Discouraged until I saw pics


New Member
I have been really discouraged with my hair growth here lately. I am at that point where my hair just doesn't hang right. So, I have continued cowashing every day and just hiding my hair. Well, my husband decided to take me to a really nice dinner with friends tonight and I wanted to look nice, so I flat ironed my hair. I was pleasantly suprised! I just wanted to share my excitement and show my new comparison pics.
Beautiful! Your hair looks so healthy and it's gaining a tremendous amount of length! I know how it feels to feel discouraged but then be pleasantly surprised otherwise!
Hey Private....every so often, give your hair a straighten just to see how long it is. African textured hair tends to have some element of reversion even when it's relaxed for any length of time, so the only way you know is when you have a new full relaxer or you have it newly straightened. That's always a REAL surprise and boost since our hair tends to "hide" length.

Looking good, keep up the good work.
Your hair looks pretty. It def. has grown.

Do you mind if I ask the time difference in between the pictures?
Congratulations! That's why I am a big proponent and advocate of taking progress photographs of your hair. That really is one of the best ways to see your hair, get information about your growth pattern and determine what needs to be tweaked and what is working.

And you are living proof! Your hair is falling and laying beautifully. That is one of the marks of well cared for hair! Great job. Great encouragement, too!