Divorced & still wearing the Band?


Well-Known Member
Okay, Why would happily divorced man, continue to wear his wedding band?

  • And why under the following circumstances. Said man want's to openly date....but still want's to wear the band 'cause "
  1. It's a dettereant
  2. he does not want "some" folks to know his "buisness"
  • "I" let him know that I don't like the idea that "some" folks may think I'm carrying on with a "married" man. (I made it a point to and have seen the Divorce papers.....)
I'm open to responses from all sides of this debate! Help!
Divorce is public record. Court houses will give anyone that knows the husband and wife's legal name a copy of the divorce decree.

Personally i would think he was still married.

Edit since i read the whole first post.
I would think he is still attached to his wife
And than call me crazy but is he who he says he is. I mean folks can do some crazy things these days.
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Insecurity? I think I saw a show or read an article talking about men, especially men who arent in their 20s or early 30s, continuing to wear their wedding rings because they feel like people will judge them if they believe that they arent married. Interesting.
OT: My SO's ex wife still wears hers. He asked her why and she said it's embarrassing to walk around with a child and not have a wedding ring :ohwell:
Are there any other clues to say that he may still be attached to wifey or trying to get back with her? Like ya'll only hook up for lunch, or right after work, or while he is suppose to be working, or ya'll never date on the weekends, or he never answers the phone when you call but will always call you back, or he doesn't have his own place where you can come visit. Just throwing it out there. How long has he been divorced and are there any kids involved?
He's legally available:
I have seen the Divorce decree.
Yep teenagers are involved.
He's physically available:
We are both new to the city; and I'm positive that he lived alone before moving here.
I'm sure he's over the ex; long separation included
Emotionally available? I got questions on this one!
I'm not sure he's ready to move on....into a new relationship. We just broke up with SOs when we met; we weren't looking..but somehow found each other.
I don't think he's 100% emotionally avail.