Deneen Just Sent Me This To Give To This Forum

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Mmm, some of them are, like formaldehyde. Many common aldehydes are not linked to cancer.

I know that many people avoid perfume for this reason. I would never consider doing that, nor would I consider taking a job in a fragrance-free office...perfume is an essential part of my personal style. I think it's the same with BKT--each person has to decide for themselves if they're willing to take the risk.

I agree. :yep:
And apparently the woman who died in Brazil left it on for 4 days. :perplexed :sad:

Idk why this made me laugh :lachen: (God I laugh about everything!!! FORGIVE ME LORD) but this is some serious nonsense. I mean this really is not funny but...can I say it? What a ______ {insert mean adjective - jk} But on a serious note, people will do some crazy things in the name of straight hair.

Okay back to laughing. :lachen: I hope I don't lose my $6.50 for this. Nothin funny bout' folks dyin but come one..this is like the darwin awards.
Not much for new treatments/fads /products.

I'd rather use something that has been tested for years...

Truth is if you can stay away from the creamy crack or any other chemical do so, or severly limit use if you feel you must and give you body a break from time to time.

If you go to you will find just how hazardous the "beauty" products some use every day are.

Nothing more beautiful than someone healthy inside and out. JMHO
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Well, the wonderful thing is you don't have to use the treatment if you are afraid of chemicals. Just stay away from Lye (and no-lye), diet drinks, fruits, vegetables, cars, microwaves and live in a bubble! That's a surefire way to avoid cancer and death.:ohwell::look::perplexed

you forgot french fries doll.
I am new to this site but I have noticed that the trend is either fanatical love for btk or grim reaper warnings. Just like every other chemical we subject ourselves to there are risks. Weigh them and make the right decision for yourself with out spreading alarm for those who chose otherwise.
Not so. I read a study that said female African-American stylists develop cancer 5x more than the general public because of their exposure to chemicals. We ALL know the main chemical in an African-American salon is a Lye/No-lye relaxer or hair color.

Everything causes cancer in this chemical laden world. Apples, prescription medicine, prescription medicine combos that have never been tested, potato chips, cars, Kentucky Fried Chicken (grilled)....

And were relaxers established as the cause?

IA that there are various causes of cancer. But there are things that carry a much higher risk. There are so many ways a car can kill you. You could just be walking down the street minding your own business and someone loses control and hits you. But would you jump into the middle of a busy freeway?
Oh boy, well I all I can say is that I hope that everyone is right with the LORD because something is going to kill you. Be it BKT, BLT, or LHCF, but we are all going to die from something. So since I know that to be 100% true, I am going to look "FLY" while I am alive! Ya heard me :perplexed See ya in the BKT thread!
Actually, DMDM Hydantoin and I. Urea were the first ingredients that I started to avoid when I started my hair journey.

I remember also a conversation Samantha (Lucky'sMom) and I had at lunch one day where she talked about how if you're using a conditioner that has those preservatives and you use it under heat (hooded dryer), you would be exposing yourself to formaldehyde (though a small amount). Since she likes to steam and dc often, she said it wasn't a risk she was willing to take. (Sam correct me if I'm wrong if you happen to see this.)

Just like with everything else this stuff is cumulative. It's in EVERYTHING. So if you're dcing 3x a week under heat with products with those ingredients, maybe you want to reevaluate. I can't say the risk is the same, less, or more than BKT but it's something to think about.
Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that. I wanted to go 100% natural, but it would require a complete overhaul that I just don't have the energy for at the moment. Like you said, it's in can be kind of overwhelming to think about.

I'm considering trying BKT in 2010. I just think it's funny how most of the people acting all shocked and alarmed over BKT are the same people using commercial products and DCing with heat 3x a week. I guess it's easier to point the finger, than to really look at yourself and what you're doing.
I think most if not all the women here know the risks. I know I won't be putting BKT in my hair, but if it promised bigger breasts I'd be drinking it like Kool-Aid

Thanks for the info OP.

I'm surprised your stylist is only just hearing of this treatment, I heard of it over 2 years ago (pre LHCF) and I'm not a beautician.
I wonder if the same stylist would stop using all salon chemicals if she saw the study about black hair stylist developing cancer 5 times more than the general population.
^^ this is what it would be like if relaxers came out today. Back then the general public didnt know enough about chemicals to be alarmed.
Well, aldehydes are the basis of most perfumes. I can usually recognize the aldehyde note in a fragrance.

So it's probably just a scent component of the ORS.

its chemistry time....

yes but the term aldehyde refers to a group of chemicals that has a carbon double bonded to an oxygen this same carbon must also be bonded to a Hydrogen. like this Aldehydes are a spefic group , that R represents anything. Formaldehyde is the chemical that is this ..Note that the R is now another hydrogen. It is this component that will mess you up. Now this chemical has many ways of entry, since this is a very small compound it gets into the body through the skin( no open cuts required), lungs. It would take a laboratory grade vacuum system to remove alll of it from the air, not a fan from walgreens. Due to its VERY HIGH affinity for water, this will attach to water vapor and still stay in the air long after the smell is gone and you will still breathe it in.

The aldehydes that you are referring too are long chain aldehydes, they react differently to the body that these do. Their long chain R groups make them toooooooo big to cause the kinds of effects that these small groups can do.

I looked into BKT, but i know at the end of the day Formaldehyde is a no go ...
^^ this is what it would be like if relaxers came out today. Back then the general public didnt know enough about chemicals to be alarmed.

Exactly. I'm also amazed by people comparing products using trace amounts of formaldehyde to dumping a cup of it on your head.

Your skin is a most effective means of medication delivery, so why would you think it wouldn't uptake the BKT chemicals.

Even the formaldehyde-free version has formalin in it.

A relaxer is rinse out within minutes of having it put on, BKT is left in for days so that it can bind to your hair, how is that comparable?

If something leave your eyes red, nose raw, and you have to wear a mask to do it, who cares if it causes cancer, why would you risk it?

Y'all shole do have some pretty hair tho'. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I've been thinking a lot about that. I wanted to go 100% natural, but it would require a complete overhaul that I just don't have the energy for at the moment. Like you said, it's in can be kind of overwhelming to think about.

I'm considering trying BKT in 2010. I just think it's funny how most of the people acting all shocked and alarmed over BKT are the same people using commercial products and DCing with heat 3x a week. I guess it's easier to point the finger, than to really look at yourself and what you're doing.

BKT is the best thing since sliced bread IMO! I'm tex-laxed and currently transitioning (16 weeks post tomorrow) now and let me tell you, I can walk IN THE RAIN with my flat-ironed hair and my hair DOES NOT FRIZZ including my 3b/c new growth!!!!!!!!!! You will love it!:yep:
its chemistry time....

yes but the term aldehyde refers to a group of chemicals that has a carbon double bonded to an oxygen this same carbon must also be bonded to a Hydrogen. like this Aldehydes are a spefic group , that R represents anything. Formaldehyde is the chemical that is this ..Note that the R is now another hydrogen. It is this component that will mess you up. Now this chemical has many ways of entry, since this is a very small compound it gets into the body through the skin( no open cuts required), lungs. It would take a laboratory grade vacuum system to remove alll of it from the air, not a fan from walgreens. Due to its VERY HIGH affinity for water, this will attach to water vapor and still stay in the air long after the smell is gone and you will still breathe it in.

The aldehydes that you are referring too are long chain aldehydes, they react differently to the body that these do. Their long chain R groups make them toooooooo big to cause the kinds of effects that these small groups can do.

I looked into BKT, but i know at the end of the day Formaldehyde is a no go ...

I hope you all scrutinize what you eat as much as you all do the
My mom is currently fighting cancer. These threads always have a blame the patient vibe that is deeply unsettling to me. I'm not even sure why we treat cancer patients. Clearly it is some sort of punishment for the choices that they have made in their lives. Smart, careful people don't get cancer.

I believe you can sit at home or you can live your life. I once was told that I had a less than 50% chance of seeing next week. I choose to live my life.
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Exactly. I'm also amazed by people comparing products using trace amounts of formaldehyde to dumping a cup of it on your head.

Your skin is a most effective means of medication delivery, so why would you think it wouldn't uptake the BKT chemicals.

Even the formaldehyde-free version has formalin in it.

A relaxer is rinse out within minutes of having it put on, BKT is left in for days so that it can bind to your hair, how is that comparable?

If something leave your eyes red, nose raw, and you have to wear a mask to do it, who cares if it causes cancer, why would you risk it?

Y'all shole do have some pretty hair tho'. :rolleyes:

Shole do!!:yep::grin:
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Why is this article not posted every other day?

Hair Dye Linked to Blood Cancer
Long-Term Use of Dark, Permanent Dye May Raise Lymphoma Risk
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsJan. 26, 2004 -- Long-term use of permanent hair dye -- in dark colors -- doubles a person's risk of certain blood cancers, new research shows.

Earlier studies have linked permanent hair dyes to bladder cancer as well as to the group of diseases known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma rates are up all over the world. Nobody knows why, says Yale researcher Tongzhang Zheng, ScD.

Zheng suspected that hair dyes might play a role. Use of hair dye is increasing. And the products -- especially the permanent types in dark colors -- may expose users to dangerous chemicals. So Zheng led a research team that analyzed hair dye use in 601 women with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and in 717 similar women without cancer.

The results: An increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was observed for women who reported the use of hair coloring products before 1980. Women who used dark-colored permanent hair-coloring products for more than 25 years doubled their risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The risk was nearly the same for women who used more than 200 applications of these products. No increased risk was seen in women who used semi-permanent dyes or temporary rinses.

So should women stop using permanent hair dyes?

"Hair coloring is a personal decision for all kinds of reasons," Zheng tells WebMD. "But if I am the person, if semi-permanent or temporary dyes could serve my issue, I would do it. Because these contain much less of the ingredients linked to cancer."

Zheng's report appears in the Jan. 15 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology
Why is this article not posted every other day?

Hair Dye Linked to Blood Cancer
Long-Term Use of Dark, Permanent Dye May Raise Lymphoma Risk
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health NewsJan. 26, 2004 -- Long-term use of permanent hair dye -- in dark colors -- doubles a person's risk of certain blood cancers, new research shows.

Earlier studies have linked permanent hair dyes to bladder cancer as well as to the group of diseases known as non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma rates are up all over the world. Nobody knows why, says Yale researcher Tongzhang Zheng, ScD.

Zheng suspected that hair dyes might play a role. Use of hair dye is increasing. And the products -- especially the permanent types in dark colors -- may expose users to dangerous chemicals. So Zheng led a research team that analyzed hair dye use in 601 women with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and in 717 similar women without cancer.

The results: An increased risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was observed for women who reported the use of hair coloring products before 1980. Women who used dark-colored permanent hair-coloring products for more than 25 years doubled their risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The risk was nearly the same for women who used more than 200 applications of these products. No increased risk was seen in women who used semi-permanent dyes or temporary rinses.

So should women stop using permanent hair dyes?

"Hair coloring is a personal decision for all kinds of reasons," Zheng tells WebMD. "But if I am the person, if semi-permanent or temporary dyes could serve my issue, I would do it. Because these contain much less of the ingredients linked to cancer."

Zheng's report appears in the Jan. 15 issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology

I'm convinced some people just want you to have frizzy

I will say this. BKT is a nothing more than an anti-frizz treatment, IMO. It didn't change the texture of my hair or make it any siliker than my ORS relaxer, but it does stop it from reverting and I love that. :yep: I don't care if it causes me to grow a third eye or an extra arm, shoot I could use an extra arm when I'm! I'm so glad they invented BKT! I'm not doing anymore relaxers, BKT is it for me. :yep:
My mom is currently fighting cancer. These threads always have a blame the patient vibe that is deeply unsettling to me. I'm not even sure why we treat cancer patients. Clearly it is some sort of punishment for the choices that they have made in their lives. Smart, careful people don't get cancer.

I believe you can sit at home or you can live your life. I once was told that I had a less than 50% chance of seeing next week. I choose to live my life.

That's some very fatalistic thinking there.
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