Delving into the mind of a man...


Well-Known Member
who has been with a woman for several years, has children by her, but won't marry her.

This reminds me of the T.I. and Tiny situation and some other people's situations. If those guys are behaving and thinking the same way this guy is, then woe be unto those women.

Anyway, this guy posted a thread over at Askmen, and as people questioned him, he added more foul stuff.

Hi Guys im looking for advice and opinions on this heartbreaking subject.

I have been with my partner for 10 years staying together for 8.

We have 2 children aged 7 and 2.

I have come to the conclusion i want out. Im 35 and feel like i have missed a big chunk of my independant life. I do not love my partner properly and i am not proud of her(although she has many great thing about her) I know i can get other woman as i have met a couple of girls in pubs and basically had a great night with them although we never had sex.

I have another property which i rent out but can move in(with notice) if really required.

I think about this ALL the time and i feel its depressing me and i feel trapped.

I know i have to go but the thought of leaving my children is gut wrenching.

I want to date other woman as i feel i have missed out over the years.

Please help
I know the problem i just dont love her.
Its easier said than done.

I have a good life,nice home, no real money worries. I fear i cant do it ,but a big part knows i have to do it.

Also what other woman would want to go with a man with 2 kids?
Thats a question i have asked myself a thousand times.

The kids were not planned but are the only reason im still here.

I dont want to make up for lost time i just want some independance.
I have never loved this woman properly my eye keeps looking elsewhere and sometimes i get joy elsewhere and it makes me sad that i cant see other women.
Okay firstly thanks everyone for the input.

I did not plan on having children they both came along unexpected and i wanted to to the right thing by them which is be a good dad which i know i am.

Yes i should of kept my dick in my trousers but i was under the impression there was contraception getting used.

I fully understand that the children come first and do intend to see them as much as possible and support partner and kids cash wise.

We are not married and i intend to never get married to anyone.

I am not going to start another relashonship with other woman until i feel im ready which will be years away.

We nearly split up last year so my partner knows that things are not all rosy in the garden.

Yes i have been getting my dick "wet" over the years and i hate the guilt it brings.

Im being honest with myself now instead of being the actor which i have perfected over the years.

I know it will be hard for everyone and no decision has been made.

But i cant go on like this ,i cant lie anymore.
One cowgirl-ism for good measure. She can't spell for anything, but she sure is a trip!


so let me guess you tripped in the bedroom a couple of times fell over and your d***
just accidentally wound up in her?

listen here sporty..i can see one accidental happens no BC is 100% except abstinence..

however you have TWO!!! TWO DEAR!! a women doesn't trick a man twice unless he wants to be tricked..

and now you come clean and tel us that you have been cheating on her the whole time?

you are a real piece of work..and if i look into my cowgirl crystal ball i will tell you this..

you are destined to father even more children in the future..

why? because you are not an man you are nothing more then a dog on the prowl for a b**** in heat..

you never take the responsibility for the children you father ( you are cheating on there mother, and now talking about deserting them out )
right) but you [plan on continuing this pattern in to the future with new women..

by 1 blaming the women for children born and never taking on the responsibility for stopping the risk yourself.

2 putting you need for new and strange ***** over the need to have self control and honor the commitments you have
already made.

and 3 deserting your children to continue to put your own desires over people you have a obligation to..

you need to be neutered..that is the only way society is safe from people like you!

but then again since we as a society dont neuter the irresponsible..we will have to get our satisfaction by remembering that about 40% of your income will being going out in child support..

but a tragedy for your kids..that will most likely follow your
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So he thought she was on BC and thought he could go raw? Thats why I always say that people should use at least 2 forms of contraceptives.

Anyway, he needs to just break up with her. I would hate for a man to feel like he has to be with me just because we have kids. She's better off without him.
I think most people had a problem with him living with this woman, playing house, getting her pregnant again recently knowing he does not want to be with her.

I wonder if she knows the reason he has not married her.
Wow... I guess he really thought everyone was gonna tell him to follow his heart :rolleyes: and he's not such a bad guy for cheating and stringing her along for a DECADE of her life, and then rolling out so he can live some swinging Bachelor life replete with wall to wall snuzzy.

SMDH Men in long term relationships always put on these rose colored glasses when they think of single life. They imagine themselves as out there with a dime on each arm and another on her knees begging for his root :rofl: they don't remember being lonely and horny and trolling around looking for cheap sex (and striking out 90% of the time) in a dirty flat with fast food cartons all over the floor.
Wow... I guess he really thought everyone was gonna tell him to follow his heart :rolleyes: and he's not such a bad guy for cheating and stringing her along for a DECADE of her life, and then rolling out so he can live some swinging Bachelor life replete with wall to wall snuzzy.

SMDH Men in long term relationships always put on these rose colored glasses when they think of single life. They imagine themselves as out there with a dime on each arm and another on her knees begging for his root :rofl: they don't remember being lonely and horny and trolling around looking for cheap sex (and striking out 90% of the time) in a dirty flat with fast food cartons all over the floor.

He said he met some girls in a pub and already slept with them, so I guess he thinks it's an easy thing.

If he does leave this woman and doesn't find what he's looking for, I wonder if he'll try to get her to take him back.
i think these stories are very common. sometimes its difficult to leave a relationship even when you're unhappy. sometimes its insecurity, sometimes its because you're married, sometimes its because of the kids, sometimes its a false sense of loyalty.

i recently left a relationship that i so admit should have been over long b4 i ended it and i know many people feel the same. i'm so happy now i can't believe i hesitated to leave for so long (i won't admit how long cause that is embarrassing lol.) he should leave and stay active in his child's lives. he and their mother deserve to find true happiness elsewhere.
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