Did anyone ever start a cleansing program?


New Member
I was reading through that older link of Den1's and remembered that she did one of these and it sounds very interesting. I wonder if it would help your overall appearance and not just your hair...if anyone has purchased one please reply. Thank youuuuuu.
Hi Leshia,

I personally wouldn't BUY a cleansing program. It's something you can do for free. I'd just a matter of excluding certain foods/beverages from your diet for a week, giving your digestive system a break.

I remember following a 7-day cleansing program from an old issue of Braids&Beauty (waaay back in 1995) and it worked great! The article called for only fruits and vegetables and lots of water and exercise (to sweat out the toxins). The regimen also had a certain herbal tea for each day. I lost the article, but I wish I still had it! My skin was clear and I felt energized by Day 7.

If I ever come across that program again, I'll post it for you. They say a 7-day cleanse is recommended every 3 months.. so I'm over due by about 6 years! /images/graemlins/laugh.gif