DIY Greek Yogurt DC Review (Pic Heavy)

@HairPleezeGrow, thank you so much! If you decide to try it, let me know how you like it.

One of the great things about this treatment, is that you don't have to detangle prior to applying it. I LOVE :love2: that aspect of it, as the whole detangling process makes me a very sad person.:sad: :hair:
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Man. I got some Greek yogurt in my fridge just sitting there waiting to expire. I'll be trying this come my next DC day. Your curls look luscious, OP!
HairPleezeGrow, I followed up with Kimmaytube's Leave-in conditioner recipe:

2 Tbsp Kinky Kurly Knot Today (or your favorite leave-in conditioner)
2 Tbsp Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Juice
2 Tsp Jojoba oil
2 Tsp Castor oil

Mix together and keep in the refrigerator. I can usually get 2-3 applications out of it.

That's pretty much it. Short, sweet and simple.:grin:
Hi MsCoco, i'm good. Working on getting a new computer is all.

ETA: I chose to go back to the henna too. Love it! I may try this out when I get a chance, but acv and me don't get along too well. Still haven't tweaked the usage for me just right. Idk, it seemed to make my hair drier.
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We are kinda similar but my hair is super fine so it never looks full. Thanks for the leave-in i'll try it when bunning.
BlaqBella, I was having the same problem with the ACV, but I think the yogurt worked really well with it. Just make sure you purchase the whole fat or 2% greek yogurt.

Girl, I had to henna those greys away! Even though there weren't many, they were driving me coo coo bananas.:look:
I have been using
coconut milk (60%)
olive oil
coconut oil sometimes both for my deep treatments for the last 2 months :grin:

dont notice a smell with yoghurt however the honey probably takes out any smell
i use any yoghurt to be honest this week i think i got onken haircare doesnt need to be expensive :grin:
Wowers! It's like each and ever curl is defined...this is a must try! Thanks for sharing, OP!

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I tried this a few weeks ago with no real success. My mix was too runny.
I may try it again though since I now keep zero fat Greek yogurt in the house (great with oat bran and splenda)!
Embrya, I'm definitely going to have to try your version. Thanks for sharing!:grin:

kittenz, you can use whatever essential oil you have in your stash. I personally don't care for the Lavendar. The next time around, I'm going to try my peppermint EO.:yep:
Thanks for the awesome share on this one girl! :) I'll have to try this! Since I know you're in the crown and glory challenge too, detangling is a MUST!'s hard enough trying to explain when I use megatek (a horse product on my hair) but now it'll be even more funny when my fam sees me sitting around with yogurt in my hair :lol: