Different Hair Lengths...


New Member
How many have different hair lengths that are a result of breakage? Do you recommend cutting hair to one length and if so should this be done in one shot or over a period of time? Any help is, as always, appreciated. /images/graemlins/grin.gif

Due to past damage I have different lengths and am getting gradual trims. Once my hair gets a little longer (it is past shoulders now barely) I will get a one inch chop. I think I need 3 inches gone, my hair dresser says that is too much but I am not getting it done tomorrow and since I have found a better moisturizer (KemiOyl) hopefully that will help! Good luck
Yeah I have a bunch of different lengths but my ends are in good shape all around so I won't be doing a chop. I think once I reach shoulderblades I will start doing gradual 1 inch cuts to get it all even. I'll feel better about cutting once I've proven that my hair can grow that long.
I have different lengths and I thought it was because of damage. So, I got the left and right sides cut to an equal length, and now on the sides, they are equal, but still thin. I think that is just how my hair grows, so now, I don't sweat it. But I do try alternating the sides I sleep on, cuz I don't wrap my hair.
I have some lengths that are a result of breakage. On Dec 14th I cut about 1/2" off and then on the 30th I cut about another 2-3" of the front and sides and about 1" off the back. It looks better now and fuller but I know I still need 1" more. I had considered the gradual trim but then I couldn't stand looking at it so I did a good chop and the next one will be less traumatic. Go with what you feel comfortable with.
Yes, I do and have have been fighting w/ this question whether to cut it all off or keep trim neat. This has been ok so far but don't know it this is doing me more harm then good. My front is the shortest being 3 inches w/ the sides coming in next in length at 4 inches the middle and back is 6-7inches but I scared to cut it all to one length, My ended are even but My goal is to have shoulder length even hair. I'm just going wait it out to see how things work for me.

Relaxed 4a thin hair
Current Lengths: Different w/ the front and sides being the shortest
Goal: mentioned above