Deep Condition First!


New Member
So I've been having trouble with getting my hair to swang the way I want it to, so inspired by the pre-poo, I started deep conditioning my hair first, shampooing, and then using a quick rinse conditioner like Pantene and rinsing out instead of deep conditioning last. My hair has been pressing out much silkier and straighter. I'm wondering if it matters if I do it this way and if anyone else will make the switch? I just like it so much better!
i personally dont think it matters if you deep condition first or not. i think it has more to do with the leave ins you use and if they are heavy or not.
I think my shampoo may be to strong to use after I have DCed...currently I wash, keratin protein, DC, ACV rinse, and Leave in...I am beginning to also think I should ACV rinse before my DC...idk...I have thought abouve the DC on dry hair because I have heard that it very well; however, I just can't figure a good way to get everything else in because it doesnt seem smart to DC then Protein then Wash or DC then WAsh then Protein because either way after the Protein I will have to wash DC again...IDK
I think my shampoo may be to strong to use after I have DCed...currently I wash, keratin protein, DC, ACV rinse, and Leave in...I am beginning to also think I should ACV rinse before my DC...idk...I have thought abouve the DC on dry hair because I have heard that it very well; however, I just can't figure a good way to get everything else in because it doesnt seem smart to DC then Protein then Wash or DC then WAsh then Protein because either way after the Protein I will have to wash DC again...IDK

ACV rinse should be your last step...the acv lays your cuticles down. If you acv and then DC your cuticles will be raised again by the DC, water, and manipulation.
i tried to dc on dry hair but it didnt really made difference for me...maybe cuz i kept thinkin that with all the moisturizing and sealing done during the week, itll make it harder for the dc to penetrate?
I began doing this because of time constraints and i do not notice any difference as far as it being detrimental as i thought it might be.... my hair is just as great after flat ironing or otherwise,,, i do recommend though, to use a good second conditioner after the poo and leave in for 5 mins,, i like to use the cheapies for the deep con and the good one for the after wash and rinse......
I DC first just about every time; my hair seems to love it, and it is a huge time-saver! When I do a protein treatment, it's usually light because I use MT a few times a week, and on the days that I pre-poo with protein, I usually put on a moisturizing DC and showercap after my shampoo and let sit for at least 5 minutes while I go about my shower, and so far no problems.

ETA: Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner!