*>Diva Smooth<*-- >An Alternative to Relaxers?<

Wow...maybe I'm just tired but some of these posts are a bit much for me.

She was kind enough to come on here to talk about her product, then she gets criticized for sharing her life story, how she said what she said, her spelling mistakes, her business sense (and whatever else) then gets told to come back after she gets herself together. I don't know why she couldn't have been pm'd about some of these concerns.

So what if she has spelling mistakes? If we take her life history at face value, her starting her own company as a mother whose been through all that is a marvelous accomplishment in and of itself. Sure its not good business to have your self represented on a board like that for the first time, but she obviously didn't even know about LHCF and even how to post. I am sure she would have reconsidered if she knew the scope of this board. Of course it may lower her credibility for some, but why underscore that (among other things) for the whole world to see when as was said, this site will probably pop up when people google it. Again, if the concern is really to help her promote herself better, it would have been wiser and more tactful to send her a pm.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can ultimately post whatever they want. In my opinion, the line between being helpful and condescending was crossed too many times.

- Goodnight.

Well said Africa, the responses have been very rude, and unnecessary. She actually came to the forum to clarify a few things about the product.
Highly dissappointed with people's response from this forum.
I am actually proud of her as she did not all these nonsense get to her and the business.
Girl that was an excellent review complete with PICTURES!!! Perfect!! You rock You get a LHCF A+++ :thumbsup:

Thank you for posting and I am so glad you found something that is working for your hair to help you through your transition :reddancer:

That's what these boards are suppose to be all about. One sister helping another. My head was nappy and in dire need of help and so was someone eles's so we both learned as I went through the process. I found a keeper and got some great ideas from you ladies - so it's all good.

I think I will try a roller set too :lachen:Have to find the dang rollers first. It's been many moons since I roller set.
I'll try to remember to take some pictures next saturday after a week of exercising. :) That's the real test for me - reverting quickly back to a hot mess LOLOL
LHCF will make a sista' renig on a new year's resolution in a minute!!! I said I wasn't going to buy anything else but this might be the thing that's gonna save my hair during my transition! Where's my purse!?!?:lachen:
hahahahahahaha i just know it is the best thing since sliced bread. Thanks, Diva
Have you sold out of the product? That's really good if you did, the word must be getting out there about the Diva Smooth.
it is very hard to keep it stocked ( yes ) but thats a good thing...ya know...it is all over the country, people are really buying it up...thank god...
Have you sold out of the product? That's really good if you did, the word must be getting out there about the Diva Smooth.
When ever the Company ( JanelleBeauty ) ask for more, i just get it together and send it out to them....so if you ever place an order, they will let me know if they are in need of more Divasmooth....thanks Diva
Thanks so much, Vanessa. You are a classy lady! Walk in your glory with all of God's blessings abounding in your life. You have been victorious by overcoming so much and coming out on top... I read this entire thread and I knew you would win in the end because your heart is in the right place!!!!
I will be placing my order today! Love you much and I will be praying for your success!
Thanks so much, Vanessa. You are a classy lady! Walk in your glory with all of God's blessings abounding in your life. You have been victorious by overcoming so much and coming out on top... I read this entire thread and I knew you would win in the end because your heart is in the right place!!!!
I will be placing my order today! Love you much and I will be praying for your success!
Thank You so very much...sometimes we need to go through the fire to come out gold...have a very blessed day girl....
We were both thinking the same thing.
Thank You so very much...sometimes we need to go through the fire to come out gold...have a very blessed day girl....

but in most cases ( thats life )....be blessed DIVA
Thanks so much, Vanessa. You are a classy lady! Walk in your glory with all of God's blessings abounding in your life. You have been victorious by overcoming so much and coming out on top... I read this entire thread and I knew you would win in the end because your heart is in the right place!!!!
I will be placing my order today! Love you much and I will be praying for your success!
day by day and yes strain by strain we will both get there, girl heck i'm in this hair fight as well hahahahahah
ok ladies, i'm off to the Divasmooth Factory,,, i will talk to you all at a later date...happy new year if it is not to late to say that lol.....always reading, DIVA
I read this entire thread last night. :thud: I'm glad everything worked out. I may consider ordering this later.
LHCF will make a sista' renig on a new year's resolution in a minute!!! I said I wasn't going to buy anything else but this might be the thing that's gonna save my hair during my transition! Where's my purse!?!?:lachen:

LOL! I was thinking the same thing too...hopefully there will be more sucess stories by pay day. I love hearing good news! It just makes me wanna buy it more and more. vanessa is truly a remarkeable person becsue she has endured and overcome so much. The Lord has his hand in that! Amen! Keep the reviews coming.
apparently it turned out fine and people liked the product. i wish there was a text version to the pages b/c 48 pages...no thanks!
:look: Okay, how about a shout-out to a Sista who hipped y'all to this product in the first place? Hmmmm? :look:
Hello everybody !!!!!!! Diva here. I just received a magazine in the mail today called BEAUTY STORE BUSINESS..DEC.2007 ISSUE. yall shouls check it out...this magazine goes all over the place...they talk about the Divasmooth in it on page 84....WOW LOOK AT GOD.....YOU CAN ALSO GO TO WWW.BEAUTYSTORBUSINESS.COM.. LOOOOOOOOK AT MY GOD.......AMEN. DIVA