

Active Member
Yet another set back. Don't know what to do but to cut.

Last year after leaving in Design Essential anti-itch shampoo in my hair for like half of the day I got severely burned all over my scalp. Like relaxer burns. After my scalp healed from those burns days later I started to experience severe shedding for months after that. I don't like thin hair so I put my hair in a low ponytail and cut off the ponytail. This was around May 2011. My hair eventually stopped shedding and it was striving. It was full and about shoulder length.
My hair is fine so I usually can't get past a 8 week relaxer stretch but I still managed to stretch for 9 weeks my past 2 relaxers.
Now since my last relaxer 5 weeks ago, I have been shedding like crazy. i have no idea why.
I tried the Aphogee 2 step protein treat followed by their balancing moisturizer. I have tried oiling my scalp with Castor oil or Castor oil mixed with coconut oil. I have tried soaking garlic in olive oil and putting in my scalp over night. I have upped my multi vitamin to 2 in instead of 1 a day. And I'm trying to stay consistent with msm. my biotin finish and i had not have the change to repurchase as yet.

My hair went from feeling moisturize before my last relaxer to feeling dry and weird. kinda like Brillo. And the shedding is relentless. I have also seen many hairs that are broken off in the middle. I don't see any split ends though.

I'm feel like cutting my hair again but i really don't want to. Can any of you help?
The solution for your issue lies in your SCALP health. Scalp BURNS are not easily healed. STOP relaxing. Your scalp will not heal by continuing to put LYE, or SODIUM HYDROXIDE anywhere near it.

You cannot cut the ENDS of your hair and expect your SCALP to to heal.
LADI - Is there a reason you left shampoo on your scalp for 1/2 a day?

I agree with Discod, you need to lay off the chemicals, maybe see a derm to check your scalp health. I know all hair is different, but I didn't think fine hair needed to be relaxed so often.

Try like the ladies said, wash with a neutralizing poo, do a mild protein for the breakage, and followup with a moisturizing DC. Monitor your scalp/hair, and you may need to see a derm if things don't get better.
MsAminta and VinDieselsWifey: My sister does my relaxers and she is pretty good at it. I relaxed with Hawaiian silky med and yes she had a hard time neutralizing because part of the lather was still remaining pink. I think because I started to burn before she was finished. Where I was burning she applied Vaseline. I think this may be why neutralizing was so difficult. She neutralized abt 5 times. Just the other day I asked her if she was sure she properly washed out that relaxer and she she yes, that the lather had turned white.

I will try neutralizing tonite
The solution for your issue lies in your SCALP health. Scalp BURNS are not easily healed. STOP relaxing. Your scalp will not heal by continuing to put LYE, or SODIUM HYDROXIDE anywhere near it.

You cannot cut the ENDS of your hair and expect your SCALP to to heal.

That incident happened last year feb or march. Since I'm 5 weeks post, I'm actually thinking about braiding my hair with extentions but I'm afraid od breakage on my relaxed hair.
@LADI - Is there a reason you left shampoo on your scalp for 1/2 a day?

I agree with Discod, you need to lay off the chemicals, maybe see a derm to check your scalp health. I know all hair is different, but I didn't think fine hair needed to be relaxed so often.

Try like the ladies said, wash with a neutralizing poo, do a mild protein for the breakage, and followup with a moisturizing DC. Monitor your scalp/hair, and you may need to see a derm if things don't get better.

Back then I had dry scalp and I found that if I put the shampoo on and go gym(abt 2 hrs) and wash out after the flakes would go away. That day I did not go gym but clean the house and then fell asleep with it in.

Actually now that i am thinking about it I never used that shampoo again until recently(before my last relaxer) I mixed it with CON shampoo and nizoral in an applicator bottle with water to wash my hair a few times to prevent dry scalp. Maybe this could have contributed?
i know this doesnt help now but i would NEVER leave shampoo in longer then it says to on the directions on the bottle. same goes for protein conditioners. as far as now maybe you could try roux porosity. it can help balance the ph of your hair iand scalp if it is a ph problem
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LADI - I think your scalp needs to heal. Maybe the shampoo is too much, and mixing shampoos that are medicated may be too harsh. You may also have sensitive scalp, and that is why you burn so easily, so medium relaxers may be too strong.

Not sure if braids would be good, if your scalp is not in good condition. The tension from the braids may cause more damage, or not allow your scalp to heal properly if put in too tight.

Not sure of your hair length, but may you can bun (of course not a tight bun) or box braid your own hair, and bun. Styles that don't require too much tension. Try laying off the itchy scalp poos. You may just have dry scalp, which may be relieved by relaxing less, using non-sulfate, low sulfate poos, or cleansing conditioners. May be moisturizing scalp spray to combat dry itchy scalp, natural oils/butters on your scalp.

Once you get your scalp issues under control, the breakage may lessen.
I agree with "Disco". The scalp needs to heal and depending of the depth of the burn it might be awhile before hair grows the same there.

From experience I received a bad relaxer and I was severely burned in the back right of my scalp-2006. My hair is thin in that area and sparse. It still grows, just very fine though. Even after the incident I couldn't even apply kiddie relaxers it hurt so bad. It took a year to fully heal.

Like the others mention, lay off chemicals for awhile.
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i know this doesnt help now but i would NEVER leave shampoo in longer then it says to on the directions on the bottle. same goes for protein conditioners. as far as now maybe you could try roux porosity. it can help balance the ph of your hair iand scalp if it is a ph problem

In total agreement with the above. Leave that shampoo alone from this point forward. Make use of Roux Porosity Control just in case you weren't totally neutralized (but honestly that was 5 weeks ago so I don't know if that's still an issue). Use it regularly to help retain moisture.

Question: did you go from lye to no-lye or vice versa? I was using lye for a long time and used no-lye last time. Now I have a lot of breakage I can't explain. Just a thought.

Also, what products are you using for daily maintenance? You should examine the ingredients of any and everything you put in your hair. Your protein/moisture balance could be all messed up. Too much protein causes my hair to snap off. So after I do an Aphogee 2 Step I leave ALL other protein products alone for a while. That includes coconut oil. Its not a protein but it has properties that help your hair retain protein.

Don't be discouraged, be vigilant. Keep a journal that is detailed like the previous poster suggested. I have one that goes back to 2008. I can look at what I used, how I used it, and exactly how may hair reacted afterward.

I use emu oil on my scalp for a week after every relaxer. A little goes a long way and it has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. That may help your scalp heal, help with the dandruff, and help keep it healthy.

I hope this helps. I've been discouraged too--heck, I still am! LoL! But I know its just a matter of time until we overcome our setbacks.
Just a thought, and I'm no expert because I'm still learning. I can attest to shedding being under control though....

I have thin hair naturally. Shedding makes my eyes bulge out, so I like to see just a few hair as opposed to a large amount.

What helps me....clarifying to remove residue and have a fresh start. Long deep conditioning with a moisturizing conditioner. Cowashing thereafter for a while - it softens new growth and makes detangling much easier (fewer strands pulled out). Leave the shampoo alone for a bit. Add tea or coffee rinsing to the regimen..it really works to minimize shedding. Maybe a garlic supplement daily? In my deep conditioning sessions, I add peppermint essential oil to awaken my scalp, follicles, etc. Plus, the tingling feels really good.

Like others have said, try low mani styles and very gentle handling of your hair. Baby it like never before. Maybe trim splits more often, rather than a sharp chopping off?

Once I began doing these things, I no longer had a problem with itchy, flaky scalp, and the shed hair is reduced to the point I could count them if I wanted to.

I'm sure you'll get more responses, but I hope this helps some.
One more thought...

Deep conditioning on dry hair. Apply conditioner as you would relaxer, on dry hair and in small sections. Coating the entire strand, use heat (or not). Then cowashing it out after at least 30 minutes. This softens my newgrowth to butter-like, and I lose even less hair because detangling is a breeze. I also found this to minimize shed hair, though I'm not sure why. Again, hope this helps.
One more thought...

Deep conditioning on dry hair. Apply conditioner as you would relaxer, on dry hair and in small sections. Coating the entire strand, use heat (or not). Then cowashing it out after at least 30 minutes. This softens my newgrowth to butter-like, and I lose even less hair because detangling is a breeze. I also found this to minimize shed hair, though I'm not sure why. Again, hope this helps.

Another great suggestion. I am actually doing that right now.
you said your hair is fine?if thats the case then maybe you should attempt going natural because from what ive seen a lot of people with fine hair cant really take relaxers like that
is this the first time youve ever had problems with a relaxer?

but yea i agree with what other people said,you should neutralize your hair again and when you DC sit under the dryer so it can really penetrate your hair.
After being improperly neutralized at the Salon, I know 1st had what major problems that can bring.:sad:

Now that I've taken my Hair-Care into my own hands, I always re-neutralize the 1st wash after my relaxer regardless. I also Clarify/Chelate.:yep:

I'm probably overly cautious after losing my hair due to over/double processing & poor neutralization, but this works for me.

OP: Going forth, I would incorporate this practice into your regimen as an extra added precaution.

Regular cowashing has completely eliminated 'itchy' scalp I was experiencing from Shampoo. Now I only use Shampoo to Neutralize/Clarify/Chelate.

Other times, when I feel I need extra/deep Cleansing, I'll use a Cleansing Conditioner instead.

When I was using shampoo (at the Salon) I always needed something from the Dermatologist to combat severe dry/itchy scalp.
try natural non sulfate shampoos from now on ad some HOTs with healing ooils like coconut and olive , and remember this to shall pass. hth
try hot oil steam treatments with grapeseed, almond, avocado oil. stay away from shampoos for awhile and use protein free conditioners for awhile. get some Vit E oil for your scalp and do scalp massages.

i am dealing with protein overload right now and i have fine hair. i can't really make it past 8 weeks either. but get your scalp in order first. i am trying to get into the salon soon. i have a friend who is great with getting your hair healthy.

protein and shampoo are the debil to me right now. it's all about moisture. i have my hair twisted. i am not going to do anything else until i can figure out what to do next.
I agree with everything above. If a product like your shampoo is giving your hair and scalp adverse reactions you need to throw it away, it'll only cause more harm. You need to tend to your scalp before relaxing and make sure it is fully healed. Resist the urge to pick at sores and scabs on your scalp and apply an antibacterial ointment to help the healing process. I'd also suggest applying tea tree oil mixed with a bit of EVOO to help calm, soothe, and moisturize the scalp. If you decide to relax after your sores heal, use a mild relaxer because medium or super sounds too strong for you at this point.

In the beginning of my journey what really improved my hair's condition was moisturizing overnight DCs and pre-pooing - more so moisturizing overnight DCs. It made my hair soft and easy to manage rather than being brittle. You need to make sure that your hair is coated in this stuff from root to tip and apply a plastic cap over your head to trap the natural body heat to aid with deep conditioning. Over time you should see an improvement and you won't have to do this as much. I liked mixing in EVOO into my overnight DCs because of its moisturizing properties, I'd also suggest avocado and grapeseed oil.

If you have broken pieces in the middle, I would suggest trimming especially since it's accompanied by dryness. Just because it doesn't LOOK like you have splits doesn't mean you don't, the splits don't have to be visible to the naked eye.

For your shedding you could use ACTUAL garlic pills and a garlic shampoo. I don't use either but I'm speaking from the observation of other people's experiences, especially those with postpartum shedding.

Side note: Water intake and vitamin supplementation improves the health of your hair by having it grow out with the proper moisture level and strength. Although after this, it's up to you to upkeep your hair and keep it as healthy as possible.

Overall on a healthy hair journey, setbacks and feeling discouraged are to be expected. I used to see people here with awesome updates and just sulk because they were WL and I was only APL. Patience is crucial, it's easy to just give up and that's when the reverse of what you've hoped for happens - zero progress. Try to learn from your mistakes, take and adjust advice given afterward to suit your needs and capabilities. I understand your frustration, I've been there but I try to think that it's rare for anyone's hair journey to be all butterflies and rainbows - it's a learning process and setbacks actually help you in the long run to appreciate your hair and to know what it doesn't like. If you're questioning something along your journey, you can always ask here if it's a good idea and we'll gladly answer. Hopefully this post helped you, good luck.
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In total agreement with the above. Leave that shampoo alone from this point forward. Make use of Roux Porosity Control just in case you weren't totally neutralized (but honestly that was 5 weeks ago so I don't know if that's still an issue). Use it regularly to help retain moisture.

Question: did you go from lye to no-lye or vice versa? I was using lye for a long time and used no-lye last time. Now I have a lot of breakage I can't explain. Just a thought.

Also, what products are you using for daily maintenance? You should examine the ingredients of any and everything you put in your hair. Your protein/moisture balance could be all messed up. Too much protein causes my hair to snap off. So after I do an Aphogee 2 Step I leave ALL other protein products alone for a while. That includes coconut oil. Its not a protein but it has properties that help your hair retain protein.

Don't be discouraged, be vigilant. Keep a journal that is detailed like the previous poster suggested. I have one that goes back to 2008. I can look at what I used, how I used it, and exactly how may hair reacted afterward.

I use emu oil on my scalp for a week after every relaxer. A little goes a long way and it has moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. That may help your scalp heal, help with the dandruff, and help keep it healthy.

I hope this helps. I've been discouraged too--heck, I still am! LoL! But I know its just a matter of time until we overcome our setbacks.

LaidBak, I use Hawaian Silky lye. I did a 2 step aphoghee to try to stop the shedding. I beleive this have my hair out of balance now.
My daily reg consists of spritzing my hair with infusium 23 (moistur)OLOGIE leave-in treatment, moistorize with care free curl instant moisturizer and seal with vatika oil.
I also vote clarify...u may hv product buildup.
Clarify...deep condition under a steamer...dont blowdry ur hair...protective style
Yesterday, I put tresemme conditioner mix with Castor oil on my dry hair, went to the gym. After abt 2 hrs I washed it out. Clarified with pantene clarifying shampoo(wanted to use a neutralizing shampoo but i forgot it over by my sis house since my last relaxer). After clarifying i used porosity control topped with a VO5 conditioner and rinse after about 5mins.

didn't want apply too many products after so I only seal my hair with some oil. Don't remember which one. let my hair airdry.

Last night i moisturized with care free instant moisturizer and seal with oil. this morning i found an old bottle of care free gold after many years and used that, didn't seal.
My suggestion would be to get some blood work done. I lot of time if we are lacking in certain vitamins our skin hair and nails will be the first indicators. A lack in iron case cause shedding and dry, brittle hair.

Or you could be protein sensitive. Check the products that you have to see if there is any protein in them.
nerdography said:
My suggestion would be to get some blood work done. I lot of time if we are lacking in certain vitamins our skin hair and nails will be the first indicators. A lack in iron case cause shedding and dry, brittle hair.

Or you could be protein sensitive. Check the products that you have to see if there is any protein in them.

You make a good point! Recent bloodwork I had done revealed that I was low on iron. Maybe that cexplains my hair loss issues.