Deciding to add a month to my stretch


New Member
Ok, this will be a first for me, but this year, I decided I will add a month to my stretch. I will now stretch for 4 months instead of 3. I'm hoping I can do this. I should be relaxing next weekend and thus far, I'm good. :yep:
Good luck! You should be pleasantly surprised when you relax! I'm adding another month or two to mine too, so until 5 or 6 months post maybe? :look: Hopefully if I can handle it! :pray: I'm kinda lovin' my big hair currently. :grin:
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Same here... used to do every 12-13 weeks, now gonna go 16-17 weeks. We can do it. What's another month? :grin: Good luck ladies!
I'm in the same boat!! Just so busy lately...gonna wait another 3-4 weeks. I find as my hair gets longer, the longer I stretch
Usually i relax around 13-15 weeks post. I'm now at 22 weeks today and i just got me that tangle teezer baby. I'm invincible woo hoo lol but yea i'm hoping i can go until the middle of march
Usually i relax around 13-15 weeks post. I'm now at 22 weeks today and i just got me that tangle teezer baby. I'm invincible woo hoo lol but yea i'm hoping i can go until the middle of march

We will be relaxing at the same time. I'm planning to relax mid-March. Good luck everyone!
also planning to stretch longer :) i usually stretched every 8 weeks and im 23 now so yeah ... 2x/year ...

Wow, amazing... You went from 8 weeks to 24. I had to stretch gradually to get the hang of it and I've only been able to go for 16 weeks max but you're almost 6 months post. :thud:
Wow, amazing... You went from 8 weeks to 24. I had to stretch gradually to get the hang of it and I've only been able to go for 16 weeks max but you're almost 6 months post. :thud:

Thanks Hun :) yeah I really want to achieve something good for the first stretch so I am holding on :) prayed that I will make it to 6 Months and I'm almost there , just believe in your hair :)

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Thanks Hun :) yeah I really want to achieve something good for the first stretch so I am holding on :) prayed that I will make it to 6 Months and I'm almost there , just believe in your hair :)

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Thanks for the advice I hope you make it to 24 weeks so that you'll be 6 months post. You're almost there, you can definitely do it! :grin:
Good luck to everyone! I normally stretch 4 months but I'm trying my first 6 month stretch this year. I'll relax in late June/early July.
One of my relatives that has recently joined me by taking care of her is jumping from a 6 week stretch to a 6 month stretch. She had only stretched once for 3 months and then she called to tell me that the next stretch would be six months. She's at 4 months now. I'm so proud of her. She's always been more patient than I. :lol:
One of my relatives that has recently joined me by taking care of her is jumping from a 6 week stretch to a 6 month stretch. She had only stretched once for 3 months and then she called to tell me that the next stretch would be six months. She's at 4 months now. I'm so proud of her. She's always been more patient than I. :lol:

its good to hear this ! wishing her good luck !
i kind of like stretching now..:yep: wow i wonder why i wasn't interested in stretching all this time... probably i still had the mentality that my hair will break of...
the other day i was at church and 2 ladies came to me saying.. wow what is happening with your hair???

so much growth.... when are you planning to relax ?
(i had airdry that day 0_o)
... i told them plainly my hair is fine and there i will relax soon (..)
then one of them said... your hair will fall out!

....and i immidiatly said... "NO IT WONT..IM 6 MONTHS SO IF IT HAD TO FALL IT HAD TO FALL LONG TIME AGO..."

then she said... yeah its true... you take care of your hair so well so it ALWAYS look nice 0_o!

so girls.....adding what happened... i want to achieve something good more and just show off:grin:
It is very doable sj73 :yep: Good luck!

Usually i relax around 13-15 weeks post. I'm now at 22 weeks today and i just got me that tangle teezer baby. I'm invincible woo hoo lol but yea i'm hoping i can go until the middle of march

I can't wait to get mine! I feel like it is going to make this year long stretch alot easier in terms of managing the thickness of my ng and reduce the stress on the relaxed ends:yep:
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