Did my first wet bun!


Active Member
Did my first wet bun after work, after my friend told me this is what grows her hair eight inches in six months! I am happy it turned out better that I thought, was scared! I washed with a product similar to Wen at Sallys and I put in Aphogee leave in conditioner with Argan oil. My hair felt that minty tingle feel, it smells really good. Hope this allows my hair to grow faster. Will be buying Coconut Oil from GNC tomorrow!

How often should I do this

And for those of you how bun at night, how do you rewet in morning, with what?
You did a good job with your first attempt! It looks nice and thick...hmm...maybe I need to look into this wet bunning thing...
Since it's summer, you can probably just wet your hair in the morning during your shower and then wet bun or if you don't want to get your hair wet, just spritz your hair with water or a liquidy leave in conditioner, or a jherri juice and then re-bun it.
Nice job! This is my daily style (wet bun or wet puff). I co-wash almost everyday and when I don't co-wash I spray my hair with water and re-do the bun. I've been doing this since April. I haven't done a length check but I hope to get some good retention w/ this style. :grin:
Nice job! This is my daily style (wet bun or wet puff). I co-wash almost everyday and when I don't co-wash I spray my hair with water and re-do the bun. I've been doing this since April. I haven't done a length check but I hope to get some good retention w/ this style. :grin:

Wow your hair looks awesome!!! I would like to know your results :)
Your bun looks good. I don't wet my hair in the shower everyday. I just moisturize with scurl or carefree curl then put gel on it and go. My bun is not as big as yours so I use a phony ponytail to give my hair some length.
Your wet bun looks great; very thick!:grin:

I usu. wet bun in the summer after co-washing (which I do every other day). On the day that I don't co-wash I may spritz with a moisturizer or I just bun it up again into a messy bun.
Your wet bun is nice and thick.

I hope to start doing this now, maybe a personal challange until december so i can hopefully get the 8 inches growth your friend got :yep:

Has any body else gotten great length/retention by doing this?