Another Deep Conditioning Question


New Member
How do u all do it?

I love my pre-poo's so i pre-poo overnite (which in a sense is a dc right?).

I wash my hair the next morning, shampoo, light protein condition for 5 mins then i air dry my hair slightly.

Then..........i deep condition with whatever i have and use my conditioning cap for 30mins or more.

First of all im thinking that this way too much conditioning :lachen: so i should probably skip the pre-poo and just oil my scalp the night before instead to keep my roots moist.

Secondly i really should be rinsing out my deep conditioner after sitting under my cap. i never rinsed coz i was so worried about drying out my hair, but i guess i should think about moistering my hair whilst it's wet right?
Do u all rinse out your dc's?

Please explain your routine to me. Thanks.
I`m a 4a/b natural and this is my routine:

I wash my hair once a week with a moisturizing shampoo followed by a moisturizing conditioner. I part my hair in 4 to 6 sections and put the conditioner on each section (on towel dried/damp hair, this is also when I choose to detangle), I then do bantu knots on each section, put a shower cap on and sit under my hood dryer for 45 minutes. Then I wait another 15 min for my hair to cool (so the hair cuticles can close) and then I rinse out the conditioner, I always end with cool water (the last 3 minutes of rinsing).
I DC on dry hair with heat for at least 30 minutes. I part my hair and apply the conditioner like a relaxer, from root to tip. Then I let my hair cool, rinse, lather once with shampoo, and then apply a quickie conditioner, and then rinse that.

I've found that my hair prefers a DC on dry hair, I've gotten better results and my hair is more moisturized.
I dont think you can do too much conditioning, especially since you are adding protein to the mix but you should definately be rinsing after a deep conditioner. Most of the time I dc dry for about 30 min with heat, then shampoo, and detangle with another conditioner and rinse out while im in the shower. If im doing a protein treatment, I pre-poo then shampoo do the protein treatment and then dc with heat detangle then rinse.
I`m a 4a/b natural and this is my routine:

I wash my hair once a week with a moisturizing shampoo followed by a moisturizing conditioner. I part my hair in 4 to 6 sections and put the conditioner on each section (on towel dried/damp hair, this is also when I choose to detangle), I then do bantu knots on each section, put a shower cap on and sit under my hood dryer for 45 minutes. Then I wait another 15 min for my hair to cool (so the hair cuticles can close) and then I rinse out the conditioner, I always end with cool water (the last 3 minutes of rinsing).

Really helpful, thanks i will give it a go. Although i always wash my hair in twists or plaits otherwise it shrinks like a mutha and becomes difficult to deal with once it dries.
Really helpful, thanks i will give it a go. Although i always wash my hair in twists or plaits otherwise it shrinks like a mutha and becomes difficult to deal with once it dries.

You`re welcome! Keep us updated on how it works out.
I don't necessarily think that it is too much conditioning(i personally don't like pre-pooing my hair though) I think the steps are a little off. I wouldn't put the regular conditioner in before the deep conditioner. I would also definitely rinse the conditioner out unless it is very light and says it can be left in. Depending on the ingredients in that conditioner, you can be overly moisturizing or have a protein overload.
Most times I do a pre-poo treatment, usually for 30 - 60 minutes, sometimes, I'll put it in in the morning when I know I'm going to be home all day or out in the garden - working in the sun with a bag and a hat is a great heat treatment. I have scarf staying on issues, so I don't do this overnight. I wash two times and super rinse (three to five minutes) with warm water. I blot my hair and then apply the deep conditioner. To do this, I hand part my hair into four sections and then divide each section. Doing it this way makes certain i get the conditioner on the inside and crown areas. I smooth it through with my hands, put the bag back on, cover it with a turbie, and then sit under the dryer for 30 - 60ish minutes total - 10 minutes under, take a break, then repeat until time is up. Back into the shower to rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse, rinse and then rinse for a couple of minutes with cool water for the extra shine. After that, I apply my leave in and a few drops of oil. And tada - hair in a bun, a braid, or roller set.

I really think it is very important to make sure you rinse your hair well. I use a specific leave in, but even if you choose to use a conditioner as a leave in, you should still rinse and have that cool/cold blast to close your cuticles. I used to be careless about the rinsing, but when I first started here, I learned a great deal - one of which was rinse until it's clear and when you think you've rinsed well, rinse again and then rinse with the cool/cold water to close the cuticle. The closed cuticle allows all of the yummy ingredients that entered your hair shaft to stay there and when the cuticle is closed and not overly coated, your hair will be naturally shiney because the closed cuticle reflects the light.
I didn't care for pre-pooing, so I nix it.

I DC on dry hair, therefore I only have to jump in the shower once. I like doin it better this way. Then rinse and bun. Thats it for me.