Divine Mercy Sunday and a promise fulfilled

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You started the personal attacks, dear, by ordering me to edit my post. I retort and you're crying wolf. Please don't start the fire if you can't take the heat. You can't expect to defecate in public and not have people turn up their noses.

A joyful post that you didn't agree with. If I had something good happen to me and you have no positive input, civility dictates that you just walk away from the thread as other ladies have stated but in your stubbornness you refuse to see reason.

Well, its so great to know I aided you and hopefully, you'll stop vilifying what you don't understand. This Catholic does not bow to bashing and does not bash other members of the body of Christ. I suggest you do the same henceforth!

EssentialGrowth said:
I would rather not be aware or intimate with your mind, especially after revealing yourself through these posts.

Thank you for opening up that invitation for me. I learned quite a few things today:yep:.
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LondonDiva said:
Why is everyone jumping on Poohbear? I know she never meant any harm, and I personally refer to my 'father' as dad. ITA with her my only father is the Lord. IMHO I think the reason she said not to be mean is because many times she's been 'cut down' on other sections of this board and misunderstood. I was actually going to post another topic regarding this actually, but it might get quite heated, plus I'm a lil tired about does anyone else find it offensive that in the media they keep referring to him as the holy father. I thought it was just me, but as I was chatting online with my friend in NYC last night she had to turn the TV off as she was mad they kept referring to him as that also. In the Bible I'm sure it says that you are to refer to no one else as Father other than the Lord himself. Where it states this I don't know.

Holy Father is just one of his titles. Just like your country's leader's title is Queen. Now when she's referred to in the media as Queen - should everyone else get upset becuase she's not our Queen?
High Five, Sister!

Laginappe said:
Holy Father is just one of his titles. Just like your country's leader's title is Queen. Now when she's referred to in the media as Queen - should everyone else get upset becuase she's not our Queen?
fine_beauty said:
So grateful to know that you don't have the powers you professed *** mopping sweat off brows***

Its so great to know I aided you and hopefully, you'll stop vilifying what you don't understand. This Catholic does not bow to bashing and does not bash other members of the body of Christ. I suggest you do the same henceforth!

I guess you didn't sense my sarcasm.

In like manner, this Christian does not bow to bashing , and does not believe she was "vilifying what she didn't understand".

Now really, I digress.
EssentialGrowth said:
I guess you didn't sense my sarcasm.

In like manner, this Christian does not bow to bashing , and does not believe she was "vilifying what she didn't understand".

Now really, I digress.

I sure didn't, Sister and it's all good in this house. Oh by the way, its good to know that statements like that were not meant to vilify. If those weren't I wonder what in your book stands up as vilification.

You stated that you don't bow to bashing but never stated that you don't bash. Is that an omission or are you consenting by being silent on that one?
EssentialGrowth said:
I guess you didn't sense my sarcasm.

In like manner, this Christian does not bow to bashing , and does not believe she was "vilifying what she didn't understand".

Now really, I digress.

I respond because my faith is important to me and I don't like it belittled. Anyway, in the light of our Lord's prayer that we be one, I'm offering you the olive branch for truce. EssentialGrowth, you're my sister in Christ. If it's important to our Lord, it's important to me.
God bless :wave:
Laginappe said:
Holy Father is just one of his titles. Just like your country's leader's title is Queen. Now when she's referred to in the media as Queen - should everyone else get upset becuase she's not our Queen?

No. Our country's leader is called Tony Blair. The Queen has hardly any power in this country as some might think (but that's a whole other thread in another board)

What does that have to do with anything, by you giving the Queen as an example? Forget analogies, talk about the 'Holy Father' in question. I personally do not like the fact that the Pope is referred to as the Holy Father as I believe that there is only one who should be referred to as such. I'm not going to be swayed because he was a very Holy man who lived a Christ like life. I'm entitled to have that view and opinion. Just as others feel that it's ok for him to be referred to as the Holy Father. What gets me a little ticked off is that there's an explanation as to why he's referred to as the Holy Father and we're just supposed to accept it because it's been explained. Sorry but no. Some agree and some don't. Simple as that.
LondonDiva said:
No. Our country's leader is called Tony Blair. The Queen has hardly any power in this country as some might think (but that's a whole other thread in another board)

What does that have to do with anything, by you giving the Queen as an example? Forget analogies, talk about the 'Holy Father' in question. I personally do not like the fact that the Pope is referred to as the Holy Father as I believe that there is only one who should be referred to as such. I'm not going to be swayed because he was a very Holy man who lived a Christ like life. I'm entitled to have that view and opinion. Just as others feel that it's ok for him to be referred to as the Holy Father. What gets me a little ticked off is that there's an explanation as to why he's referred to as the Holy Father and we're just supposed to accept it because it's been explained. Sorry but no. Some agree and some don't. Simple as that.

Ok. If it bothers you that a man that you don't know, of a faith that you don't follow, is referred to by a title that means nothing to you...then that's your issue. Tony Blair is your country's leader. Ok so he's referred to as Prime Minister then correct? Whenever he's discussed over here, his title is used. It's how he's addressed. I don't have a Prime Minister and frankly whenever the term is put to me, I think of Tony Blair but that's neither here nor there.

If it bother's you that much that the Pope is referred to as Holy Father, then by all means take action. Write letters to your news media. Make your outrage known. Change only comes via action.
SVT said:
And the purpose of your sarcasm is?

fine_beauty, SVT, and Tai... no I was not being sarcastic. I said "not trying to be mean or anything" so no one would take it offensive. I guess I used the wrong words. I was just making the point that God is my holy father and no man can be my holy father. That's all. ;)
LondonDiva said:
Why is everyone jumping on Poohbear? I know she never meant any harm, and I personally refer to my 'father' as dad. ITA with her my only father is the Lord. IMHO I think the reason she said not to be mean is because many times she's been 'cut down' on other sections of this board and misunderstood. I was actually going to post another topic regarding this actually, but it might get quite heated, plus I'm a lil tired about does anyone else find it offensive that in the media they keep referring to him as the holy father. I thought it was just me, but as I was chatting online with my friend in NYC last night she had to turn the TV off as she was mad they kept referring to him as that also. In the Bible I'm sure it says that you are to refer to no one else as Father other than the Lord himself. Where it states this I don't know.
Thanks LondonDiva! :kiss:
Nice said:
My thing is if you are not Catholic, why respond to the thread? Obviously Poohbear can't relate to what the people of the Catholic faith must be feeling right now. It wasn't a thread asking for opinions of who you consider to be your holy father. I just personally just don't see the point of a person adding their .02 that had nothing to do with the original post.

Nice said:
Well, I guess that I am just the type of person that skip over religious threads that don't apply to me :) . I am not Catholic and I was not offended by her post. I had nothing encouraging to add in this time of mourning so I just kept it moving :look: .

So... why did u post in this thread??? :confused:
blaxalrose said:
No one is censoring (yet) the right of people to disagree, I just think that the use of the term "father" by Catholics isn't the way that Poohbear and others take it mean, they aren't saying the Pope is God the Father, they are referring to the Pope with an affectionate term, much as you call your dad, dad or father, its a title of affection.
Oh okay! Thanks for your explanation! Now I understand what was meant when fine_beauty said "holy father" in reference to the Pope. I just see God as the only "Holy Father" because no man on this earth is holy and perfect. I associate holiness with perfection. ;)
EssentialGrowth said:
With fine_beauty starting off her post with "Hey everyone, I was initially saddened by the death of OUR holy father" she is addressing everyone as if we are all Catholics. We are not, and POOHBEAR rightfully took the stance to state who she believed to be her Father.
You hit it right on the nose!!! :up: This statement made by fine_beauty stuck out to me for some reason. That's why I posted what I posted. I wasn't being funny or sarcastic... just stating my belief...even though it was somewhat off subject.
I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, Poohbear!

A lot of Catholic bashing has taken place before today and today and your statement just seemed like one of them. If you go through the entire thread you'd notice that some did take your statement as an avenue to do 'the bash'.

My apologies again and do please, ask in the line of "Catholics here enlighten me on why x,y,z is done by Catholics". It would be easier to understand and less likely to cause rancor.


Poohbear said:
fine_beauty, SVT, and Tai... no I was not being sarcastic. I said "not trying to be mean or anything" so no one would take it offensive. I guess I used the wrong words. I was just making the point that God is my holy father and no man can be my holy father. That's all. ;)
Poohbear said:
So... why did u post in this thread??? :confused:

Because I feel that you should think about what you are saying and how it may come across to other people. These are very sensitive times. As a christian woman, I would think that you would be more sensitive to these things even if you don't agree.
fine_beauty said:
I'm sorry for misunderstanding you, Poohbear!

A lot of Catholic bashing has taken place before today and today and your statement just seemed like one of them. If you go through the entire thread you'd notice that some did take your statement as an avenue to do 'the bash'.

My apologies again and do please, ask in the line of "Catholics here enlighten me on why x,y,z is done by Catholics". It would be easier to understand and less likely to cause rancor.

Yeah, I saw the thread about Catholics not being Christians... I thought it was cruel and so untrue. If they studied history, Catholicism was the very first Christian denomination. I think it's okay to have disagreements about certain beliefs (since that's what's gonna happen anyway when you have different Christian denominations coming together). But that thread that Options created was terrible and insulting to Catholics. Don't take that thread out on all Non-Catholics. Thanks for understanding. Take care!!!! :)
Nice said:
Because I feel that you should think about what you are saying and how it may come across to other people. These are very sensitive times. As a christian woman, I would think that you would be more sensitive to these things even if you don't agree.
Like I said in an earlier post..."holy father" stuck out to me in fine_beauty's post... now I understand that her audience was Catholics... As a Christian woman, I stand for my God...And about what you said about watching how I come across to other people...Same for you and everyone else! :bah:
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