Does cholesterol work for anyone?

I love love love QH - it's really thick, almost too thick to use alone, so great for adding into your mixes to thicken them up.

I mix mine with other cons, honey, oils - I just started using in a pre-poo DC treatment with Mirpur Aloe Vera Cholesterol and WGO.
Has anyone liked this for there hair I don't have any money to try different deep conditions and I haven't found any that work for my hair but I have a unlimited supply of this at my cosmetology school do I was thinking of trying it while I'm in my see in what do you all think?

I have this in my stash and it works very nicely on my hair. Once you apply it, you add a dab of water and get a really thick, smooshy cream going in your hair. It's another of those hidden, old school gems that is inexpensive but works amazingly.
i used to like lustrasilk's cholesterol before the forumla change. now i dont like either. i prefer hair mayonnaises.
My hair only likes the Queen Helene one. Hollywood and LeKair did nothing for them. I'm trying to get away from parabens, but this stuff works great.
I love Lekair Cholesterol. The Queen left residue on my hair, but go to youtube and check out shorty2sweet59 channel Queen Helene's is all that she uses and she has thick waist length hair.

I've adopted Shorty2sweet59's cholesterol conditioner mix and my hair has really done well with it! It's inexpensive and my hair has truly benefitted from using it. It's a staple and like American Express, I won't be without it!