Desperately seeking teaching recommendations!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies!

I'm a long time lurker coming out of hiding to seek your advice. First off, I love this ladies are so knowledgeable and kind. I love having the chance to "check in" to have new food for thought.

A bit of background: I've been saved as long as I can remember and love the Lord with all my heart. I've been blessed to have parents who know the Word in a way I've always thought of as "inside and out", and I've always turned to them when I need help understanding something I'm confused about in the Word or with a spiritual principle.

I'm 31, married w/ a precious 2 year old. I've felt an intense hunger to "grow up" now in my relationship w/ God for the last several years. I'm hungry to reconnect with God and restore my relationship with Him after years of just kinda taking our relationship for granted.

I just had a miscarriage, and I've been so comforted and peaceful throughout this time bc of His Word that I have hidden in my heart...and it's only increased my desire to be closer to Him. I want to know the word "inside and out" for myself! I don't expect to be a scholar, but I need to step my spiritual game up!

My challenge is that I don't know quite where to start. I have 2 bibles--an NIV I've had since I was 13 and my DH's New Living Translation bible. I find the latter to be really easy to understand and really like the memorization verses they pull out. I just read wherever I'm led, and I'm doing an introductory audio bible study daily. I'm kinda intimidated by all the big concordances, King James bible, and scholarly texts my folks use. DH and I have not found a church where we feel both comfortable and sound biblical teaching, but we are still looking (over a year now!)

I need recommendations on resources, books, bible translations etc. that will help me pull my base of knowledge together, and understand the word in a very real, practical fashion. Right now it feels really fragmented and like a collection of truths but I have no way to really organize them together. I'm a big picture thinker, and the resources I've found seem to work against the way I process information.

Do you all have any suggestions for things that have helped you strenghten your walk? Thanks in advance!
Hi Sister Melangek -

I am so sorry to hear about your miscarriage, I have experienced that and remember the loss I felt. However God remains faithful.

The word of our Lord through the prophet Isaiah tell us that He will answer us when we call on Him, so that is the first step. Also, ask Him to give you a love and hunger for His word.

I am a very concrete and practical thinker, so I am drawn to teachers that teach that way. Generally I suggest new believers start with the gospel of John and a notebook. While you are reading, write down concepts that you have questions about. Study that concept until you come up with an answer, and more likely than not your study will take you to the old testament as well. For practical teaching I enjoy John Macarthur, Matt Chandler, Crawford Loritts, Chip Ingram...

This book really helped me to establish my foundation...,TopRight,35,-76_AA240_SH20_OU01_.jpg

I have much more to add, will do so later. I am on medication right now that makes me sleepy.
Thanks so much for taking the time to type me a reply! I can't imagine the guidance you have to offer if that was what you were able to share under the haze of sleepiness. I've been on pills that make me a little woozy the last 3 days post D&E, so I can totally relate!

I really like the approach of starting with the book of John, and organizing my study topics from there. I am so often left with questions as I read, and I'll make note of them, but rarely get into depth taking things apart as I try to keep up with my Bible study program. Your approach seems more self directed, and what I'll work on will be most relevant and I'll feel free to work at my own speed. It's also good to know that there's no one "right" way to work through the Bible. I so often bounce around when I'm doing things my way, instead of working in a more linear fashion.

I've put The Case for Christ on my ever-growing Amazon sounds really interesting and so up my alley. I am far from a skeptic, but I really like the idea of organized research/scholarship that will affirm my faith in a highly concrete way.

When I get more time this evening, I'll be sure to check out the other 4 authors you recommended for teaching. Thanks so much for your means more than you know.

PS--w/ regard to praying for a hunger/love for His word...well you have no idea! I wake up hungry, no ravenous. I can't WAIT to get to my bible, can't WAIT to see what I'll learn today...I've never done a drug in my life, but I can describe it as a natural high!
I'd say glo or libronix, if you're looking for a basically free tool I'd say bibleexplorer. They are programs for your pc containing many translations, devotionals, articles, study guides, commentaries, etc.

Hi ladies!

I'm a long time lurker coming out of hiding to seek your advice. First off, I love this ladies are so knowledgeable and kind. I love having the chance to "check in" to have new food for thought.

A bit of background: I've been saved as long as I can remember and love the Lord with all my heart. I've been blessed to have parents who know the Word in a way I've always thought of as "inside and out", and I've always turned to them when I need help understanding something I'm confused about in the Word or with a spiritual principle.

I'm 31, married w/ a precious 2 year old. I've felt an intense hunger to "grow up" now in my relationship w/ God for the last several years. I'm hungry to reconnect with God and restore my relationship with Him after years of just kinda taking our relationship for granted.

I just had a miscarriage, and I've been so comforted and peaceful throughout this time bc of His Word that I have hidden in my heart...and it's only increased my desire to be closer to Him. I want to know the word "inside and out" for myself! I don't expect to be a scholar, but I need to step my spiritual game up!

My challenge is that I don't know quite where to start. I have 2 bibles--an NIV I've had since I was 13 and my DH's New Living Translation bible. I find the latter to be really easy to understand and really like the memorization verses they pull out. I just read wherever I'm led, and I'm doing an introductory audio bible study daily. I'm kinda intimidated by all the big concordances, King James bible, and scholarly texts my folks use. DH and I have not found a church where we feel both comfortable and sound biblical teaching, but we are still looking (over a year now!)

I need recommendations on resources, books, bible translations etc. that will help me pull my base of knowledge together, and understand the word in a very real, practical fashion. Right now it feels really fragmented and like a collection of truths but I have no way to really organize them together. I'm a big picture thinker, and the resources I've found seem to work against the way I process information.

Do you all have any suggestions for things that have helped you strenghten your walk? Thanks in advance!
I am sorry to learn of your miscarriage, also. I am glad to know that you are comforted and at peace.
I love to study on line at I skip around alot to go in depth here and there, so pulling out the books isn't as easy most of the time.
HTH! :grin: