Discounted Lace Front Wigs


New Member
I've never really worn a wig before. I've tried them, but never liked the way I looked. It may have been that I just wasn't used to them.

Anyway, I am trying to find a better way of helping me reach my goal of APL (stretched) and I know that my hair grows like weeds when its braided, but I don't really want to have braids as my style right now.

So, I want to try a lace front :gorgeous:because those look more natural (and I can have my hair corn rolled under it), but I don't want to spend a bunch of money in case I am not a fan. What is a good place to look for a decent lace front at a cheap price until I'm sure that I will like them enough to really spend some money?
It depends on what you mean by a cheap price. I would start with a synthetic, from your local beauty supply store. You can find some for $50 or less.

A human hair lace wig will run you about $125+ from a Chinese vendor.

Holly - [email protected] at
Jeffrey [email protected] at

However, it's tax season and for some reason around tax season (due to the influx of orders) many of the Chinese vendors send crappy wigs that have a mix of synthetic. If you really want a human wig, I'd wait until May/June after tax season is totally over.

Take a look at the lace front forum on There is lots of info there for new lace wig wearers.
I got 2 today 100% human lace front wigs from my bss today 69.99 one wavey and the other duby! These are my first human and I was running pay for them when he told me the price. Lol Check out a few of your bss and you can get the real deal for a few more dollars .:drunk: