Did You Receive Your First Perm under 18 Years of Age?


New Member
My Mom didn't believe in perming our hair. So I got my first perm as a grown woman. I was about 22 years old, and as a grown woman I regretted it years later. I think it shouldn't be practiced longer than 10 years because crazy things start to happen to the hair around that time. When was your first perm and did you regret it years later? :look:


Hair Grade A+ (Groomed & Healthy)
I have several textures!
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I was around 11-12 years old when I got my first perm and the only reason I got it was because I begged my mom to perm my hair . I did contemplate going natural when I was pregnant with my son at 19 though . But , no I have never regretted it and I still receive a perm 10years later .
I believe I was 12 when I got my first perm at the start of seventh grade. I begged my mother for it since I was now in junior high school. I wanted straight hair with a bang.
I got it 3 days before I started freshman year of HS. I just turned 14. I wasn't allowed one until freshman year.
My mom got me one when I was 10yrs old I think... but I didn't get touch up too much cause they were expensive and by 13 it was all gone cause I let it grow out but was putting so much heat on it, during the now called transition, my hair was broken off badly.
12. Had the choice between getting a relaxer or coloring my hair. I'm just glad my mom knew not to allow me both lol
I relaxed at 13 right before I went to Junior High and my mom transitioned taking care of my hair over to me. Looking back, I don't think at 13 I could have taken care of my natural hair because it was thick and short and I didn't have the money to get it braided. So a relaxer at that time made since.

I think certain people are more sensitive to chemicals than others and those women need to monitor their use of relaxers. The older I get my body is more sensitive so it isn't something I can do long term. But there are other women who seem to do just fine.

I don't regret relaxing. It allowed me to have fun with my hair for many years.
Yes. I had to beg her. She only conceded because my aunt was letting my cousin do it (we're the same age).
I was 10 years old. I literally begged my mom every.single.day for a Just For Me relaxer. I'd wear her down lol.
Wow! Your moms waited late. I got my first relaxer for kindergarten, I think I was 6. Every black girl I knew in elementary school was relaxed or always in braid extensions. I didn't learn this later, but my mom didn't get her hair relaxed until 9th grade (if I remember correctly), and my granny was natural (unbeknownst to me) her entire life. Why I was relaxed so early? I'll blame it on the 90s :nono:.
I got my first relaxer when I was around 6 and have been getting them since. I wouldn't know what to do with my natural texture. My hair has always been pretty thick.
The summer before I started 6th grade. I had begged my mother for about a couple years prior but since all my hair was recently cut off and she wanted it to lay down, she gave in and permed it up.
Although I wish I went natural a little sooner, I definitely don't regret relaxing my hair. I had fun with it all up until the very end of 12th grade which is when I started becoming super interested in natural hair and began to transition. Remembering certain things about my relaxed hair gives me clues about my natural hair as well (my crown was always coarse and retained more than my less coarse strands when relaxed, and that my hair loved coconut oil while my natural hair doesn't care for it much, etc.).
I was 6 years old when I got my first relaxer. I still remember because I had so many burned scalps that it was a shame. I wish my mother had waited before she allowed my aunt to do a relaxer in my hair.
I was 12 and I begged my mom for it. She have it reluctantly. I should have listened to her because by 16 I was natural again.
I was 8. I think they'd just come out with boxed drugstore perms. Prior to that we used to get our hair pressed at the stove. My mom became perm obsessed. My hair was APL when I was 8. By the time I was 10 it was about Nape length. She kept perming and perming away to "fix" it. When it had broken off to about 5-6" or so and about half of that was new growth she sent me in for the latest and greatest new thing - I got a Jheri curl. That was actually pretty nice. I had lots of growth with the Jheri curl and they were fashionable then but they were expensive so she decided to start perming again. You can guess what happened when she put the perm in. ALL of the hair except for about 2" of new growth pretty much melted so I spent my entire freshman year of high school with a TWA (which in all my infinite wisdom, I decided to dye blonde). I didn't have any hair again until college. When I got to college, I was too POOR for perms, dyes, etc... and my natural hair grew out quite nicely. I would have lonnnnnggg stretches and get lots of growth when I did so. I didn't perm my daughters' hair. My mother had them overnight and SHE permed their hair. They were 4 and 6!! She never got them overnight again. I let those perms grow out and did not replace them although I think they opted for the perms again around halfway through high school. They're both natural now though. One wear hers natural and one flat irons.
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I was 10 years old and didn't know what the heck just happened to me LOL all I know is that I was happy... and like 8 months later I went from waist length to Neck length.

My daughters are 24 and 15 and they've never had perms. I hope they stay that way.
I was 16, and although I begged for YEARS, I am glad I was forced to wait.

She did allow me to get it pressed and I'm sure that was much more damage than the relaxer. The lady that did my hair us.ed the comb on the stove and I can still remove the sizzling sound, and the hot grease drippings.
I think I was between 8-11. I don't think I asked for it and my mother didn't want me to have a relaxer but I lived with my grandmother at the time and she did it anyway. I didn't regret it. Once I started 7th grade, I went to the salon every 2 weeks to get it done and always got it cut into layers. My hair was healthy and well taken care of.
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I was 10. It was before my cousin's wedding. I cried at the salon because the stylist didn't know it was my first time :perplexed and burned me. I really regret it in retrospect and wouldn't relax my daughter's hair (if I ever have one) that young, but I can't remember if I got it because I asked my mom or because she got tired of dealing with my hair.
I was about 15/16.
I dont regret it really because I wouldn't be where I am if I hadn't had damaged relaxed hair.

I had never heard of perms before that and found out about them on a google search.
I was 8 or 9 and had no say in the matter my mother did it. Yes, I hate that my mother did it, but she didn't know any better..... there also weren't so many wonderful products, oils, and butters readily accessible all over the place.
I think I was around 8 or 9.
I didn't make the decision to relax, my mother did.

I was 8 as well but I made the decision. My mom wanted me to keep my virgin hair but I got tired of breaking combs and having to wash my hair in plaits.
I was 12 when I received my first relaxer. I begged my mom for the just for me relaxer. I was tired of wearing ponytails everyday once I became older. I also went to school with 98% of Caucasian girls and seeing their hair hang down and swing made me want mine the same way. Relaxers caused so many scalp problems for me. If I knew what I knew now I would have never gotten one. But hey at least I experienced it and I'm not curious about it in my adult years.