Did she break-up with me?


New Member
Preface: I've been seeing one stylist since Summer of 07. I started going to my her for touchups recently($60). < a lot, I know. I stopped getting trims ($15). I want to try getting TU every three months:blush:. I also have a girlfriend that does hair and trims for $5.

I went to get a relaxer on Friday. I had stretched for 11 weeks. I went in to get my TU and she asked if I was going to get a trim. I told her no. She mentioned that my ends were horrible and I should get one. I told her that I would, but I couldn't afford it. After she styled my hair, she said 'Your ends are so bad that your hair isn't holding a curl.' I just said 'Okay'. She then said that she wasn't going to do another relaxer until I come in and get a trim. She said that I could just call her after I'd washed and dried my hair, and she would trim it. I just said 'Okay, thats fine.' I paid her and she said 'I'll holla'. She usually sets up another appointmet, but whatever. I had a standing appointment with my friend for a trim. She did well, and the price is great!

Did my stylist breakup with me, or give me an ultimatum? I can easily buy the Mizani Butter Blends system for $60 and do them at home. DH even offered to do the back of my head for me.

ETA: When she was blow-drying my hair, she asked me the name of the hair website I mentioned months ago. She said that a client of hers wanted to know. I said the name :perplexed:, but she said to tell her later so she could write it down. I hope she forgot :look:
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Good for you, I'm glad you stood your ground on this.:yay: Sounds like a break-up to me. I guess a lot of stylist are getting angry with LHCF members lately since many aren't putting that extra $$ money down for the "miraculous trim". You know, the one that supposely comes from stylists with "growing hands".:rolleyes:
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Girl, do your own perm!! You have the skills to do it! I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and walked out of there with your length. I bet your ends weren't as bad as she claimed.
Girl, do your own perm!! You have the skills to do it! I'm so glad you stood up for yourself and walked out of there with your length. I bet your ends weren't as bad as she claimed.

Hey A-who!!
They weren't as bad. My gf was like 'What is she talking about? Your hair looks fine. Your ends just need to be even if you want them to be. You're taking good care of your hair.' I was happy and though of LHCF when she said it.

DH said that he knows what new growth looks like. It looks like this ~~~, as he made the gesture with his hands.
She didn't break up with you, yet. But, she did give you an ultimatum. She wants to continue doing your hair but on her terms. She strongly believes you need a trim and she's sticking to her beliefs just like you're sticking to yours. So, you both can agree to disagree and go your own separate ways.
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Sounds like she strongly believes you need a trim and she's sticking to her beliefs just like you're sticking to yours. So, you both can agree to disagree.

I agree with you. I had all intentions on getting a trim, but not at the price of $15 on top of the $60 for a relaxer:nono:. I hear you though.
Communication is Key, appears she could have been angry about the money.
I have said no to a treatment because of the cost.
I think most stylist need to learn some bedside treatment (communications)
Appears she was attempting to tell you what you need but never asked
about what was going on with you.

COMMUNICATION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She didn't break up with you, yet. But, she did give you an ultimatum. She wants to continue doing your hair but on her terms. She strongly believes you need a trim and she's sticking to her beliefs just like you're sticking to yours. So, you both can agree to disagree and go your own separate ways.

You took the words right outta my mouth. I do believe that stylists take pride in their work and that was just her way of ensuring that your hair looks good, by doing what she would do to any other client, IMO. I feel you on telling her know about the trim. Damn, its bad when she dont make your next appointment. I would be like so.................can I call you sometime..lol
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:lachen: Hubby knows what NG looks like? ~~~!

Its a sad day in the business of hairstylists if our SO/DH can help us out better than they can.

I dont know why stylists love the scissors so much.
Yes, she did. Good riddance to her! You were paying her and she had the nerve to give YOU an ultimatum??? You don't have to trim your hair if you don't want to, and if she won't do your hair because you won't obey her, then let her go. Just my opinion.
She didn't break up with you, yet. But, she did give you an ultimatum. She wants to continue doing your hair but on her terms. She strongly believes you need a trim and she's sticking to her beliefs just like you're sticking to yours. So, you both can agree to disagree and go your own separate ways.

Think of it as a power struggle. You have asserted your power, which she does not agree to, and it sounds as if she does not respect, but she's working with the idea that you've been going to her for such a long time and she is sure of her skills, that you're going to go back to doing things her way.

The question is: are you going to cave in and do things her way (which she fully expects, or are you going to stick to your guns and go with what you know is the best way to care for your hair and retain length?
Think of it as a power struggle. You have asserted your power, which she does not agree to, and it sounds as if she does not respect, but she's working with the idea that you've been going to her for such a long time and she is sure of her skills, that you're going to go back to doing things her way.

The question is: are you going to cave in and do things her way (which she fully expects, or are you going to stick to your guns and go with what you know is the best way to care for your hair and retain length?

I plan to take care of my own hair and save money. I can do my own TUs at home, and go to my friend for trims/dustings. I was apl last Spring, by the Summer I was SL :nono:. I'd rather take responsibility for my own hair from now on.

Thanks for all that have posted.
i don't think she broke it off with you; she definitely wanted you to put down the extra $$ though and to me it also sounds like she genuinely feels that you should get a trim...but, you can get your $5 trim and hit her up for your TU. for what its worth, you could trim your own hair and only go to her for your TU.

was she saying that unless SHE is the one who trims your hair she won't relax it? *shrug* if that's the case, you have other options; throw up the duces and "holla" lol
The issue is probably a little bit of both, stylst pride and hard economic times. I'm pretty sure that a lot of her other clients are slowing down on there appointments, etc. However she should be grateful that you still make your appointment for a TU and should respect you enough for you to come back.

