Deneen Just Sent Me This To Give To This Forum

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Exactly. I'm also amazed by people comparing products using trace amounts of formaldehyde to dumping a cup of it on your head.

Your skin is a most effective means of medication delivery, so why would you think it wouldn't uptake the BKT chemicals.

Even the formaldehyde-free version has formalin in it.

A relaxer is rinse out within minutes of having it put on, BKT is left in for days so that it can bind to your hair, how is that comparable? never left my BKT in "for days".

If something leave your eyes red, nose raw, and you have to wear a mask to do it, who cares if it causes cancer, why would you risk it? I've never experienced any of those things with BKT.

Y'all shole do have some pretty hair tho'. :rolleyes:

What annoys the heck out of me is people WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN OR EXPERIENCED BKT in real like posting such strong opnions about it. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to know what the heck I'm talking about before I start typing.
Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that. I wanted to go 100% natural, but it would require a complete overhaul that I just don't have the energy for at the moment. Like you said, it's in can be kind of overwhelming to think about.

I'm considering trying BKT in 2010. I just think it's funny how most of the people acting all shocked and alarmed over BKT are the same people using commercial products and DCing with heat 3x a week. I guess it's easier to point the finger, than to really look at yourself and what you're doing.

About the're right. I was lucky that when I started my hair journey I had already been diagnosed with lupus and my rheumatologist had given me a list of things to watch out for in my hair/skin products. Since I was starting from scratch anyway, it made it easier for me. Doing a complete overhaul would be :nono::spinning::spinning:...I can't even imagaine.

About the red, you're right. Though, I know for sure BKT has a much higher risk than some other things depending on how it's used. But as with everything else, to each her own.

What annoys the heck out of me is people WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN OR EXPERIENCED BKT in real like posting such strong opnions about it. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to know what the heck I'm talking about before I start typing.

Not to be combative or anything...but how would you know if someone has seen or experienced a bkt? I've seen many on youtube and even watched one being done in a salon. That's how I formed my opinion about it. And just because someone hasn't done it to their own hair, doesn't mean they can't have an informed opinion about it.
What annoys the heck out of me is people WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN OR EXPERIENCED BKT in real like posting such strong opnions about it. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to know what the heck I'm talking about before I start typing.

So, one has to actually experience it to know what it is about? Like smoking, right? After all 1,000 reviews of it on LHCF and elsewhere. Get out of here with that.

Guinea pig away, Jayann. Frankly, neither you or I know what the long-term consequences to your health will be. I pray for your sake that there won't be any.
What annoys the heck out of me is people WHO HAVE NEVER SEEN OR EXPERIENCED BKT in real like posting such strong opnions about it. Maybe I'm the only one who likes to know what the heck I'm talking about before I start typing.

I dont have to experience it to know that formaldehyde will mess you up. i am a chemist, i work with it daily so i know what time it is..
I dont have to experience it to know that formaldehyde will mess you up. i am a chemist, i work with it daily so i know what time it is..

Are you afraid that your daily dealings with formaldahyde plus BKT would be too much? Halle Berry and Nicole Richie do the Brazilian Blowout, it's formeldahye free. Nicole Richie did her hair while she was pregnant.

Question, do you all frequent nail salons for pedicures or manicures? What are your thoughts about that type of exposure to formeldahyde?

I love BKT and I will continue to use it wisely (as I've done with relaxers and hair dye which is a potent carcinogen) plus it's been used for many years in Brazil.
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its chemistry time....

yes but the term aldehyde refers to a group of chemicals that has a carbon double bonded to an oxygen this same carbon must also be bonded to a Hydrogen. like this Aldehydes are a spefic group , that R represents anything. Formaldehyde is the chemical that is this ..Note that the R is now another hydrogen. It is this component that will mess you up. Now this chemical has many ways of entry, since this is a very small compound it gets into the body through the skin( no open cuts required), lungs. It would take a laboratory grade vacuum system to remove alll of it from the air, not a fan from walgreens. Due to its VERY HIGH affinity for water, this will attach to water vapor and still stay in the air long after the smell is gone and you will still breathe it in.

The aldehydes that you are referring too are long chain aldehydes, they react differently to the body that these do. Their long chain R groups make them toooooooo big to cause the kinds of effects that these small groups can do.

I looked into BKT, but i know at the end of the day Formaldehyde is a no go ...


So the aledahydes are not as harmful as the formeldahye? The BKT I use is formeldahyde free and I haven't had any issues withs coughing, headaches or teary eyes. I've had excellent results with formeldahyde free BKT's.
About the're right. I was lucky that when I started my hair journey I had already been diagnosed with lupus and my rheumatologist had given me a list of things to watch out for in my hair/skin products. Since I was starting from scratch anyway, it made it easier for me. Doing a complete overhaul would be :nono::spinning::spinning:...I can't even imagaine.

About the red, you're right. Though, I know for sure BKT has a much higher risk than some other things depending on how it's used. But as with everything else, to each her own.

Not to be combative or anything...but how would you know if someone has seen or experienced a bkt? I've seen many on youtube and even watched one being done in a salon. That's how I formed my opinion about it. And just because someone hasn't done it to their own hair, doesn't mean they can't have an informed opinion about it.

I read that Tamia uses BKTs and she has Multiple Sclerosis.
I dont have to experience it to know that formaldehyde will mess you up. i am a chemist, i work with it daily so i know what time it is..

Just let it go, they are going to want to do what they want. But I will let it known, whoever goes over to that Off Topic or Religion forum begging for prayer after this mess has caused harm, will only be provided links from this topics and a reminder of how you were willing to got to war for BKT from me. Yeah, I said it.

ETA: This reminds me of that Rio mess that can out about 12/13 years ago. I can remember several women being upset and leaving my beautician because she refused to apply it to their hair. Then a few months later came back to her crying for her to help them save the little hair that Rio had left them with.
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I read that Tamia uses BKTs and she has Multiple Sclerosis.

That's nice. I'm sure it's fine for her.

My doctor just wanted me to be aware of things that *may* have an effect on me in the future since I have a compromised immune system. One of those things was DMDM Hydantoin, along with a list of others.

For me, prevention is key. It's not like it hurts me not to use bkt since I like my hair the way it is.
Just let it go, they are going to want to do what they want. But I will let it known, whoever goes over to that Off Topic or Religion forum begging for prayer after this mess has caused harm, will only be provided links from this topics and a reminder of how you were willing to got to war for BKT from me. Yeah, I said it.

ETA: This reminds me of that Rio mess that can out about 12/13 years ago. I can remember several women being upset and leaving my beautician because she refused to apply it to their hair. Then a few months later came back to her crying for her to help them save the little hair that Rio had left them with.

My God, what a horrible thing to say. :nono: Would you say that to someone that was obese, took prescription medication, used relaxers, drank diet sodas, alchohol, fried or charred meats? People have been getting cancer long before BKT and if you snatch it off the market people will still get cancer because that's the type of world we live in - one that utilizes chemicals for everything.

What would you say to the OP?
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That's nice. I'm sure it's fine for her.

My doctor just wanted me to be aware of things that *may* have an effect on me in the future since I have a compromised immune system. One of those things was DMDM Hydantoin, along with a list of others.

For me, prevention is key. It's not like it hurts me not to use bkt since I like my hair the way it is.

I'm sure it is fine for her but she has an autoimmune disease as well, that was my point.

Since you frequent the BKT threads, I though you might be interested in getting one or something.
I'm sure it is fine for her but she has an autoimmune disease as well, that was my point.

Since you frequent the BKT threads, I though you might be interested in getting one or something.

Nope, I just like to learn. I frequent the relaxer, color, straightening, steam treatment, and bc'ing threads but I don't plan to get any of those either.
good gracious.

I originally posted about how redundant the OP was because almost every single thread on this forum (of which there are at least 8 and two of which are constantly updated and long running) has this same post in it. that post was not meant with any type of tone or malice, just a statement of the obvious. Anyone who has done the absolute slightest bit of research on BKT has to know that the formaldehyde or one of its "close cousins" is the effective chemical in ANY of the BKTs, even those that boast "formaldehyde free". Formaldehyde free means that the amounts are so small that they are not compelled by law to list it or that it contains another form, so technically they dont have to list it as formaldehyde.

nobody is "blaming the victim". the bkt loyals are well aware of the formaldehyde issue and have made it aware for newbies who want to know more about bkt. People are becoming very defensive because there are some of the same bkt bashers who are so intent on coming into every thread, posting the same death threats. No one is trying to cover up the danger of using formaldehyde. By all means, information must be disseminated. knowledge is power. but once that information has gotten out, do we really need to beat the dead horse? if you are anti bkt, thats wonderful and you will not be lynched. dont use it on yourself or any of your kinfolk.

some people also get a lil up in arms about what they interpret as hypocrisy. no need to even get into that because we can go back and forth all day. not a whole lot will be accomplished. but hell, there are certain mushrooms, fish, herbs, etc, that if ingested or even used topically will kill and if not, will affect your health in an adverse manner. and hell, those are all natural.

point is, bkt has formaldehyde. formaldehyde is a carcinogen. carcinogens cause cancer. carcinogens are listed in all types of beauty products that we use on a regular basis. there is a high chance that if you are diagnosed with cancer, you may die sooner than later. if you would like to live longer, lets try to cut out those carcinogens in every aspect of our lives. even better, lets cut out most man made chemicals that are suspected of having adverse affects on your life. even still, lets look out for the natural ones, that could also have an adverse affect on our health. because we are all human and capable of both inferential and deductive reasoning, with this information provided, (with the help of free will) we will weigh the pros and cons and choose to use the cancerous demon if we like. if you wanna ban bkt but smoke a newport once day, completely up to you. its your choice. i'm one of those folks. i dont smoke, try to stay away from those that do but my absolute favorite nail strengthener lists formaldehyde as its 5th ingredient. im aware that there is some formaldehyde seeping into my system everytime i use it. but i still do. in the day and age of chemicals we should all try to live "healthier", especially us folks of color that seem to be predisposed to contracting some of any and everything.

oh and i definitely know how print and perspective go hand in hand. this post does not have sarcastic or hateful tone to it at all. all im saying is that this info has been put out there lots of times before.
Thanks OP for posting this. To some this post may be redundant but this is the first I've really heard of it. Not everyone reads these posts everyday and BKT is new to me.
Thanks OP for posting this. To some this post may be redundant but this is the first I've really heard of it. Not everyone reads these posts everyday and BKT is new to me.

actually I'd like to thank her also. her intent was just to provide info which it did and you didn't have to read through 18 pages to get to it. I actually meant to link 2 of the other threads so that people could get more information. i think the frustration is with the following posts.

I'd also like to think ms Honeybuni84 for post 47. also quite informative. k im done.
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