DILEMMA! SHS trying to attack!!!!! NEED ADVICE


Well-Known Member
Hello lovely LHCF ladies,

I dont post much but have a dilemma that I really need some advice on. On my recent trip to the salon, my stylist was rollersetting my hair and she made a comment that she is gonna trim my hair next time. In a frustrated voice, my exact statement was, "we'll see".

First off, how the heck you gonna tell me that you gonna trim my hair. No, you ask me if I would like my hair trimmed, not tell me that you are gonna trim.

Secondly, I am 5 weeks post with about 1/2" NG and prefer to trim my hair after a fresh relaxer, which wont be for another 3-4 weeks.

Thirdly, she know I'm trying to grow my hair out and that I am not focusing on evenness right now. As most ppl, my hair grows unevenly and if we sit up here trying to even it out all the time, then a lot of progess will not be made.

Anyway, for a little history, my hair has not been trimmed since November 22, 2008. Yeah, its been about 6 months, but I need you ladies to honestly look at my updates and let me know if I do, in fact, need a trim. I trust you ladies more than my stylist. I have left the link to my most recent updates for April below, taken about 5 weeks ago after my touchup.


If I do need a trim, that's ok, as it has been 6 months and I'm not really tripping and I know it will help with some of the thickness. Also, If I do need a trim, how much do you ladies think I need?

I'd really appreciate your opinions

Thanks in advance ladies :bighug:
From what I see is that you have healthy beautiful hair and the ends look normal to me, you don't need a trim so don't get one. Also try and get a close-up photo of your ends.
If you don't want a trim just tell her.
Well, truth of the matter is, I dont know if I honestly need a trim. I mean, I dont see any split ends, but she handles my hair more than I do. The thing I notice with here is that she's a perfectionist and tries to even it out and right now, I wear my hair up 99% of the time, so I'm not concerned about it being even. All in all I dont mind getting a trim if I TRULY need one.

From what I see is that you have healthy beautiful hair and the ends look normal to me, you don't need a trim so don't get one. Also try and get a close-up photo of your ends.
Thanks, I will take your advice and take some better pics
Trim it yourself, someone that says it like that will give you more than an trim to prevent you from succeeding, a member here (can't remember her name) went in for a trim and her stylist cut off 5 inches, I wouldn't risk it, your hair is long enough to see what your doing yourself.
From what I can see I don't think you need a trim at all. Your ends look just fine and if you decide to get a trim. I would tell you to wait until your next relaxer and do it yourself.
Um, she may try to sneak a trim in. Stylists can be sneaky like that.:rolleyes: I would tell her when you go to her that you would like your trim when you relax. If she gives you a problem, get a new stylist.:ohwell:
I can't tell from the pics if you need a trim or not. Your hair does look really healthy tho.

If I were you I'd trim it myself.
after like 5 haircuts i got smart and stopped asking for "trims" yes all of those haircuts i got were from when i asked for trims
everytime they say trim, they mean cut
i would be careful
dont risk getting really pissed
Trim it yourself and you can also learn how to self-relax to save some money and you won't have to worry about if she is trying to snip snip snip lol
I told my stylist that I love her styles and relaxers but I do my own trim. It's not worth it to spare her feelings and risk getting two or more inches CUT for no reason it happened to me just before I started my hair journey.
How about dusting the ends, it's like a trim but you only cut less than an inch, it's like you can tell when someone trims the hair, but when you dust, you can't tell if someone cut your hair......and when YOU feel like you need a trim, get one, I dust, once a month or if I really need it, I haven't trim/big cut since Aug 2008, and I'm trying to go as long as I can before I trim, I know some people are against that, but I think trimming my hair slows me down, I prefer to grow to a certain length and then trim to keep it at that length....know what I'm saying...... :)
It sure does not look as if you need a trim. My stylist is not at all scissor happy but when I don't want a trim, I just say "I agree with you, my hair could use a little trim, I'll definitely get one next time."

And the next time I go to see her, if I still don't want that trim, I say the same thing again. Sometimes that "next time" may come several months later (I only trim about every 8/9 months). I've found that this method of handling it works well because you pacify your stylist, while still getting your way.
Thanks ladies for all of the wonderful comments, I just needed some reassaurance, making sure it wasnt one of those cases where the stylist saw something that I did not. I have never trimmed my own hair, but I guess now is as good a time to learn as any :yep:. I do plan to trim, but I at least wanted to wait until my next relaxer. I appreciate all of your help :grin:. My final decision, SHE AINT TOUCHING NATHAN AND :nono: I WILL BE DOING MY OWN TRIMS.
I can't really tell from the pictures - do you have one with your hair combed down across your back instead of in the v all together?

Feel you hair - run your hands through it, examine your ends - splits? breakage? fuzzy/frizzy ends? when you comb/brush, you you get little chips of hair in the sink and on your shirt?

If the answer is no - then tell her no. it's YOUR hair. She may help you care for it - for which I'm sure you pay - but it's your hair. stylist like to style; they like to cut; it's what they do. You, on the other hand, want to grow your hair longer with focus on health and length instead of style.

Tell her NO - okay - no, thank you.
I agree, you DON'T need a trim. As was mentioned, make sure she doesn't attack on the sly. My last salon visit, I kept saying "no cut". This hag got mad and was raking the comb across my shoulders as she combed. That was the first and last time she touched my hair.

You'll be so much happier controlling the scissors yourself:yep:
You heard!! Get to Sallys, buy a good pair of shears and do your own dusting. Your ends look a little uneven but you do not need perfectly even ends to have a healthy head of hair; keep your eyes open and watch the mirror every moment you are in her chair. BEWARE..SHE MAY BE IN IT FOR THE KILL!!!
Your hair is not bad at all. I went almost 4 years without a trim.

I would get a 1/2in off for thickness and because they seem ever so slightly ragged, but it is hard to tell from your pic.
I can't tell from the pics if you need a trim or not. Your hair does look really healthy tho.

If I were you I'd trim it myself.

after like 5 haircuts i got smart and stopped asking for "trims" yes all of those haircuts i got were from when i asked for trims
everytime they say trim, they mean cut
i would be careful
dont risk getting really pissed
Agreed! I've been there. Don't let me whip out that butcher of a picture I have. :nono:

How about dusting the ends, it's like a trim but you only cut less than an inch, it's like you can tell when someone trims the hair, but when you dust, you can't tell if someone cut your hair......and when YOU feel like you need a trim, get one, I dust, once a month or if I really need it, I haven't trim/big cut since Aug 2008, and I'm trying to go as long as I can before I trim, I know some people are against that, but I think trimming my hair slows me down, I prefer to grow to a certain length and then trim to keep it at that length....know what I'm saying...... :)

Great advice. I was thinking the same thing. :yep:

gurrrrrl **** yo stylist you dont need a trim your hair is on point...i promise
It's a matter of TRUST! Stylists can be tricky...esp. in the back. Please be careful.


Your hair is beautiful. It looks healthy. I would post some up close shots of your ends though for better opinions.
That may well help. :yep: But otherwise unless you do a light dusting, I'd say you're fine from the looks of it. :yep:

Here is my advice.

Dump the stylist.:yep:
Carry on.
I can't argue with that! :nono: