Delightfully Delicious DC Challenge 2011 (Part 3)

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Don't worry be happy
Welcome to the Delightfully Delicious Deep Conditioning Challenge 2011 (Pt.III)


Welcome to the trilogy of a four-part deep conditioning challenge running until Dec 31st 2011. This challenge is great for motivation and keeping ourselves accountable :yep: For more details on the benefits of DCing, and a comprehensive list of deep conditioners, please see DDDC PART 1. You can also check out DDDC PART 2.

Challenge Rules :)

1. Deep condition at least once per week, on wet or dry hair. If you are wearing braids or weaves, once per 10-14 days is fine.

2. Shampooing is not required.

3. Deep condition using your method of choice: Heat cap, hooded dryer, steamer, hot towels or no heat.

4. You must DC for a minimum of 30 minutes.

5. Come check in at least once a week to update the team on how it's going for you. Also, it would be helpful if we know what you are using as your deep conditioners of choice. This helps to inform the newbies in that we'll know if they are using the correct conditioners for their hair in an effort to avoid protein/moisture overload.

6. Let us know what kind of results you are getting from a conditioner as well, whether you liked it or not and why.


Beauty by Nature
Forever in Bloom

***Ladies, many of you are in this for the whole year, so what I have done is copied the list of challengers. If your name is here and you're not feeling this round, just let me know :) Of course, if you're still down then let's continue! :grin: If you're new and wanna join, gimme a shout, I will gladly add you to the list :yep:
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I'll join! :bouncy: I was dcing but not updating in Part 2.

Will be dcing overnight twice a week until school starts again in Sept and then scale back to once a week.
My name's already added! :woot:

I'll be deep conditioning overnight a few times a week. :grin:
Yay!! I made it to part 3 :clapping:. To start the journey off right, I'll be dc'ing today on dry hair with AOHSR under a heating cap :yep:

Good luck to all the ladies in this challenge!
I wasn't brought over, can you please add me? I didn't update regularly in Part 2 but I was definitely DC'ing once a week and ended the last part with a DC'er using steam last night. Even my stylist noticed and said how healthy my hair felt to her. YEAH! I plan on finishing strong with this challenge to the end of the year.
Can you please add me to the challenge, I will be d'cing once per 10-14 days.
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Okey dokey. IDareT'sHair :)

The review on the Joico K-Pak Intense Hydrator:

Overall, I really like it.

- Great moisture, I actually haven't felt the need to do a 2nd weekly DC in the two times I used it.

- It thicked my hair. The Kpak line claims to have these low molecular weight proteins that easily penetrate the hair shaft, better than other brands. I believe it :yep: My hair is noticeably thicker, and even after it air dried it felt heavier; similar to my results after a fresh henna tx.

-Made my hair feel smoother and shinier. I could run my fingers up the hair shaft and it felt smooooth, so :up: :up: for laying dem cuticles down. My hair is very porous so I loooove this.


Not as much slip as I would like. A fair amount of slip 6/10. Enough to help a comb glide through snags but not major tangles. I don't find its a good detangling condish. I think I've been spoiled by ORS replenishing. That stuff just meeeeelts my hair :grin:

It has a bit more protein than I would like for a moisture DC. My hair feels very moisturized and "fat" if that makes sense but by the second use ( I used it by itself), my hair felt a wee bit stiff. My hair is sensitive to keratin, so that probably why. I'll probably get way using this without a prior protein tx , and if I DC 2x/wk I'll use this once.

Again, overall for the moisture, thickening, and cuticle smoothing benefits, it's a keeper :yep: I think I'm going to alternate between this and the ORS.
I wasn't brought over, can you please add me? I didn't update regularly in Part 2 but I was definitely DC'ing once a week and ended the last part with a DC'er using steam last night. Even my stylist noticed and said how healthy my hair felt to her. YEAH! I plan on finishing strong with this challenge to the end of the year.

Of course TruMe :) I'm so glad you hair is doing well :yay: Can't wait to see how your hair is doing by Dec :yep:

Welcome to DDDC Xaragua! :) Gonna add you now. I'll be looking out for your posts :yep:
I would like to join this DDDC challenge - my first. I DC each time I shampoo which is weekly. I recently bought a bunch of Dominican conditioners: Silicon Mix Bambo, Crece Pelo, Doctor Cabello and Baba de Caracol I'm eager to use them all so hopefully I will through these weekly check-ins.
I would like to join this DDDC challenge - my first. I DC each time I shampoo which is weekly. I recently bought a bunch of Dominican conditioners: Silicon Mix Bambo, Crece Pelo, Doctor Cabello and Baba de Caracol I'm eager to use them all so hopefully I will through these weekly check-ins.

Welcome hair4today! Looking forward to reading your reviews on all the Dominican DC's :yep:
I thought I was signed in with this challenge but don't see my name. Please add me in :-)

I am dutifully sitting here with my DC on :-)
My DDDC plan for this weekend - Focus is moisture:
coconut oil overnight
Aloe Vera gel (to dampen hair)
Biolage cera repair (hydratherapie)
Aveda Dry remedy mask
Avocado and Wheat germ oil
Giovanni Deeper moisture
Steam for 30 minutes
As my hair cools I may even add another mask...why not:grin:
I was bored, so I slapped some Kenra Platinum Mango Butter Moisturizer on my head. Had a little bit left from my relaxed days and wanted to see how it works for me now.

Still don't get why it's called "Moisturizer" though, since it's a conditioner. :confused:

Anywho, I'll probably rinse it out later tonight. :)
halee_J :lachen: Girl, my hair used to be a mess before I cut it all off! The relaxed ends were especially bad, but now that I've gotten back to dc'ing, my hair actually looks like... hair! :lol:

I wish I would have taken a picture of my hair before, but at the time I wasn't trying to create ANY momentos of what my head looked like! :lol:
Did a hard core proteing treatment and followed with a DC overnight with a mix of alter ego, joico moisture balm, and aveda dry remedy (w/ a little JBCO and WGO).
halee_J well right now my hair is in a braided frohawk. My protein has been off lately so I want to do a treatment before I DC again (my hair has been surviving thanks aphogee green tea and cowashing). I've dcd with braids but never have I done a protein treatment with braids. I dont want to do a Dc by itself and risk really throwing my moisture/protein balance off.
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