Destructive men...... (kind of funny)


New Member
I'm just wondering what any of you ladies would think if this was your spouse. My husband is destructive always breaking sh.. and it's starting to annoy me.

This is a small issue but it's starting to cost me money.

My husband seems to have issues with breaking each and every freaking glass that we have. I don't know how he does it but everytime I turn around I find we have less glasses to drink out of.

We just went to Ikea (yes now i've resorted to buying the 60cent glasses now) and now were back down to 2 glasses :spinning:

just a few mins ago he was talking to me flailing his dang arms and BAM!!!! broke the glass I was drinking out of.

Last week he was cleaning the george forman grill and BAM! broke another glass.

It has gotten to the point where I don't know what to drink out of because i'm scared he will break it. Why should i have to drink out of sippy cups because i'm with rain man?

Before he was breaking the glasses while washing them, I was noticing i'd be drinking out of a glass and water would be dripping out of it :lachen:, I would pick a glass up and it would shatter (because he chipped it and instead of throwing it out he left it there). He stopped putting the glasses in the sink because for some reason he kept breaking them while washing them, :nono::perplexed

I just don't get it, i'm tired of going back and forth to the store to buy glasses, i've resorted to buying the ikea glasses because they are cheap, instead of replacing my old glasses with expensive ones.

I want to have nice things but it's gonna get to the point where we are drinking out of baby bottles and eating off of plastic kids plates :lachen:

Do any of you have a destructive spouse? boyfriend? etc?

relationships are tough enough guess i'll just throw out the 2 glasses we have left and start drinking out the water and soda bottles since it's only us :lachen:

Even when we were staying with my moms to save $$$ he was breaking her glasses and not saying nothing, she had just noticed she had like 5 glasses left out of 10 :nono:

just had to get this off of my chest.
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oh I forgot he broke one of my pyrex baking dishes as well lmao!!!!
I don't know what to do anymore, thank god we don't have friends and family over or they would be drinking out of soda caps lmao!
I'm just wondering what any of you ladies would think if this was your spouse. My husband is destructive always breaking sh.. and it's starting to annoy me.

This is a small issue but it's starting to cost me money.

My husband seems to have issues with breaking each and every freaking glass that we have. I don't know how he does it but everytime I turn around I find we have less glasses to drink out of.

We just went to Ikea (yes now i've resorted to buying the 60cent glasses now) and now were back down to 2 glasses :spinning:

just a few mins ago he was talking to me flailing his dang arms and BAM!!!! broke the glass I was drinking out of.

Last week he was cleaning the george forman grill and BAM! broke another glass.

It has gotten to the point where I don't know what to drink out of because i'm scared he will break it. Why should i have to drink out of sippy cups because i'm with rain man?

Before he was breaking the glasses while washing them, I was noticing i'd be drinking out of a glass and water would be dripping out of it :lachen:, I would pick a glass up and it would shatter (because he chipped it and instead of throwing it out he left it there). He stopped putting the glasses in the sink because for some reason he kept breaking them while washing them, :nono::perplexed

I just don't get it, i'm tired of going back and forth to the store to buy glasses, i've resorted to buying the ikea glasses because they are cheap, instead of replacing my old glasses with expensive ones.

I want to have nice things but it's gonna get to the point where we are drinking out of baby bottles and eating off of plastic kids plates :lachen:

Do any of you have a destructive spouse? boyfriend? etc?

relationships are tough enough guess i'll just throw out the 2 glasses we have left and start drinking out the water and soda bottles since it's only us :lachen:

Even when we were staying with my moms to save $$$ he was breaking her glasses and not saying nothing, she had just noticed she had like 5 glasses left out of 10 :nono:

just had to get this off of my chest.

:lachen:@ rain man

If mine were like that, it'd be paper or plastic!!!
lmao!!! for real paper or plastic. he'd probably just melt the sippy cups in the microwave, believe me he'd find a way.

i'm really starting to think he's "special" and that's why he was waiting and willing to be mine :lachen:

Now I see what my grandmother was saying when she was like some men will destroy your house.

:lachen:@ rain man

If mine were like that, it'd be paper or plastic!!!
Oh wow am I relieved, I thought he was breaking stuff out of anger. Start purchasing better quality plasticware from department stores ie Macy's and such. Target has some better quality plasticware. If that is your only gripe about your hubby, then it isn't a big deal. Just don't let him touch the wedding china. LOL
no he's not angry when he's breaking them at least that would be a reason lol!

