Deep conditioning in Marley Twists?

For people who have/had marley twists, did you deep condition and how did you do it if so? I have been lurking the internet trying to find a method that wont frizz up my twists because I am going to have them in for awhile.
For me, it's always a bad idea for me to use a deep conditioner when I have extensions. Creamy conditioners tend to not wash out completely so they get caught up at the roots where the extension was added to the hair. Then, when I have to take them out, it's a struggle with tangling and white stuff caked up at the roots.

So with braids, I wash with a moisturizing shampoo applied to my roots. I rinse really well. Then I spritz my hair with a moisturizing water based spray and let it dry. I spray daily to re-moisturize. When removing the extensions, it's a breeze to remove.
I just dilute my conditioner and put it in a spray bottle and spritz it on. Then I apply oil to the twist when they are damp. I spritz with whatever in between.

Usually my kinky twists look better after a wash and not any frizzier than usual.
I do marley twists as my protective style and after my first batch, I stopped washing them. I just use a braid spray and sometimes witch hazel if it's itching. I don't think they should be dc'd.
I also water down my conditioner with aloe vera juice and add extra oils then I will sit under the dryer

however my hair is really fine so it can get really frizzy after I wash and dc so after I dc I usually take about a week or so taking out and redoing my but these are

it really can be done with out product build up how it comes out depends on you and your hair
I've been transitioning in Marley Twist for the past 5ish months (leave in in 6 weeks take out for one week and then retwist repeat)

I have never deep conditioned with them in and have never found a reason too as my hair stays moisturized with just cowashing.

Whether I use shampoo or not a minimumum of 5 minutes before I leave the shower I coat the twist (focusing on where my real hair is ) in cheapie VO5 moisture milk conditioner and leave it in there until I am ready to exit the shower.

This has been working very well for me. I deep condition when I remove the twist.