Divorce Him


Well-Known Member
My gf who is married was talking to me about getting a divorce. She asked my opinion and I told her she should divorce. The reason I gave is because she is constantly cheating on her husband. When she's not, he's her boo. When she is, she finds 101 things wrong with him. I told her when you get to the point where you are talking to the man, while your husband is in the house on YOUR wedding anniversary and you say it's your mom...It is time to go!

There is this one guy who calls her when he wants to. He can go a year or two, with a girl and when they break up, he calls my friend. She goes running, and back to the lies and sneaking and meetings and sexcapades. Granted, her husband hasn't done a good job of keeping a job but it doesn't excuse her behavior. She has been with different guys throughout the marriage. This one particular guy mentioned earlier for years. She has 4 children and she doesn't consider them when she leaves to met the guy.

I know what God says about marriage and such but I would rather her get divorced, than to continue to do what she is doing. There will come a time soon, when the guy will drop her again and she'll go back to loving her husband. She doesn't even want to sleep in the bed with her husband when she's cheating. She stays so angry with him and she should be angry with herself. She's waiting to hear about this apartment and she says she's going to get up the courage to tell him this weekend.

I hope this is truly what she wants because , there are always callers when you are attached. Once you are available the pool dries up!
She's already went WAYYYYYY against what God says about marriage. One of the reasons allowed for divorce in the bible is adultery. She is an adultress.

Me personally, I would never tell someone yay or nay on this because they might resent you later for it.
I agree with MsDee4 - I would avoid advising her on such a serious issue bc it can always backfire. What I would advise her is to get some self esteem and self worth. Instead of talking about what the other guys may and may not be doing, I would try to get her to focus on how she is selling herself short and to figure out the internal issues that are clearly driving her to self destruct. :wallbash:
I have no input... just wanted to add that this a VERY unfortunate situation. Ouch.
Be careful with giving your opinion to your friend, like MsDee said, it could come back to bite you later...
I also agree with MsDee. I never say if a person should divorce or not.

But she does sound nasty.
Wow...I feel sorry for both of them. The husband for obvious reasons; and for your friend too. It sounds like she has some self-esteem issues going on and she's looking for self-worth and validation from another man. And maybe she's just truly unhappy with her husband and wants to get caught subconsciensly sp?). She's crying out for help; but she's going about it the wrong and dangerous way. I agree with the other ladies; be very careful on how you give out advice to her. Maybe suggest she seek guidance from a clergy person. I admire you for wanting to help her. Good luck!
Wow...I feel sorry for both of them. The husband for obvious reasons; and for your friend too. It sounds like she has some self-esteem issues going on and she's looking for self-worth and validation from another man. And maybe she's just truly unhappy with her husband and wants to get caught subconsciensly sp?). She's crying out for help; but she's going about it the wrong and dangerous way. I agree with the other ladies; be very careful on how you give out advice to her. Maybe suggest she seek guidance from a clergy person. I admire you for wanting to help her. Good luck!

I totally agree with every word in this post. :yep: I suspect that part of her wants to get caught; then again, she must really be afraid of it because she sneaks behind (well, I guess in front of, too) her husband's back. It saddens me that she has children and disregards her family and the sanctity of marriage for cheap thrills. If nothing else, I just hope that she at least respects her husband enough to stop this. And I also agree with the others - you are a wonderful person to be listening to her and offering some support even though you clearly disagree with her actions, but you probably shouldn't tell her if she should get a divorce or not. I also wish you good luck, too. This is a tricky situation.
I called my friend yesterday and apologized fot telling her to divorce. I told her I was just trying to get her to see that her actions are that of a single woman. If she has to screw around on her husband constantly, than she needs to let him go. She has no interest in counseling because she truly wants out. I can understand her choice because it is her choice. I know her husband would KILL her if she got caught! This is due to him forgiving her of somthing once before. He found some incriminating evidence concerning her.

It worries me that she continues to behave in this manner. IT saddens me because I love both her and her husband. I can't even look at him sometimes because I know what she does. They have been together since highschool. She had her first child at 16 and by prom she was on her second child. They had two shortly after that. She feels she has outgrown him, and I think she is acting out. She has yet to mess with a guy with any real intentions toward her. One guy had a live-in and a side piece that was pregnant and was with my friend. She gets so caught up in these guys, not realizing its just sex. I hope she thinks about her life. SHe has already caught a STD and was afraid she passed it on to her hubby. She got him to take medicine by explaining it was a yeast infection. IDK!