Did anyone ever answer my question... I also have an observation about MTG...


New Member
The question was do you still need to clarify if you relax your hair? I was told years ago that the relaxer strips the hair of any build up and you don't need to use a clarifying shampoo.

Is this true?

Also, for the MTG users out there, I've notice that my neck and upper back seems to be dry and itchy.

Has anyone else experienced this? I now go out of my way to make sure the MTG doesn't touch my skin.
I think its true to a point...

relaxers do strip your hair...
but every time you use a hair serum, hairspray, some oils etc. on your relaxed hair or you didn't rinse all of the conditioner out, you can leave some build-up behind... Clarifying gets rid of that stuff.

It happens over time. So it may take months for you to notice the buildup. Its really a factor of how often you use these products on your hair.
Okie dokie!

I only wash and condition every two weeks now, so my build up shouldn't be too bad. I had a relaxer about a month ago as well.

I only use the jojoba oil and MTG in between washings.

Thanks, Thursday!
Blossssom said:
Okie dokie!

I only wash and condition every two weeks now, so my build up shouldn't be too bad. I had a relaxer about a month ago as well.

I only use the jojoba oil and MTG in between washings.

Thanks, Thursday!

Oh! I see what you're saying... hmmm I was thinking, when you mentioned relaxer that you meant the first one... not the touch-ups.

I wouldn't worry about clarifying unless:
suddenly your conditioners stop working or
your hair feels hard and stiff or
you hair feel coated or looks dull
or if your scalp is flaky and its not dandruff or
your scalp is itch and tender.

Usually build-up is a problem when you're using lots of styling products. I would doubt that your hair has much...if any build-up.

I think clarifying is necessary even when relaxed. I can always tell I need to clarify because a staple conditioner isn't working or I'm shedding & breaking. Clarify it on up, and I'm back to where I need to be.
Divine Inspiration said:
I think clarifying is necessary even when relaxed. I can always tell I need to clarify because a staple conditioner isn't working or I'm shedding & breaking. Clarify it on up, and I'm back to where I need to be.

I don't know when something's working and when it's not...

My hair is straight and that's all I know.

It's not hard; it's not overly shedding; and I don't have flaky scalp. I guess I'm okay then....
ThursdayGirl said:
I wouldn't worry about clarifying unless:
suddenly your conditioners stop working or
your hair feels hard and stiff or
you hair feel coated or looks dull
or if your scalp is flaky and its not dandruff or
your scalp is itch and tender.


Good standards to go by. I never clarify, but I have had to deal with some one these from time to time. I am going to ask the lady that does my hair to clarify for me now.
HoneyDew said:
Good standards to go by. I never clarify, but I have had to deal with some one these from time to time. I am going to ask the lady that does my hair to clarify for me now.

Let us know what she says. It's been my experience that hair stylists don't like it too much when you try to tell them THEIR job :)
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