Deep conditioning pre-poo?


Active Member
I'm wondering if a pre-poo can do double duty as a deep conditioning treat too. :scratchch Aubrey Organics conditioners say in the directions they can be slathered on dry hair for deep conditioning prior to shampooing. Ojon Restorative treatment is also designed for use as a pre-poo conditioning treatment. So my question to you ladies, is do you use your pre-poo as your deep conditioning treatment?

I am trying to simplify my regimen. I do need time in the shower for combing and detangling, so it really would be easier to just pre-poo, hop in the shower and shampoo and use an instant conditioner for silkiness and detangling. This is what I'm leaning towards now. :think:
I've DC'd on dry hair then shampooed, and it worked well. It's not something I do often because I think my hair responds to certain conditioners better when it's wet prior to application, but putting Aubrey's GPB on dry hair worked like a charm.

The only thing I notice is that my hair has to be saturated in conditioner in order for it to really be effective. Combing the condish through doesn't seem to work as well so it's important to be generous with the condish.
Yes, I do. Since my pre-poos last at least an hour, I always consider that deep conditioning. Sometimes I even add heat if I know I'm going to be extra lazy after the shower.

I would recommend that if you do do the deep conditioning pre-poo, always use a medium or heavy conditioner. A V05 or Suave type conditioner won't really cut it.
I really like this idea. I used Mane N Tail yesterday on dry hair as a pre poo and it was heavenely. Also in the winter I used to use my Lekair on dry hair too. Those thick cholesterols work well for that. There is something so satisfying about having your hair saturated in conditioner. :D