Ultimately your appointments is how she gets paid.
Preface: I've been seeing one stylist since Summer of 07. I started going to my her for touchups recently($60). < a lot, I know. I stopped getting trims ($15). I want to try getting TU every three months:blush:. I also have a girlfriend that does hair and trims for $5.

I went to get a relaxer on Friday. I had stretched for 11 weeks. I went in to get my TU and she asked if I was going to get a trim. I told her no. She mentioned that my ends were horrible and I should get one. I told her that I would, but I couldn't afford it. After she styled my hair, she said 'Your ends are so bad that your hair isn't holding a curl.' I just said 'Okay'. She then said that she wasn't going to do another relaxer until I come in and get a trim. She said that I could just call her after I'd washed and dried my hair, and she would trim it. I just said 'Okay, thats fine.' I paid her and she said 'I'll holla'. She usually sets up another appointmet, but whatever. I had a standing appointment with my friend for a trim. She did well, and the price is great!

Did my stylist breakup with me, or give me an ultimatum? I can easily buy the Mizani Butter Blends system for $60 and do them at home. DH even offered to do the back of my head for me.

ETA: When she was blow-drying my hair, she asked me the name of the hair website I mentioned months ago. She said that a client of hers wanted to know. I said the name :perplexed:, but she said to tell her later so she could write it down. I hope she forgot :look:

Sounds like, at the least, an ultimatum. If she didn't break up with you, I hope you break up with her. I think she was bold for saying she won't do another relaxer until you get a trim. Sounds like she THINKS she's running things. News flash for her....it's your money that pays her, not the other way around!
Preface: I've been seeing one stylist since Summer of 07. I started going to my her for touchups recently($60). < a lot, I know. I stopped getting trims ($15). I want to try getting TU every three months:blush:. I also have a girlfriend that does hair and trims for $5.

I went to get a relaxer on Friday. I had stretched for 11 weeks. I went in to get my TU and she asked if I was going to get a trim. I told her no. She mentioned that my ends were horrible and I should get one. I told her that I would, but I couldn't afford it. After she styled my hair, she said 'Your ends are so bad that your hair isn't holding a curl.' I just said 'Okay'. She then said that she wasn't going to do another relaxer until I come in and get a trim. She said that I could just call her after I'd washed and dried my hair, and she would trim it. I just said 'Okay, thats fine.' I paid her and she said 'I'll holla'. She usually sets up another appointmet, but whatever. I had a standing appointment with my friend for a trim. She did well, and the price is great!

Did my stylist breakup with me, or give me an ultimatum? I can easily buy the Mizani Butter Blends system for $60 and do them at home. DH even offered to do the back of my head for me.

ETA: When she was blow-drying my hair, she asked me the name of the hair website I mentioned months ago. She said that a client of hers wanted to know. I said the name :perplexed:, but she said to tell her later so she could write it down. I hope she forgot :look:

Well, Darkhair, the good thing is that you can always find someone else to do your hair. As long as you are a paying customer, you set the terms as far as your hair is concerned. A young woman who was doing my hair one time got an attitude with me because I do not relax my hair more often. One day as I was leaving the shop, she barely wanted to say goodbye to me. The nerve of her. Well, I broke up with her before she broke up with me.... I politely asked another hair stylist in the shop whom seemed to be good with hair to do my hair the next time I came in. And I dared that other chick to say anything smart to me. And of course, she did not; she just flashed a coy smile at me and quickly turned away. I feel they need us (the customers) more than we need them (the hair stylists).... smile
I think she is out of her mind. It is her place to give you advice from her professional opinion; but it is up to you to take it or leave it. I would let her know that you have someone else trim your hair, and if she does not want to do your hair anymore, then well, you are sure not the one loosing out
A person sooooo does not need to have trimmed ends in order to hold a curl. What the heck?!?! She was mad you weren't willing to part with your $15 because if her issue truly was your hair needing a trim to hold a curl :rolleyes: and her not liking the way your style was coming out sans trim, she would have thrown in it for free, especially if you are a long time customer and your reason for not getting the trip was finances. Boooooo! to her!:mad:
A person sooooo does not need to have trimmed ends in order to hold a curl. What the heck?!?! She was mad you weren't willing to part with your $15 because if her issue truly was your hair needing a trim to hold a curl :rolleyes: and her not liking the way your style was coming out sans trim, she would have thrown in it for free, especially if you are a long time customer and your reason for not getting the trip was finances. Boooooo! to her!:mad:
And this is coming from a stylist that has been featured in TONS of magazines. :rolleyes:
Who charges $15 damn dollars for a trim anyway? Who does that?

Thats considered MAINTENANCE and should be FREE with a chemical service.

Geez, if it costs that much for a trim then how much is it to CUT?
I went in to get my TU and she asked if I was going to get a trim. I told her no. She mentioned that my ends were horrible and I should get one. I told her that I would, but I couldn't afford it. After she styled my hair, she said 'Your ends are so bad that your hair isn't holding a curl.' I just said 'Okay'. She then said that she wasn't going to do another relaxer until I come in and get a trim. She said that I could just call her after I'd washed and dried my hair, and she would trim it.

I've seen some horrible hair hold a curl. What is she talking about? Maybe she just wants to shorten your hair. :nono:
Who charges $15 damn dollars for a trim anyway? Who does that?

Thats considered MAINTENANCE and should be FREE with a chemical service.

Geez, if it costs that much for a trim then how much is it to CUT?

More than likely the same, seeing as though my hair length has fluctuated in the past year. I'm not doing that anymore. I don't like being stuck at NL and SL.
I've seen some horrible hair hold a curl. What is she talking about? Maybe she just wants to shorten your hair. :nono:

My hair the previous week held a curl. Maybe the flat iron wasn't high enough. IDK...I'm not being guilted into big chops anymore :nono:.

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