Discouraged - Need Encouragement


New Member
My Goal is to reach APL. I'm currently a little past SL. I relaxed today after a 20 week stretch, and it seems that I'm still at the same length as I was before the stretch. There was plenty of NG but it just seems as though there was no length gained. I thought I was doing all the right things such as wearing protective styles. I was just wondering is it harder to go from SL to APL? I'm starting to think was it all worth it. I have been a little past SL for a year now, but I didn't start doing the stretching method until mid year. I do see thickness much more than before when I was going to stylist. Maybe it's just me, and I need to have some patience. Any advice??????
How are you so sure that you are at the exact same length? Have you been taking progress shots? Sometimes you'd be amazed at how much it "seems" like your hair isn't growing but then the pictures show otherwise. And some people start to see thickness before they start seeing huge gains in length, so if you're already starting to see some changes in thickness then that's really great. It just means that when you do reach APL (and I certainly believe that if you keep up with healthy hair methods then you will certainly reach APL) it will be nice and thick and beautiful!

Keep it up, in my opinion it takes a few months to start seeing noticeable changes. As long as you're not getting breakage, and you are getting new growth, then rest assured your hair is growing. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll have some great progress shots to show for it! :eek:
I'm sorry that you are feeling discouraged. If you had new growth than thats proof that your hair has grown. Did you take pics of your hair before and after you started your stretch? If not start taking pics and you will see the difference in your hair as time goes by. My hair doesnt look like its grown so much at times but when I looks at earlier pics I can see my progress. Be encouraged and congrats on stretching that long that is a major accomplishment.
Thanks Ladies...No I haven't been taking any pics to track the progress. The would be my next step. I have to purchase the right camera. I have read some threads that going from SL to APL is the hardest, but once you reach APL it's much more easier to reach BSL. Is this true?
I know exactly what you mean! I always think that my hair is longer prior to a relaxer. As a matter of fact, people have asked me if I've gotten my hair cut after I've gotten a relaxed. It makes no sense to me.:confused:
During my stretch I got tons of shrinkage, so my hair appear much more shorter. Now that I relaxed (texlaxed) didn't leave it on long at all..It just seems the same as before. I may need to take in consideration that when I was going to the stylist; I was bone straight now I'm in the transition of being texlaxed (totally different results). I've been trying to grow my hair for over two years, and it just seems that I'm still at the place where I started.
hey you and i are in the same boat... i am texlaxed and just below sl, and coming off a 24 week stretch.... I am about to start another one :) It is a lot harder to see growth until you get it straight( maybe rolller set it to see) or just stretch it a little to see how far it has grown... I am horrfied to hear that going to APL is the hardest goal, but we must stay strong!!!! APl will be ours... Sorry that was off topic, but i think if you take some progress pics and not think about it everyday, you will see some growth :)
We are in the same boat. Your target date May 07 is what I have set for myself. I know I get at the normal growth of .5 per month. I realized today that it has grown from the bangs I have. They were above eyebrow and now they are right at bottom of nose. I think I'm going to track mine progress by the bangs. In addition, when I have oil in my hair; it looks so thin and stringy, but after a fresh wash it looks full. I think this one is in the genetics.....
I haven't read the other replies but the problem isn't growing your hair, in your case, it seems like retaining the length is the issue. If you have a lot of new growth, but still not at a longer length, this means your straight hair broke off. When I was transitioning, my relaxed hair eventually all broke off, without me having to cut it. That is why I dont encourage people to stretch their relaxers so long because the line of demarcation (the place on your strands where the relaxed hair and new growth meet) become VERY weak. Next time, you might not want to stretch as long and pay very close attention to your relaxed strands.
Don't give up. Although I know everyone says going from SL to APL is hard, remember to really hide your hair. It toke me like 6 months before my hair actually passed SL. But if you do not have considerable breakage and you can feel your new growth, then you have gained length.