Divorcees & the Holidays


New Member
To the ladies who are divorced/have been divorced are the holidays hard for you? How do you deal?

I'm not officially divorced yet, but I'm going through one & although I know I made the right decision, I miss him. I almost called out his name today while I was cooking because I needed him to make a store run, only to remember we're not together anymore.:sad:

Our anniversary is/was December 2nd, then Christmas.... :cry3:
To the ladies who are divorced/have been divorced are the holidays hard for you? How do you deal?

I'm not officially divorced yet, but I'm going through one & although I know I made the right decision, I miss him. I almost called out his name today while I was cooking because I needed him to make a store run, only to remember we're not together anymore.:sad:

Our anniversary is/was December 2nd, then Christmas.... :cry3:

I understand totally.

Just remember that you did make the right decision and it will get better!

I just surrounded myself with my family. I seperated from my exhusband on 12\18\05. I think the 2nd holiday season of 2006 was harder than 2005.

In all honesty Valentine's Day has been the worst and I just started taking 2\14 off if it is a workday. Folks think I am getting it in, I just shake my head. I haven't worked on Valentine's day since 05.
It's always harder the first holiday. It doesn't disappear, but the nostalgia will fade with time and you will find new "things" (hopefully good) to fill that void.
No divorced, but ((((hugs)))). So sorry you're having a rough time. I pray each season will get better for you. In a little over a month it will all be over and you will have a brand new year to start fresh. My heart hurts for you.
i got divorced last yr right after the 4th. thanksgiving wasnt so bad, and christmas i spent with my family. this will be the first real christmas of me being alone as i am another country :(
Like Nina said, you know you made the right decision :yep:

Pamper yourself, be good to yourself, surround yourself with positive people or loved ones, or spend a little time alone if you need to. Be around those that support your decision and that are happy for you during the holiday!:yep:

I have no other advice, but here's a cyber hug :bighug: .
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I"ve been there before and I'm sorry you feel alone but you have friends and family to keep you busy. When you get those invites for the Christmas parties with co-worker, friends and family you'll be too busy and happy to think about it.
i got divorced last yr right after the 4th. thanksgiving wasnt so bad, and christmas i spent with my family. this will be the first real christmas of me being alone as i am another country :(

awwww, ((((hugs)))!! Hopefully some of the advice in this thread will work for you too. If you're like me, I just don't like being alone-- something I know I need to work on.

I just surrounded myself with my family. I seperated from my exhusband on 12\18\05. I think the 2nd holiday season of 2006 was harder than 2005.

In all honesty Valentine's Day has been the worst and I just started taking 2\14 off if it is a workday. Folks think I am getting it in, I just shake my head. I haven't worked on Valentine's day since 05.

Is it still hard after all these years??? **sigh* I'm sorry to hear that.

Like Nina said, you know you made the right decision :yep:

Pamper yourself, be good to yourself, surround yourself with positive people or loved ones, or spend a little time alone if you need to. Be around those that support your decision and that are happy for you during the holiday!:yep:

I have no other advice, but here's a cyber hug :bighug: . It's hard to give advice; because ending it felt differently for me than I "think" it does for you. I was so relieved, that when the judge was finished speaking, I laughed … looked at the judge and my lawyer and said with a HUGE smile , “ IT'S Finally OVER ?!?! “ I started celebrating about 2-3 weeks before that date though. I didn't see the point in waiting :lachen:

This is the first time in a long time that I Have looked forward to the Holiday. I actually have the Holiday Spirit this year. Heck, I even want to put a Christmas tree in my bedroom. I haven’t done that in years… I used to :giggle: :heart2:I am grateful because I am FREE:heart2: ! That alone is a wonderful holiday :holiday: present for me this year, anything else is icing on the cake :giggle:

It’s been good for my spirit getting out of that mess. For me there’s nothing to deal with (except his cyberstalking – LOSER). I just keep replacing the negative experiences with positive AND no contact with him … and call it a day! Foot messages and toe … help too :giggle: I had a nice one last week. :sekret::lick:

You are a trip! I was feeling like you, I was relieved when I signed the divorce papers and was looking forward to my day in court.:yep: I just started feeling kinda sad when the holidays hit. Good thing it's only once a year. I know it will pass, just gotta stay strong. I'm not gonna say it's easy though. I wonder if I'm slipping back into stupid because I miss him, it's strange to miss someone who hurt me so much. :ohwell:

and why is he cyber-stalking you? Didn't the divorce make him realize it was over?
I spent Thanksgiving with my family. I have a ticket to come back for Christmas, but I really just want to be alone. I also want to spend the New Years on the couch with Netflix and some bubbly.