Discovered my passion for hair on LHCF!


New Member
Ladies...have joining LHCF made you realize your passion for hair? NOt just your hair, but everyone else's hair? I mean when I see someone with some tore up hair, I seem to always want to help them. Do you feel the same way? It's gotten to the point that i'm considering going to Cometology School.

Has anyone taken any online courses for Cosmetology. I'm thinking it would be the best route for me since I have a little one of 4 months. I was looking into Empire Beauty School but they have a part -time program that takes 2 yrs. and it's from 5-9pm. Too much time away from home considering that I alresdy work full- time.

Any suggestions anyone?
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It's funny you mentioned this because I was just at my daughter's band concert the other day and all I could do was sit and look at everyone's hair. I thought to myself oh her wig is cute, and if they don't take them extensions out that little girl's heeeeaaad, and man girl your natural is bangin' hope my curls will pop like that when I am finally natural, and ohhhhh she needs some moisture soooo bad!! It was so bad. I couldn't even concentrate on the concert! It was funny on our way out there was an extension laying on the floor. I just shook my head. :lachen: Since finding LHCF I have been so into hair. I love hair!!!
LOL...that's soo funny..that's how I am everywhere I go. It's ridiculous! and don't start a convo. with me about hair...because I can go on for hours. I have to catch myself sometimes, because I'm afraid that people will think i'm crazy or too obsessed or something. But I love hair though.. it's my hobby!
I have always had a passion for hair so I cannot say that my passion is newly discovered, but I can definately see where you are coming from. Congrats on wanting to start a new career path, for sone reason people think that being a Cosmetologist is easy and it's NOT, especially right out of hair school, because the majority of salons are looking for people with clientele already established or want you to rent and if you don't have a decent client base then you will fall behind in rent... I can say that if I were sitting in a chair and found out that you were licensed online then I would feel a bit uneasy. For the simple fact that it's not just bookwork, it's hands on, technical work and I'm confused as to how that would work. To me, that's like finding out a dentist got his license to practice and drill and clean online, how exactly did he get the hands on practice? If it's something you really want to to and you have no way of working child care around the full or part-time schedule, then do what you feel is right for YOU, thats just MY opinion. I hope it all works out for you!!! :-)
@ He Blessed My Tresses

I know exactly what you mean..thanx for being so honest...yea i'm gonna see what I can do. I might start off doing the basic wash and set and flat iron at home. Ill start of with family members and see how i like it. If I decide that this is what I really want to do then ill make a sacrifice. Maybe cut my work hours to part time. we'll see...
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lamorenita02907 If you really feel that strongly about your passion for hair/haircare I say you should go for it. I think the reason that so many of us are anti-hair salon people is due to the fact that so many stylists don't truly have a passion for what they do. I say go for it!!! Pray on it and I am sure you will make the best decision for your and your family.

And yes, I check out hair literally everywhere I go. I can't help it.
I was just talking about this the other day! I would love to just help people out with their of charge...that's how you know I'm passionate about it1 Lol bc I'm also passinate about my money,but I dont even care about that when it comes to this. I love making my own products, talking about hair, being in hair stores, this board, etc lol
I have always had a passion for hair so I cannot say that my passion is newly discovered, but I can definately see where you are coming from. Congrats on wanting to start a new career path, for sone reason people think that being a Cosmetologist is easy and it's NOT, especially right out of hair school, because the majority of salons are looking for people with clientele already established or want you to rent and if you don't have a decent client base then you will fall behind in rent... I can say that if I were sitting in a chair and found out that you were licensed online then I would feel a bit uneasy. For the simple fact that it's not just bookwork, it's hands on, technical work and I'm confused as to how that would work. To me, that's like finding out a dentist got his license to practice and drill and clean online, how exactly did he get the hands on practice? If it's something you really want to to and you have no way of working child care around the full or part-time schedule, then do what you feel is right for YOU, thats just MY opinion. I hope it all works out for you!!! :-)

That's not likely tho unless someone chooses to disclose that info. Truthfully, how do we know how any of the stylists got their qualifications. Shoot, do we even check qualifications on most people servicing us? I don't. I'm looking to see previous work or the recommendations of others that have personally been serviced by the one recommended.

lamorenita02907 I support you, (as HE_Blesses_MY_Tresses did) and say, start from wherever you are and do whatever you can do to move in the direction of whatever it is you want to do. The practical experience will come with...uh, experience and over time. I'm sure there are ladies on this board that are able to do hair. And I know there are a lot of stylists that have no qualification standards at all and are throwing down on hair er'day. Start walking. The path will present itself. Best wishes!

Oh, and to answer your question, yes. I am all up in everybody's hair...little do they know. Difference is, when I see a busted head, I'm thinking to myself "dang. that's a busted head". In no way am I compelled to want to help them or offer information. Mainly because I found info because I sought it. Offering unsolicited information to a black woman with a busted head is asking for drama. And I don't have the time. Now, if you ask me, I'll happily share everything I know. Now, if the hair is fabulous in ANY way, I'm SURE to let her know. There's nothing better than passing along compliments and making people feel good. And, oh how I LOVE seeing healthy hair. :infatuated:
@ NJOY thanks so much for your feedback and support. I was thinking the same thing. I never ask a hair dresser where they went to school or what their qualifications are. And some people probably don't have any qualifications at all. What's most important is that they do a really good job on my hair...Make me feel puuurty... Recommendations and word of mouth is what builds your clientle. soo I will see how I can pursue my goal. Thanx sooo much!
No not anymore.

Recently my mum's co-worker asked her for advice on her hair so she asked me to write up something for the lady. MY GOODNESS, this woman is twisting everything I typed up and printed into knots. By the way, I'm very meticulous about writing anything formal so I tried my hardest to be specific and to help this lady since I know what her hair looks like. She's taking everything I wrote in plan English and turning it into Pig Latin.

I'll still help someone if they ask and give them general information on what they should do and not necessarily what I do but having an urge to reach out to randoms and give them the golden ticket to get on platform nine and three quarters heading to LHCF when they're not going to seize the day on haircare 101 — no thanks. :look:
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I have no desire to say anything to anyone about haircare unless they ask me directly. Like Njoy said, I sought the info out. If they don't seek it out, they aren't that interested in hearing it from you. And yeah, LHCF has made me very aware of hair in general. I notice everyone's hair now. Everyone.
That's not likely tho unless someone chooses to disclose that info. Truthfully, how do we know how any of the stylists got their qualifications. Shoot, do we even check qualifications on most people servicing us? I don't. I'm looking to see previous work or the recommendations of others that have personally been serviced by the one recommended.

@lamorenita02907 I support you, (as HE_Blesses_MY_Tresses did) and say, start from wherever you are and do whatever you can do to move in the direction of whatever it is you want to do. The practical experience will come with...uh, experience and over time. I'm sure there are ladies on this board that are able to do hair. And I know there are a lot of stylists that have no qualification standards at all and are throwing down on hair er'day. Start walking. The path will present itself. Best wishes!

Oh, and to answer your question, yes. I am all up in everybody's hair...little do they know. Difference is, when I see a busted head, I'm thinking to myself "dang. that's a busted head". In no way am I compelled to want to help them or offer information. Mainly because I found info because I sought it. Offering unsolicited information to a black woman with a busted head is asking for drama. And I don't have the time. Now, if you ask me, I'll happily share everything I know. Now, if the hair is fabulous in ANY way, I'm SURE to let her know. There's nothing better than passing along compliments and making people feel good. And, oh how I LOVE seeing healthy hair. :infatuated:

NJoy I agree about the path presenting itself...I am up in their heads too! But I try to find a way to offer my services. I try to "read" peoples energy and see wether or not Im going to get the "oh no this high yell b***h didnt" with the neck roll and finger snap action but I approach in a humble manner and 9 times out of 10 I get great results. I LOVE seeing healthy hair too but for some odd reason, its like spotting Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster in this area...:lachen:
Maybe its a nosy Rochester, NY thing but everywhere I go, people are asking "where did you go to school?", It could also be that I am constantly talking about things and methods that are foreign to them so they are curious as to where I got the "super secret info" lol Also, you have to put your education on your resume when you appply for jobs and a snooty employer with the inability to think outside the box or even someone who is old school and not aware of online Cosmetology schools may feel it is not as credible as actually attending the school. And when I say a client may feel a little uneasy when they find out, I dont mean to imply that every client questions where and how you got your license before they sit in your chair because of course that is not the case, but a lot of the time, it does come up in conversation, especially with new clientele, which she will have as a new Cosmetologist. People want to get to know you and they make small talk, I mean they are in your chair for a while and if you do a good job they are going to come back so they want to build a "relationship". It may not come up with every client and every client may not feel the same way about it, some may feel the exact opposite of others and she could educate people and even inspire some to take online Cosmetology courses but lets be real, some people are just going to be biased when they hear that, and thats really more employer based, I think the way to circumvent that is to make sure you have a killer portfolio, and save so you can take any continuing education classes that you can. Go to trade shows when you are able and make sure you stay abreast of current trends and techniques. This way the employer will "overlook" the fact that you obtained your license online, if they happen to be biased towards it, and look at what you have to offer and your drive. When you start pricing the different techniques that you wish to learn, you will find them to be pricy but remember they are an investment and the return on that investment really cannot be measured. If the fire is you dont let anyone or anything put it out, you'll be fine. And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed. Kid, you'll move mountains! lol:lachen::lachen::lachen:Sorry, I just read Oh, the Places You'll Go! to my son and it seemed befitting.... :grin:
I've been passionate about hair since I was a little girl. I've always loved doing hair and I plan to attend cosmetology school soon (I'm researching schools for now). LHCF just made me passionate about *healthy* hair :yep:. I do pay a lot more attention to other people's hair now and it's health. Before, any hair past SL looked nice to me, regardless of whether it was thin and fried looking :nono:. Now I only pay attention to thick healthy hair, regardless of length. I also love talking about hair/giving haircare advice and going to the BSS :lol:.
@NJoy I agree about the path presenting itself...I am up in their heads too! But I try to find a way to offer my services. I try to "read" peoples energy and see wether or not Im going to get the "oh no this high yell b***h didnt" with the neck roll and finger snap action but I approach in a humble manner and 9 times out of 10 I get great results. I LOVE seeing healthy hair too but for some odd reason, its like spotting Big Foot or the Loch Ness Monster in this area...:lachen:
Maybe its a nosy Rochester, NY thing but everywhere I go, people are asking "where did you go to school?", It could also be that I am constantly talking about things and methods that are foreign to them so they are curious as to where I got the "super secret info" lol Also, you have to put your education on your resume when you appply for jobs and a snooty employer with the inability to think outside the box or even someone who is old school and not aware of online Cosmetology schools may feel it is not as credible as actually attending the school. And when I say a client may feel a little uneasy when they find out, I dont mean to imply that every client questions where and how you got your license before they sit in your chair because of course that is not the case, but a lot of the time, it does come up in conversation, especially with new clientele, which she will have as a new Cosmetologist. People want to get to know you and they make small talk, I mean they are in your chair for a while and if you do a good job they are going to come back so they want to build a "relationship". It may not come up with every client and every client may not feel the same way about it, some may feel the exact opposite of others and she could educate people and even inspire some to take online Cosmetology courses but lets be real, some people are just going to be biased when they hear that, and thats really more employer based, I think the way to circumvent that is to make sure you have a killer portfolio, and save so you can take any continuing education classes that you can. Go to trade shows when you are able and make sure you stay abreast of current trends and techniques. This way the employer will "overlook" the fact that you obtained your license online, if they happen to be biased towards it, and look at what you have to offer and your drive. When you start pricing the different techniques that you wish to learn, you will find them to be pricy but remember they are an investment and the return on that investment really cannot be measured. If the fire is you dont let anyone or anything put it out, you'll be fine. And will you succeed? Yes! You will indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed. Kid, you'll move mountains! lol:lachen::lachen::lachen:Sorry, I just read Oh, the Places You'll Go! to my son and it seemed befitting.... :grin:

:lachen::lachen: Oh how I love the late, great Dr. Suess! Thanks for that. :yep:
You have to be licensed by a state board and there's no way you can do that online. They certify that you've had so many book and practical hours so there's no way to prove it if your not physically there.

Yes, I'm in cosmo school right now because I love hair so much. Doing hair is a lot different than the things we talk about. Most aren't that interested in healthy hair, they just wanna look good. I throw out a few gems to people who I think are receptive though. I love it!

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
You have to be licensed by a state board and there's no way you can do that online. They certify that you've had so many book and practical hours so there's no way to prove it if your not physically there.

Yes, I'm in cosmo school right now because I love hair so much. Doing hair is a lot different than the things we talk about. Most aren't that interested in healthy hair, they just wanna look good. I throw out a few gems to people who I think are receptive though. I love it!

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF

There are some schools such as University of Phoenix ( I took some online courses) who can clock and calculate the hours you are logged on so that can cover the book hours and there is a natural hair/braiding school that does online courses and they require you be online via webcam at certain times so you can be face to face live with the instructor and you perform certain techniques and procedures while online with them and they can critique you and you can ask questions. Of course it's not as hands on but you get a certification, not a license. As far as her cosmetology course, maybe there is a state stipulation that allows this. She may have to physically go in for her 150hr , 300hr, 500hr, 900hr exam and so forth. It depends, and once she gets to the color and chemical portion, they might have it set up to where she has to have more practical time or web cam time . Empire beauty school is an established and well known beauty school so I'm sure if they offer it, they made sure that the license you receive online is as good as the license you receive when you attend. I would hope that the OP looked into all that.
There are some schools such as University of Phoenix ( I took some online courses) who can clock and calculate the hours you are logged on so that can cover the book hours and there is a natural hair/braiding school that does online courses and they require you be online via webcam at certain times so you can be face to face live with the instructor and you perform certain techniques and procedures while online with them and they can critique you and you can ask questions. Of course it's not as hands on but you get a certification, not a license. As far as her cosmetology course, maybe there is a state stipulation that allows this. She may have to physically go in for her 150hr , 300hr, 500hr, 900hr exam and so forth. It depends, and once she gets to the color and chemical portion, they might have it set up to where she has to have more practical time or web cam time . Empire beauty school is an established and well known beauty school so I'm sure if they offer it, they made sure that the license you receive online is as good as the license you receive when you attend. I would hope that the OP looked into all that.

Empire does not have an online cosmo course. A license and certification are two totally different things.

OP, I'm not going to try to sell you any dreams. I don't think there's a such thing as online cosmo school because just like any other state license, you have to have so many supervised practical hours. I really enjoy it and encourage you to go if you can find the time. Good luck to you.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF
Empire does not have an online cosmo course. A license and certification are two totally different things.

OP, I'm not going to try to sell you any dreams. I don't think there's a such thing as online cosmo school because just like any other state license, you have to have so many supervised practical hours. I really enjoy it and encourage you to go if you can find the time. Good luck to you.

Sent from TopNotch1010's iPhone using LHCF

I realize this otherwise I would not have made the distinction in my reply. I have already gone through Cosmetology and Esthetics school so I am well aware of how things work. Having said that, I am also aware that things are changinging and shifting and Empire may be catering to those shifting needs.

This was on the Empire website and this could be what she was referring to, but then again, there may be an all out online school, I was unable to find one, but I wasnt looking all that intently. I already expressed my concerns as far getting the hands on practice but if in fact this is legit and it works for HER and her household then more power to her. As I said before, I would just hope she does all the proper research as far as transferring her hours from state to state if she anticipates moving within the near future because just because her state accepts that license another state may not, and she would have to have been practicing hair for several years to be granfathered in, rules and regulations vary from state to state. I still feel that she will have a foot up on her classmates being an active member of LHCF on a HEALTHY hair care journey though. OP, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH!:yep: