Did the BC this year? Sign in Here!


New Member
Always love to know how many did the Big Chop.

These ladies especially need the encouragement because we are all trying to grow our hair healthy and long. To chop our hair off seems to go opposite of that goal, however when you are going back to your natural roots it is neccesary to get rid of the permed ends.

Whether a chopper ends up with 2 inches or 20 it is a huge step that should be celebrated.

So why not start a "shout out" thread about it!


Did the BC this year? Let us know here!!
I just did the BC today. I'm currently at 1 inch, the shortest I've ever worn my hair, but I'm happy for be all natural!
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Allright that's two new naturals to welcome to naturaldom! Congratulations! I know there are more out there though!
I did the BC in Nov... I prolly have about 3.5 inches...lots of GROSS scab hair though.. but I do love my curly hair!!!

Congrats to Roselyn who just chopped today!!!:clapping:
Hi, I did the BC in March of this year. I started off with 1/2 inch of hair, now I have 4 inches.
I didn't BC, but I did get my hair evened out on Dec. 17th. I wanted to wait until my hair was longer. But I just woke up one day and was sick and tired of that fake puff. She didn't cut much--maybe an inch or two. But I can wear my hair out w/o looking like a cross between Don King and Krusty the Clown anymore.

Now my hair journey can finally begin!
BC'ed on November 15th and not looking back at all :D. I'm not exactly sure how much hair i have but i can say that it was much easier for me to do my finger coils last night so it must be growing :lol:. -- jainygirl
5 BC'rs !!! Get out of here!!! Allright now!!! Congrats again for taking the bold big step.

@Sassygirl...I feel ya on shoutin out the cut! We all know how hard it is to trim when you are trying to grow it long so cheers to you for doing the healthy thing for your hair too!
I am not natural, but texturized now. I had my last relaxer on June 1, 2003.

I didn't take it off all at once, but in 2004 I have cut 5.5 inches. The shortness was an adjustment, but it looks so much better now.
I BC'd in August. I had about 2.5 inches and now I have about 6!! My hair is growin like crazy. I'm loving it.
I BC'd November 26:dance7: I started off with ¼ inch of hair, now I have 1 inch along the sides & 1½ inches up top :eek:
I did the Big Chop in July. I did not measure it. My hair is growing but still short in the back.
I did the BC in March 2004 and then went back to relaxing 3 months later. I had a good experience doing it... it got me back to my roots :lol: I might do it again in the future....

18...CAN YOU BELIVE IT ....18 BC'RS so far!!!

And a whole lot a big trimmers too!!!

Ya'll aint scared of nothin I tell ya!

Whoooo hooo! :bdance:
I did one on January 7, 2005. I went from about bra-strap length to above shoulder length. I did it because my hair was uneven and to end the war on the breakage. I'm glad I did it!