Did you get your 6 inches this year?


Well-Known Member
I was comparing my pics from last January til today. And it appears that I didn't get my 6 inches NOT EVEN CLOSE:sad:

But then I remember I cut 2" off my hair in January, by April the length was back, then i got lazy over the summer and didn't keep my hair in a protective style. and I discovered in September I had lost the length I had gained back in April. So I started keeping my hair in cornrows and now I have passed the length I lost in September. So I think I got my 6 inches and I have learned my lesson I have to keep my hair on lock down 24/7,

Oh another sign I got my 6 inches
At some point in January or Feb I shaved off some stray hairs on my neck line that where looking fuzzy when I had my hair in braids. Well I just measured that hair and it's 5' long!

So for 2011 my focus will be Retain Retain Retain!!!

So did you get your 6 inches?
I was comparing my pics from last January til today. And it appears that I didn't get my 6 inches NOT EVEN CLOSE:sad:

But then I remember I cut 2" off my hair in January, by April the length was back, then i got lazy over the summer and didn't keep my hair in a protective style. and I discovered in September I had lost the length I had gained back in April. So I started keeping my hair in cornrows and now I have passed the length I lost in September. So I think I got my 6 inches and I have learned my lesson I have to keep my hair on lock down 24/7,

Oh another sign I got my 6 inches
At some point in January or Feb I shaved off some stray hairs on my neck line that where looking fuzzy when I had my hair in braids. Well I just measured that hair and it's 5' long!

So for 2011 my focus will be Retain Retain Retain!!!

So did you get your 6 inches?

^^ You're too cute. You started off saying you never got your 6 inches and then as you went back and forth in your head, you realized you did get your 6 inches but just didn't retain it.

I'm sure you're not alone. I have no idea what I got or lost. :ohwell:
I know I didn't. I don't keep length comparison shots anymore, but I know I'm cut 3-4 inches all around fighting splits and tidying my ends. Nevertheless my hair has grown (retained). I can do styles now that I couldn't do last year at this time. I had messly ponytails in January, but now I can do buns. I'm estimating that I retained 2-3 inches.

I'm hoping 2011 will bring less need for scissors. I'm about 6 inches from my long term goal, but I strive for health first!
I hardly ever measure my hair :lol:

I have gotten length and retained it.

It seems that when I pay the least amount of attention to my hair it grows the most.

I have a goal, but I eyeball my progress rather than measure it.
i think i got my 6 and retained most of it... my ends are a little *eh* but not terrible. so i'm going to stick with "yes, i got and retained my 6"
Yes mam. I got my 6 inches in, but it took me 13 months to get there :look: ......I'm not complaining (#GROWBABYGROW!!)
I'm pretty sure I got my 6inches and maybe a little more..IDK...my hair has grown so much but I dont measure my hair with a tape measure to get an accurate number..
I believe I got my 6 inches but probably maintained only half of 6 since I like to trim so ****** much. 2011, I'm determined to maintain at least 5 inches of it.
I may have, but I chopped my hair off (again) a few months ago. I know it's grown a few inches since then, but I have no idea how much.
I think I did! :) I've only been on my hair journey for a short time (little more than a year) and I'm quite pleased. I'm not to into measuring at this point just as long as I retain most of my growth.
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I did, I can tell because I'm transitioning. I remember when my edges were so short in the beginning of the year. I had to use a clip in order to hold them back, they were about 2 inches. Now, I can almost put it into a pony tail. I'm about 1-2 inches away.
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I started my HHJ about June 1, and had HORRIBLE hair practices before then so I'm gonna pretend that pre-June 1/LHCF didn't exist lol.

I've retained 4-5" since June, including trims of about 1" during that time. I apparently get a huge growth spurt in the summer months.
I did retain all my new growth since I have started my transition 11/09, but I don't measure my hair to know if it is 6 inches or more. I can do a high bun today that I could not do in March 10. So I know my hair is growing.
I think this year I retained closer to the 6 inches than I did last year. 2009 I was transitioning and used heat styling too much out of frustration and ignorance. My result is that I am still trying to catch up that broken off growth from 09. O well live and learn.
Grrrrrr, arrrrrghhh, don't talk to me about those 6" cause I'm mad about it. Whatever growth I got this year, all of it is not on my head! Oh well... maybe next year.
I never grow 6 inches in a year, so my answer to the question is no. But I did retain about 90% of what I did grow.
Yep, I definitely did, probably more than that. When I look at pics from like February till now, I'm amazed at how much my hair grew (judging by the new growth from the permanent hair color I had).
I don't measure but I know I retained in 2011, not only length but in knowledge of how to take care of my hair...I'm very satisfied with my progress!
I started my HHJ about June 1, and had HORRIBLE hair practices before then so I'm gonna pretend that pre-June 1/LHCF didn't exist lol.

I've retained 4-5" since June, including trims of about 1" during that time. I apparently get a huge growth spurt in the summer months.

whatever how many inches you've retained, the difference in your siggy is HUGE and aaawesome !!!!!
I got it! I kept cutting in certain sections because of heat damage from Dec 2009, but I measured a particular section in the front (where it was damaged to less than an inch) and it was 5 1/2 inches!!!!!!!!! Now that I'm starting fresh, this year I plan on growing and retaining all 6 (PLUS :crossfingers:) inches!!!!
I hardly ever measure my hair :lol:

I have gotten length and retained it.

It seems that when I pay the least amount of attention to my hair it grows the most.

I have a goal, but I eyeball my progress rather than measure it.

Correct, i use to measure my hair. At first it started out every couple of months, then it went to once month, then i started to get crazy and do it once a week:lachen::spinning:

And yes this year was the most i havent payed attention to my hair, last week i was thinking my hair didnt retain not one inch. But now that i look, it seems that i got my 5-6in this year.