Dear Naturals: Help With the Crown (More Coarse?)


New Member
Wow... it's been a minute since I've been in this part of the forum! Having too much fun in other forums! :)

Anyhoo... the hair journey is getting easier. I'd appreciate some guidance on two areas:
1. The crown or lower top part of the head; seems like there's a patch that's a bit more coarse than the rest of my hair. It's the shortest part and it just feels rougher. How do I cultivate this part of my hair? I had been wearing ponytails and have been working to take a break from the ponytails.

2. There's small section on the lower left back of my head (closer to the nape) that seems to be very fragile, very tender, almost sore. Doesn't help that I pull at it as well. Again, what can I do to cultivate growth in this part of my hair?

Also, I have gotten away from the rigorous routines of deep conditioning, etc. And my hair seems to appreciate the reduced manipulation. I do need a trim, though.

Thanks in advance!
Interesting question.

I have the same problem with my crown. It does not match my hair texture and is the shortest part of my hair. It was like that when I was relaxed and has been that way since I have been natural. I rarely wear ponytails though.
RelaxerRehab said:
Wow... it's been a minute since I've been in this part of the forum! Having too much fun in other forums! :)

Anyhoo... the hair journey is getting easier. I'd appreciate some guidance on two areas:
1. The crown or lower top part of the head; seems like there's a patch that's a bit more coarse than the rest of my hair. It's the shortest part and it just feels rougher. How do I cultivate this part of my hair? I had been wearing ponytails and have been working to take a break from the ponytails.

2. There's small section on the lower left back of my head (closer to the nape) that seems to be very fragile, very tender, almost sore. Doesn't help that I pull at it as well. Again, what can I do to cultivate growth in this part of my hair?

Also, I have gotten away from the rigorous routines of deep conditioning, etc. And my hair seems to appreciate the reduced manipulation. I do need a trim, though.

Thanks in advance!

are you saying that shying away from deep conditioning has acually benefited you?
LocksOfLuV said:
are you saying that shying away from deep conditioning has acually benefited you?

I'm saying that I haven't had time to prioritize deep conditioning...and the bonnet dryer broke!:lol: I haven't been consistent with the deep conditioning in a while... I mean like that past couple of months.... but my hair is growing well and it just seems like reducing the (extra) steps has saved time and overmanipulation.
I have the same problem with my crown area. The rest of my hair is a lot more managable and decent looking than my rough edges. I can't give you any more advice than I what I am doing myself. I am keeping my roots and edges well moisturized and a little more attention than the middle to end parts of my hair then wait and see. :)
My crown is a coarser texture than the rest of my hair too. Just be really gentle with the detangling - take smaller sections when combing it out - and keep moisturized.

Now for the nape, I have the same issues and haven't really found a solution. Short of keeping that area braided up at all times, I'm not sure how to protect it from tangling and breakage.
My hair is the most coarse in the crown area as well. I find that moisturizing that area more helps.
My crown area is also coarse and judging my the above responses that is a trend among many people. That is the most delicate, important part of your skull so I guess the extra texture is just natures way of adding extra protection. I think the route you are on right now is good. I make usre to add extra condtioner to that area when DCing so that it stays soft. I also apply more MTG to that area because it tends to be more delicate and shorter like you said. After that, I can't think of anything else to do.
My suggestions would be to get a k-cutter comb for your crown and make sure that you aren't pulling your nape hair somehow. Is it hitting your clothes , do you sleep in one position all the time, or are you pulling at it with your hands and not realizing it? HTH
RelaxerRehab said:
Wow... it's been a minute since I've been in this part of the forum! Having too much fun in other forums! :)

Anyhoo... the hair journey is getting easier. I'd appreciate some guidance on two areas:
1. The crown or lower top part of the head; seems like there's a patch that's a bit more coarse than the rest of my hair. It's the shortest part and it just feels rougher. How do I cultivate this part of my hair? I had been wearing ponytails and have been working to take a break from the ponytails.

2. There's small section on the lower left back of my head (closer to the nape) that seems to be very fragile, very tender, almost sore. Doesn't help that I pull at it as well. Again, what can I do to cultivate growth in this part of my hair?

Also, I have gotten away from the rigorous routines of deep conditioning, etc. And my hair seems to appreciate the reduced manipulation. I do need a trim, though.

Thanks in advance!

I have this same problem in both spots but I haven't figured out why. It's shorter than the rest. Drier and feels like it's broken off. It happened when I was relaxed too but I thought it was the relaxer causing the breakage. Once I went natural, it's the same way. I don't get it. I try to baby it as much as I can but I don't know how to fix it either. :ohwell: Help please?
My crown is coarse but it grows in fine. I find that hefty mositurizing doesthe trick. Cant skimp on the products in that section of my hair
I'm transitioning and have the same problem. The crown seems way shorter than the rest and DRY like the Sahara. :perplexed

I heap on the moisturizer and baby it but I'm beginning to think that is just my hair.
I would try applying castor oil in the coarser areas. Ever since I have been using castor oil on my hair it has done a 180 (softer with less split ends). When I take my braids out I plan on doing hot oil treaments with castor oil. On the back of my bottle of C.O it says heat increase absorption. Hope this helps!
I had the same problem with my crown being much coarser and drier than the rest of my hair and I couldn't figure it out. Now, I'm so happy its much better. What I did was, I increased the amount of moisture in that area and really massaged it in. I also add a good amount of BT there and make sure that I get it in really good in that seems as thought since I've added the BT to that area, the hair that is coming out of my scalp is softer and not as coarse. Hmmmmmmmmmm...................

Anyways, I always braid at night, and I make sure that that area has more product on it than the rest of my hair. It has gotten alot better and doesn't break at all now.
Well i am having the same sort of problem, i purchased the infusiume 23 line (moisture ogle) from wall mart for $15.00 and so far so good. i put the leave in treatment in a spray bottle and spray my braids (the root) with this twice a day. and then place a baggie at night. with the shampoo and conditioner i mix a small amount with some of my cheapies (herbel essance) cant think of the name but i know its in the purple bottle and it has been working really good for me. I have really coarse 4b hair especialy in the center and this has been working for me for the past two weeks. the hair in this part of hy head as well as the rest feels SO soft and when i took my braids out thursday i wasnt in as near much pain as i would have been during the detangle process. I plan on keeping this same routine for the next set of braids. ill keep u posted HTH
bmoreflyygirl said:
I have this same problem in both spots but I haven't figured out why. It's shorter than the rest. Drier and feels like it's broken off. It happened when I was relaxed too but I thought it was the relaxer causing the breakage. Once I went natural, it's the same way. I don't get it. I try to baby it as much as I can but I don't know how to fix it either. :ohwell: Help please?

I thought it was the relaxer too, but since I went natual, the problem continued. When I got the relaxed ends cut off, she actually decided to cut my hair in layers because that section was so messed up. (She didn't want my cut to be short because of that one section.)
I try to give that section more attention, but no matter what I do, it's the toughest part to deal with. I think it's that way for most black women. I know people who have really straight hair, but that section is still different. (It's not as coarse as mine, but it's definitely different than the rest of their hair.) One person I knew actually decided to put a relaxer only on that part of her hair (just comb it through), but she said it still didn't really work.
That section is why I usually wear my hair flat ironed. I haven't mastered the curly look because that part usually dries up strange and looks like it doesn't fit.
my crown is more coarse, too. I noticed that if I do too many wash n go styles it gets drier and more tangled, and if I use a chelating shampoo it makes it almost impossible to get a comb thru. So now, I'm planning to forgo the chelating shampoo (use a creamier clarifying poo) and do a thorough detangling if I do wash no gos to prevent excessive tangling, dryness. And, like previous posters, saturate that area with moisturizer and tons of conditioner. :)
That part of my hair is also the kinkiest and thickest. What i have found that works is managing the amount of product I use and what types of product. Aveda Damage Remedy poo and deep cond. treatment has turned my hair around 180...and I do notice that my crown has sort of a natural glow and the softness is UNBELIEVABLE after I let it air dry. Which brings me to my next point: You can prevent more dryness by not using heat styling utensils such as a flat iron or hand held blow dryer etc... Also some ladies have found that MSM added as a daily supplement have made there hair texture change somewhat from course to almost Asian str8.... I guess it depends on how much you take on a daily basis. I plan on adding MSM to my vit regimen as well but not so much as a tablespoon. I dont want Asian hair....but less kinks would be nice. I used to use MSM in my special blend of MTG when my hair is braided and it worked wonderfully but not as great if you take it orally instead of topically. you can get it in powdered form from any GNC or Vitamin Shoppe... It contains a nice blend of vitamin C. hth
The crown of my head is the kinkiest and the thickest. I'm still trying to find the right products to manage it, but deep conditioning and adding oils seems to help. It has been the hardest to detangle. I've decided not to wear a wash n' go too much because that area get so tangled and knotted.
I have nothing new to add. I had the same problems when relaxed, crown breaking down to 2 - 3 inches even when my hair was APL.

was only when I went natural that I realized the hair there is more coarse and still is a bit shorter than the rest of my hair. I just moisturize more and ensure I keep up my protein/moisture balance.
I have done several things to improve the hair in that area. I believe the hair in that area reflects the condition of the scalp in that area. So I focused my treatments on the scalp and not the hair.

At least once or twice a month I use something that is a detox or a scalp treatment for that area. Morocco Methods Detox, Terressentials Mudwash or an AO conditioner that gets applied to the scalp.

Every week I apply a castor oil blend with a heavy amount of EOs added. Then I massage my entire scalp but focus on the crown. I apply that before my DC and sit under a heat cap. I let that sit for an hour.

Two to three times a week I apply water directly to my crown. Then I take that same castor oil blend and massage it into my crown.

While rinsing product out in the shower, I spend extra time massaging my crown under the running water. I just make sure I massage this area more when washing or rinsing.

Overtime, this section of my hair has become softer, less brittle, less wiry. It is as long as the other sections of my hair. It no longer snaps when I try to finger detangle it.

Adding water to my scalp more frequently as well as using a scalp treatment has helped tremendously.
Man, what's going on?? I thought I was the only one with that problem. Im 100% natural now and my crown is so dry, but it will not absorb any moisture, so I have been baggying for the past 3 days in order for it to get some kind of moisture. Plus that patch of hair is the finest.

Sent from. my sexy phone
This is a very old thread but I divided and braided my crown section into 2 braids and bunned the remainder so that the braids were concealed. I would unbraid to wash & dc and then rebraid. This was the only way I could stop the breakage of this fragile hair until I learned my hair better. The tlc paid off and now that section is almost as long as the hair at my nape. HHG!
Interesting question.

I have the same problem with my crown. It does not match my hair texture and is the shortest part of my hair. It was like that when I was relaxed and has been that way since I have been natural. I rarely wear ponytails though.

Same here. :perplexed

I just figured it was a fact of nature that my hair will ALWAYS be more coarse at the crown. I call it "the jungle" :giggle:

I try to pay more attention to that spot and try to put more conditioner there as well. :yep: I think I'll also try to put more moisturizer in that area also.

Btw, what does "BT" stand for?? :look:
I have the same issue as well. I know alot of people don't believe in scab hair but I believe this to be the case at least for me. It seems like it is improving with alot of extra conditioning but eventually I know I will have to start cutting it off.
I hated my crown when I was natural. It was so coarse but the part of my hair that grows the fastest, LOL! I always put more DC in it.
My 6 month old's hair is growing in very coarse at the crown and soft and curly everywhere else. Nothing i've done to mine has made any difference. That's just the way it is.