after i self relax, i'll blow dry my hair on low (and i do small sections, so i'm not ripping through my hair or anything), and dry-set my hair on flexi-rods, using a tiny bit of leave-in conditioner. if i feel like sitting under the dryer, i'll do that for 20 minutes; else, i'll leave the rollers in for about an hour, take them out, and i have bouncy, fluffy curls.

here's how i set my flexi rods in:



Not sure if you are still a member here, but this flexi set is beautiful! I was searching google images for flexi rods and this is one of the pics that came up.:grin:
Girl by the time im done with the whole process:relax,neutralize,dc under dryer, i dont have the strength to do anything fancy.I blow dry,put it in a bun,keep it moving