Detangling & Parting


Well-Known Member
I'm just trying to figure out what it is I'm doing wrong. I'm having the worst time parting & detangling. I've tried coating with conditioner and starting from the bottom...still problems. And When I part my hair, the ends get knotted and I can hear it even when I put moisturizer in my hair after I condition, it's hard for me to style my hair.

I would like all suggestions! Thanks!
I'm just trying to figure out what it is I'm doing wrong. I'm having the worst time parting & detangling. I've tried coating with conditioner and starting from the bottom...still problems. And When I part my hair, the ends get knotted and I can hear it even when I put moisturizer in my hair after I condition, it's hard for me to style my hair.

I would like all suggestions! Thanks!

I use to have the same problem. What I do now is a hot oil treatment before every wash. I use the oil to detangle my hair using my hands only. This makes the detangling process much easier for me! HTH
WOW. all i do is wet my hair and completly cover it in condishioner or a moisturizing shampoo and the comb slides right through. try adding oils to your condish. or deep condish on dry hair first
You can try braiding your hair in four braids( or however many you think you may need), two in front and two in the back before shampooing. You can make them loose so you that you can get to your scalp easily or if you find that you need a tighter braid you can use applicator bottles with your diluted products to get to it. Then as you rinse you can undo one section at a time and comb or fingercomb them. If that doesn't work and your hair still tangles it may be time for a protein treatment such as aPhogee.
I wash my hair in 4 sections. When what you are saying happens, I stop and use my comb to work out the tangle from the bottom up and then I am able to part and detangle that section. I hope that makes sense. Q
i make my parts with the pointy end of a rattail comb.

Before washing i usually coat my hair in conditioner and/or moisten with a spritz first for a few minutes to soften up the dry hair, especially the ends.

one hand for the comb and use the fingers of the other hand to separate the hair as the point goes through, if i reach a tangle (usually near the coily ends), i either gently pick them free with the point or if really tangly use my fingers to get the tangle loosened.

you can go back later and make more precise parts the same way 'cept it'll be easier since the hair is already separated.

i've experienced no damage or breakage so far and i've been doing it like this for over a year.
I agree with the ladies that suggested washing in sections. I cannot wash my hair any other way because it's a mess if I don't. Section in 4-6 braids, wash and condition each one separately and rebraid after you wash each one. You shouldn't have a problem with detangling if you do this.
Get yourself a Jilbere shower comb.
Rinse your hair with water and apply conditioner.
Allow it to soak in.
Begin detangling your hair from the bottom up with the Jilbere comb WHILE still under the stream of the shower... the shower stream WITH the comb WITH the conditioner will detangle your hair like a MAGIC show!
I pre poo with almond oil mixed with a cheapie conditioner before I shampoo.. the oil works wonders for finger detangling...all throughout the process of wash, condition, deep condition, and then styling. HTH!
Yea, I plan on getting this comb today. Thanks for the suggestions...I also think I'll try the hot oil treatments.

Get yourself a Jilbere shower comb.
Rinse your hair with water and apply conditioner.
Allow it to soak in.
Begin detangling your hair from the bottom up with the Jilbere comb WHILE still under the stream of the shower... the shower stream WITH the comb WITH the conditioner will detangle your hair like a MAGIC show!