Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread's for you!!!

Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Thanks, Sassygirl!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

ms_kenesha said:
That is a whole lot of growth, I bet you're bra-strap in back right now, if you checked

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Thanks, Miss K! (That's my daughter's nickname!) You know what? I'm gonna go and undo some more braids now and see... hang on. It'll take a while.... but I'll definitely add the pic and post back!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Wow Diva your thread was the first I saw this afternoon, WHAT AN INSPIRATION! Your lil poppa is too cute, congrats!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Wow, your hair has really grown! It looks strong and healthy too. Keep up the wonderful work!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

SouthernGirl said:
OMG Diva!!!!!!

You are an amazing inspiration
! I love to hear and see these stories. Thanks for proving that with diligence and patience, our hair can grow to exceptional lengths.
I'm also part of the brastrap challenge and you have inspired me to continue to be vigilant.

You GROW girl!


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Thanks for the encouragement, SouthernGirl! The more I think about it, brastrap length wouldn't be considered exceptional for us if we knew how to take care of our hair to maintain the growth. I would think that we would be able to obtain this length in the very least and think that our hair was short when we saw others with hair that was even longer....
Nonetheless, steady we go. No rush, as the hair is growing anyway. You and I are doing the same Brastrap by 2005 challenge, so we can continue to push each other along.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Do I see a future Hair Model of the month? WOW! Your hair really has grown. Thanks for the inspiring post.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Yes, you remembered correctly. I'm in Rio on a one month work assignment.
The kids,(as I call my horses), are being taken care of by my SO. That's why I only date Cowboys, so when I'm out of town, I have someone to take care of the kids. Otherwise my Dad or Brothers will have to fill in for me.

Don't forget, We're all waiting on those back shot pictures. Post soon.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Tene said:
Thanks for the encouragement and your hair looks awesome. It has gotten very long, you are a big inspiration.

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Thanks, Tene! This feels good to hear, especially as I'm experiencing some depressing postpartum shedding.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

All that.....growth.....

Grow-head girl! (that's you in the middle of the party
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

AJamericanDiva said:
ChoclatePrincess said:
Dang Diva you got me ready to put my braids back in. Your hair is starting to look like someone we both know!

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Hey, Choc...ever so often I have to peep her pic so I can stay focused!!! You know we can do this, Hairbuddy o' mine!

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And you got post partum shedding and you still got that much growth!!!!! Let me go get knocked up!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

ChoclatePrincess said:
AJamericanDiva said:
ChoclatePrincess said:
Dang Diva you got me ready to put my braids back in. Your hair is starting to look like someone we both know!

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Hey, Choc...ever so often I have to peep her pic so I can stay focused!!! You know we can do this, Hairbuddy o' mine!

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And you got post partum shedding and you still got that much growth!!!!! Let me go get knocked up!

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Girl, you betta mind!!!
The shedding isn't affecting the length, but instead the thickness!
It brings tears to my eyes to see it fall out like that... shoot... even my privates are on the bare side...TMI, I know!!! Thank God I'm married!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

model_chick717 said:
Dayum, chica! I may just give braids a try!!!

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Hey, Girl! Just as long as you know how to take care of them, not a problem. Give yourself a break from time to time, you don't have to live in them. I've only had braids 4 times from March 2003 until now. I was tired of seeing my hair falling out due to the shedding, hence the embarkment of a braid-a-thon...
Totally OT, Modelchicks and makeup artists go hand in hand ya know!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Tonya said:
Girl are you sure you have not reached your goal?? I think you will be pleasantly suprised when you finish your hair! Your hair is AWESOME! Ok maybe I will try braids again soon.

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Ya know, Tonya! I'm gonna go and lose some more braids.. I keep saying I'm going, but this darn board is so addictive... sit in front of the computer for hours and don't even know where the time went!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

I'm tempted to join u in this braid-a thon but I have been in braids since March and I need to touch this stuff up before I continue on. I can't wait to see my progress when I do get a touch up.

And you are right, Better UN-Braid spray is DA BOMB!

Thanks for the inspiring post!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Diva!!!!! Your hair looks Wonderful!!!
I am in awe.....
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

simplycee said:
I'm tempted to join u in this braid-a thon but I have been in braids since March and I need to touch this stuff up before I continue on. I can't wait to see my progress when I do get a touch up.

And you are right, Better UN-Braid spray is DA BOMB!

Thanks for the inspiring post!

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Ok, I'm supposed to be losing out some more braids, but couldn't resist. Why touch up if you're going to put the braids back in? Your natural hair is stronger than the relaxed hair when anchoring braids. I usually wait until I have about 1 inch of new growth, around the 2 month post relaxer mark. Hence, with the braid-a-thon, it doesn't make sense for me to relax as I'm going to put it in braids 2 weeks after removal. The two week time is for me to deep condition and do a protein treatment. I'm glad you're inspired girl. Let's do this... OK, back to my braid removal!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

WOW!!I'm impressed thankyou for posting those pictures i was also one of those who were feeling rather depressed and discouraged, about my length, now i'm am happy and at peace because you've proved that type 4 can grow hair, even after mishaps.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

den1 said:
WOW!!I'm impressed thankyou for posting those pictures i was also one of those who were feeling rather depressed and discouraged, about my length, now i'm am happy and at peace because you've proved that type 4 can grow hair, even after mishaps.

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Den, I don't even think I had to prove that to you... you of all people who was featured on Robin's site. Your hair grew quite a bit. Don't worry,
things will get back on track. Persistence, my dear Mate!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

hotshot said:

thank you for dedicating this thread to us!

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Big up all 4a/4bs looking to go for longer, healthier hair!! POW! POW! POW!!! BuYaka!! Ok, I better get out of the dancehall!
Now, what we've all been waiting for.... drumroll puh-lease!!!
Unstretched!!! and Stretched!!! Hmm... I think I have a good inch to go and by time you factor in future trims, I'd give myself an extra 2-3 inches. By next year this time, I should be more than past this goal! What say you???
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Thank you for posting this...your hair is growing beautifully and looks so healthy! I love seeing type 4s with long hair, it really gives me hope
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Jessy55 said:
Girl, say no more! You've talked me into it!
I'm gonna buy some hair and I'm gonna braid my own hair this weekend. Hairbraiding challenge, here I come!

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OK... do your thang, Girl! If you ever get tired of the braids, you can always take a break. I've only had braids 4 time from March to present, so it's not mandatory to get good growth. In between the braids do protective styles...
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

Carlie said:
Thanks for the encouraging post.

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You're welcome, Carlie!!!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

options said:
Are you going to resume relaxing?

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Next year at the end of my braid-a-thon!
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

curlybun said:
oh my that is some growth you have there..congrats on your progress!!

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Thanks, Curlybun!! I wanted to see your album, but it requires a password. I am inspired by people of all hairlengths who are showing progress towards their goals.
Re: Discouraged 4a/4bs... this thread\'s for you!!!

wow diva, that is truly inspirational!
do u think the braids help with the shedding since u arent handling your hair? Another good option when and if u get tired of braids or in between braids is a phony pony! And we already know u are the wig queen so thats another option too!

what has your regimen been while in braids and how long do u leave them in?