I guess he's extremely clumsy and needs to be faaaar away from glass.

thanks for mentioning macys' and plasticware, I just hate plastic cups :(

Oh wow am I relieved, I thought he was breaking stuff out of anger. Start purchasing better quality plasticware from department stores ie Macy's and such. Target has some better quality plasticware. If that is your only gripe about your hubby, then it isn't a big deal. Just don't let him touch the wedding china. LOL
get some cups like these:


Ok, this thread is lighter than I thought *wipes brow* I expected MAJOR emotional issues in here! :lachen:
If he's that clumsy, you may have to re-assign him to other duties in the house.
Wow, sadly, I think some of us would die to have OP's problem in place of some of our man issues.
This is a cute thread. I kept avoiding it because of the title. OP we rarely use glass (except for special occasions) because I hate cleaning up broken glass. We have kids too so it would be a problem in our house. I like the plasticware at Target. But it sounds like you really prefer glass. Does your husband feel bad about breaking the glasses or does he think it's funny? Maybe get plastic for him and you use glass?
This is kinda off topic, but do you think he might have some sort of nerve or fine motor problem with his hands? It sounds like he has difficulty holding his grip. How's his handwriting? Or is he just clumsy?
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funny you metion this because his head shakes when he writes it's weird, maybe it is some sort of issue locatomotively :sad: his handwriting looks like chinese, his father has lupus so i'm starting to think this may be a bigger issue than just being clumsy. I hope it is that he's just clumsy.

i've never seen anything like it. most recently he broke my blowdryer attachment! yeah now he's crossed the line messing with my hair stuff :lachen:

we were feeding a stray cat in the back yard through the window and he finds my blowdryer and knocks it down,


at times he thinks it's weird guess he's embarrassed but then he has this annoying sense of humor so other times he thinks it's hilarious.

to me it's weird and i'm worried he'll be in diapers soon (rain man theory)

This is kinda off topic, but do you think he might have some sort of nerve or fine motor problem with his hands? It sounds like he has difficulty holding his grip. How's his handwriting? Or is he just clumsy?
chile he has me nervous everytime we go to an expensive restaurant, I remember one time we were at this ritsy place and he kept dropping crumbs on the tablecloth the waiter had to come over how many times with the special crumb snatcher thing :lachen::lachen::lachen:

all I can say is he is goofy :lachen:as hell.

when we were staying with my mother while we were engaged she was like "where's my glasses? it's like they are disappearing overnight" :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: lmao!!!!!

keep him out of the kitchen, away from glass and glue his arms to his side. :)
I would buy the nice glasses and keep them in a special curio or china cabinet where he knows to stay away from. The I would fill the other kitchen cabinets with those cute plastic ones that are suppose to look like glass.

That way you can have your nice ones and he can use the others. I wouldn't get a cabinet with a glass door though :lachen:
this thread is so funny :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

My ex was a spiller. He spilled EVERYTHING!!! Spices, water, shower gel. We'd be having dinner and he would manage to spill his drink all over the place. It was even more embarrassing when we went to restaurant and he managed to spill not just his own, but the drinks on the next table as well. I could not understand how he managed that :ohwell:
lol! at no glass doors :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: he's messing up my dang home decorating style,

and now he has me paranoid, everytime I hear something cling, I jump up like "did you break one of our last 2 glasses" lmao!!!! :lachen::lachen::lachen:

I would buy the nice glasses and keep them in a special curio or china cabinet where he knows to stay away from. The I would fill the other kitchen cabinets with those cute plastic ones that are suppose to look like glass.

That way you can have your nice ones and he can use the others. I wouldn't get a cabinet with a glass door though :lachen:
dayuumm thank goodness i'm not alone.

yup he's spilled drinks at restaurants, I wanted to go hide in the bathroom from embarrassment, he's the type of clutz you see in movies, maybe a gypsy put a jinx on him lmao!!!!! :lachen::lachen: (like in drag me to hell movie).

this thread is so funny :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

My ex was a spiller. He spilled EVERYTHING!!! Spices, water, shower gel. We'd be having dinner and he would manage to spill his drink all over the place. It was even more embarrassing when we went to restaurant and he managed to spill not just his own, but the drinks on the next table as well. I could not understand how he managed that :ohwell: