*>Diva Smooth<*-- >An Alternative to Relaxers?<

Vanessa, does it make any difference what kind of shampoo & conditioner is used following the Diva Smooth application?? I was going to PM you, but I decided to post here in case other ladies are curious, too.
Anyone else tried and like the diva smooth? I'm just curious about a product that can help me stretch longer. I mainly air dry, and rollerset, and do not flat iron. Would this be good for me too?
I've been in a bantu-twist out all week and must say this is must have for me. Got caught outside while raining &hot flashes:grin: but all it did was droop the curls. Normally I would be a puff with just the thought of rain.

There's a few peas in the kitchen but no where near what I would normally have. Here's a few pics to show the roots because you know that's where the truth is - alll around dem der roots


Just wanted to add that I used a mix of avocado, shea & almond butters on my hair every night becuase my hair is normally dry and didn't want to risk it, but it stayed smooth and silky. No problems yet ladies but then again it's a pre poo of wild honey, olive oil, sugar, cornstarch, lemon extract, vinegar, vitamin e, and essential oils. Unless you're allergic to honey I can't see a problem. Will try a roller set this weekend - to cold to go outside - I'll keep you posted.
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ok.. Im probably going to buy this.....

I want to transition to natural and this product just may be the thing to help.
Since im only 4 weeks post relaxer its too soon to tell if the product is truly working, but in about a month, I will let all y'all know if this product will smooth down my 4a brillo hair.

Did I say brillo? My hair is soo much like brillo, my mamma permed by hair at 9years old, and there was no turning back. Can you say super relaxer? I did, for decades.

I do like my curl pattern though, its just very coarse.

so... in about a month i will let y'all know if this is the real deal
This is no different than MIZANI THERMASMOOTH!! It is a Silicon -based product that coats your hair then you flat iron.

I don't know what's in Mizani Thermasmooth, but this isn't silicon-based. It's completely natural, kind of like a honey/ molasses pre-poo mix. I used it tonight and the results were awesome! I took pics & I will be posting my review tomorrow.
This is Definately NOT Mizani thermasmooth.....:ohwell:
Did you read the ingredient listing?

Ooh So I'm guessing Mizani Thermasmooth is bad stuff?? I bought that for $40...ouch....sad thing is, since I bought it ,I've used it like 4 times. It's virtually 99% full. You know what? I want my money back. :sad: I might need to sell that if it's no good.:ohwell:
I had a dear freind lose her hair at 13 behind Rio.
It turned Green, then it Fell out.
Bald patches, everything.


When I was reading the title I immediately thought about Rio. I remember the informercial RIO RIO RIO! With the man eating that stuff taking about if he can eat it, it must be good. Shortly after that so many people lost their hair behind that. My mom was gonna order that for me, so glad she didn't.

But I remember seeing that product, but I don't pay too much mind to the ads.
When I was reading the title I immediately thought about Rio. I remember the informercial RIO RIO RIO! With the man eating that stuff taking about if he can eat it, it must be good. Shortly after that so many people lost their hair behind that. My mom was gonna order that for me, so glad she didn't.

But I remember seeing that product, but I don't pay too much mind to the ads.

I think sometimes that is the issue. Some folks may not be old enough to remember those days.

I do!!! I thank GOD my mom did not buy that for me....
This is probably the most looked at thread on LHCF- over 50,000 views! Wow! lol. I wonder what progress the ladies have hads with the Diva Smooth. :)
I'm bumping this thread. I read several pages in and all I want are the ingredients. Anyone have an ingredient list?
I'm bumping this thread. I read several pages in and all I want are the ingredients. Anyone have an ingredient list?

i was just looking this up this past friday so that i could make my own. i really wanted to help a sista out but my funds definitely aren't available. its in one of the threads that comes up if you search for "diva smooth". sorry I'm too lazy to find the thread and paste.
A client of mine and her mom use this and they love it! i was thinking of trying some out to see for myself. I don't need an alternative to a relaxer but I'm curious to what would happen to my curl pattern.

I read the first 28 pages and thought... WTF!
I tried this product during the summer. Natural for two years, 3c/4a/4b hair type. It's the feels and smells like honey and molasses. I checked out the ingredients before I purchased. All natural, see link: http://www.janellebeauty.com/shop/shopcontent.asp?type=ingredient_listing

Don't really see a difference when I blow-dryed the first or second time, but it's something you have to use regularily. Unfortunately, I don't like to put heat on my hair. I used the balance of it to deep condition my hair bi-weekly until all gone, work great.

Hope this helps.
I've got some unopened boxes to sell if anyone wants to try it. I dont remember if I posted on the exchange board yet.

I decided not to use it because I want to use henna instead.

uhhh for that matter I have some henna for sale to. Dont for get the BKT.

I guess I switch products a lot as I'm on WEN right now. :yep: