Discouraged and really close to....


New Member
chopping it all OFF!! :sad:

I am about 4 wks post relaxer and already have NG! Either that or my relaxer didn't take. :wallbash: I have increased my exercise and vitamins so maybe growth is possible. :rolleyes: Not to mention the LEFT side of my head is nowhere near the condition or length of the RIGHT side! :nono: My right is fuller down to the ends but my left is choppy and not even. I am hoping since I am so new to taking care of my hair there are ways to combat this without shaving my head. :sad: And the back (toward the middle) is no less than 3 different lengths!!!! :wallbash:

I'm gonna try to attach pics. I'm on my BlackBerry so I don't know if it'll work. But if there is ANYONE with words of wisdom and encouragement I could really use some right now. I wanna cry!


Okay....can't upload this way will try another way.


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Hi. I know how you feel but cutting the damaged ends off, but it could be a good thing. If it's really as damaged as you say it is, I say cut it off. Your hair will look healthier and you can begin fresh. There are so many hot short relaxed hairstyles right now, so that if you do decide to cut it, it won't be the end of the world. I say cut it off and grow it all again. And if you really don't like short hair you can get a weave or put in braids.
Hi. I know how you feel but cutting the damaged ends off, but it could be a good thing. If it's really as damaged as you say it is, I say cut it off. Your hair will look healthier and you can begin fresh. There are so many hot short relaxed hairstyles right now, so that if you do decide to cut it, it won't be the end of the world. I say cut it off and grow it all again. And if you really don't like short hair you can get a weave or put in braids.

Thanks! I am thinking about going and getting a cute layered bod to totally even out the ends. I uploaded the pics.

Thanks for responding!
listen ok, IT AINT THAT BAD! Get a trim, do a DC and call it a day.

seems to me that, thats all you need, just to even things up. dont feel too bad becuase ive seen worse. at least yours is FIXABLE!! SO, go fix it and keep us posted. HHJ! peace and love, power to the people and all that jazz.

listen ok, IT AINT THAT BAD! Get a trim, do a DC and call it a day.

seems to me that, thats all you need, just to even things up. dont feel too bad becuase ive seen worse. at least yours is FIXABLE!! SO, go fix it and keep us posted. HHJ! peace and love, power to the people and all that jazz.


Thanks for responding!
Okay now that I've seen the pictures, it doesn't look bad, honestly. I thought you'd need a Halle Berry/Malinda Williams type of cut. But all you need is to cut a couple of inches off.
I am by far no expert, but it doesn't look bad to me. If you are uncomfortable with it why not start with good trim and assess things from there? Don't run out and cut it all off unless that is really what you want. You may regret it. My hair is almost two inches longer on the right than the left and is a totally different texture too.
I am by far no expert, but it doesn't look bad to me. If you are uncomfortable with it why not start with good trim and assess things from there? Don't run out and cut it all off unless that is really what you want. You may regret it. My hair is almost two inches longer on the right than the left and is a totally different texture too.

Omg! I am soooo glad I'm not the only one with lopsided hair. I thought something was wrong with my head! LOL!! I am going to go and get a really good trim and try to even it up this week and go from there. It just bugs me that the right side looks full and healthy and the left looks frizzy because of the ends. I wonder if I can just clean up the left and not really bother the right since it's nowhere near as bad.

Thanks for responding!
Pull it together OP!

I see nothing wrong with your hair. You're new and probably impatient.
Give it sometime and you'll be just fine. Perhaps you're just feeling a lil' anxious, impatient, frustrated and we ALL have gone through that her. Trust me, there are people far worse off. There are no miracles here so breath, wusa and DC!

Please don't cut....

PS- Tons of people have longer hair on one side, including myself. Hey, one of my boobs is bigger on one side but I sure ain't cutting them off! I kid, I kid....
Thanks everyone for responding so far!

I admit I am anxious, I have been doing really well with my regimen and the thought of having to cut off inches upon inches makes me sick to my stomach. LOL!! I am just hoping I am baby the weak side and nurse it back to health someway, without chopping it all off. I DC Sunday evening an was wondering if I should maybe up that to 2x week instead of one to help with my weaker side.

Thanks again for your understanding. Sorry if my "spazzing out" bothered you. LOL!
I agree w/ everyone, your hair is not bad at all. Exercise does increase hair growth so that is not a problem. A good trim and patience should do the trick.

Sometimes one has to go hard and tough to save a member from taking drastic *cough* mistakes *cough* I meant 'steps'

And your bob in the first pic looks cute!
I don't see anything wrong with it. It doesn't look like a cut is necessary to me. Plenty of people have uneven hair when they're growing it out, you have to keep in mind that every one of the hair follicles on your head isn't going to grow at the exact same rate or at the same time. Don't cut off your progress because you expect your hair to be perfectly even every step of the way.

What you need is a good deep condition and a protective style. If you increased your vitamin intake and your exercise you are getting new growth at 4 weeks. This is a good thing. You need to figure out a way to hide your hair from you until the urge to cut passes.

I personally put my hair up in a phony bun everyday. After 6 months of doing this, my NL hair was full SL by the time I wore it out again. The next time I wear my hair out--six months from now--I will be close to APL.

What you need is a good deep condition and a protective style. If you increased your vitamin intake and your exercise you are getting new growth at 4 weeks. This is a good thing. You need to figure out a way to hide your hair from you until the urge to cut passes.

I personally put my hair up in a phony bun everyday. After 6 months of doing this, my NL hair was full SL by the time I wore it out again. The next time I wear my hair out--six months from now--I will be close to APL.

Thanks! I will probably do a DC this week and keep it up (Phony-Pony, Pin ups when at home) so that I can keep my hands and scissors out of it. :yep: I was only wearing it down today because I had an interview.
I honestly don't think your hair looks bad. I would do a trim, DC and move on. But on your next length check if it is not where you would like it to be as far as health goes, you might have to cut and then start fresh. Your hair will get to where you want it to be, it will just take time.
Omg! I am soooo glad I'm not the only one with lopsided hair. I thought something was wrong with my head! LOL!! I am going to go and get a really good trim and try to even it up this week and go from there. It just bugs me that the right side looks full and healthy and the left looks frizzy because of the ends. I wonder if I can just clean up the left and not really bother the right since it's nowhere near as bad.

Thanks for responding!
No problem! I got mine cut to even it out and once again the right side grew out a lot longer and faster than the left. It was at that point I realized I have different textures of hair on my right and left side. My left side is a dryer and breaks alot easier. I use less heat and am careful to moisturize and seal that area very well. Paying closer attention to it has helped tremendously.