Dealing with online "hair haters"

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Well-Known Member
Note to the mods: I'm going to request this thread get locked in a bit, but please bear with me for a day or two. I do have a point to make. Thx!
Welp! I've finally arrived! :grin: Got my first hater on fotki today:
Her: Your ends sure looks fcked up for a "relaxed head" lol. Just being honest.

[FONT=&quot]Me: Lol is right! That's why I'm documenting my hair "journey". Never said my hair was perfect.[/FONT]

Her: 3 years later and you [FONT=&quot]BARELY[/FONT] gained 2 inches?!! Don't even [FONT=&quot]TRY[/FONT] to claim 4 whole inches with that barely grazing see through thin ends boo. Cut that ish off already! The proof are in your pics that relaxers aint & will never be ish! Especially if your hair still ends up looking a greasy,thin, stiff lookin mess! So [FONT=&quot]DON'T[/FONT] hate on us Naturals just because you [FONT=&quot]CAN'T[/FONT] handle yours honey boo boo child! I'll continue to swerve on the relaxers & embrace my shiny thick Natural hair with pride [FONT=&quot]4 life[/FONT]! :D I rather rock good quality wigs & weave before i [FONT=&quot]EVER[/FONT] consider applying relaxers to my head! So you can [FONT=&quot]KEEP[/FONT] that "creamy crack" & continue to let it buuuurn, let it buuurn, let it buuuuurn -Sincerly, a LHCF member :)

Me: No response

I'm not even going to give whoever this is any "press", but I want to talk to other ladies who are brave enough to post their pics and document their journeys.

PLEASE DON'T STOP!!!! You will always have negative people who will try to bring you down along the way. Sometimes they are people IRL, others will be random trolls on the internet.

I will continue to post my highs, lows, good, bad and the ugly. I want everyone to see all that I have gone through to get where I am. I will NOT lock my fotki or block comments! I'm here to stay! :yep:

Love you all! :grouphug:
So true Sunnie! I'm glad you didn't let this get to you, you are one of my hair idols actually. And since WHEN have you EVER hated on naturals?! That was just laughable!
I'm glad you stood up for yourself! You and plenty of other ladies on here, relaxed, natural, texlaxed (sp?) have been major inspirations to me! Keep doing you bc you don't have to prove nothin to nobody!
It sounds to me like your hater had issues with her natural hair. She's probably a really negative person in general. Don't make her an enemy; she's already got plenty.
We are supposed to be encouraging each other and celebrating the lovely hair of others. We are learning the needs of our hair as we go. There is no need to be cruel. We have to face the fact that others need to be cruel. They thrive on trying to make others unhappy.
Many times God corrects me when I think someone is pretty. You cannot be pretty with ugly, horrible ways and personality deficits. HTH!
There r always gonna be haters. Something will always be too long or too short. I say fluck them and KIM.
I get the feeling that that "LHCF" member was either a LSA or BHM member. I could be wrong though..

As someone who LIVES in the BHM Natural Section, trust me, BHM natty ladies don't get down like that..

That's terrible! I always look forward to seeing your siggy. I think your hair is really pretty!!

That sounds like a fake natural nazi and I wouldn't be surprised if it's a troll whom you personally know.:perplexed
I've had a few negative comments on Fotki. I deleted them and kept it moving.

I'm so sorry someone felt the need to waste their time writing such a hate filled comment to you. This isn't the Long Natural Hair Forum. This is the Long HAIR Care Forum. I don't understand why anyone would want to be a bully when you can easily encourage someone instead. In my own life I'm too busy to care about what people are putting on their hair. Is it really that serious? Damn.

sent thru my iPhone
Yep! You're in the big leagues now, Girl. Time to sift the wheat from the chaff. Keep what is good and useful and toss the rest. Everyone can see and knows why someone throws that kind of shade. Po' thang. :nono:

Keep on doing whatcha doing, girl. You and your hair are an inspiration. :yep:
wow i would have called her out, my opinion is if you bash other people, you are insecure with yourself.
That was all kinds of ignorant. :sad: What a coward. I wish all e-gangsters would just have a permanent seat.

I'm natural and you inspire me. A woman rooted in her being has no need to degrade another. VERY classy of you to ignore her. :yep:
Why are some people so angry? All of that negativity had little to do with your hair and more to do with that person's real life issues.
I've deleted Fotki comments and kept it moving.

People grow e-balls behind the computer screen.
I understand some will pick natural over a relaxer any day and some will pick a relaxer over natural any day and that's people's personal decisions. I don't see why people get heated. I have seen both natural and relaxed hair that was drool worthy on here and YouTube. Bottom line if you take care of your hair natural and relaxed can looked good and if you abandon healthy haircare relaxed and natural can look like crap.
She is just trying to step on your journey to make herself feel better about her own hair. I'm sooooooo tired of naturals who bully others and give the rest of us, who are tolerant, a bad name!
Thanks everyone! And trust me, I'm fine! Been there, done that, got the t-shirt! ;)

I've had comments before and I just totally KIM. However, I'm noticing lots of newbies lately who are just getting their feet wet with all of the hair business. I really wanted to reach out to them.

Don't let anyone (in real life or online) discourage your journey!!!!!
Whoever they are should be banned from LHCF (if they really are a member).

But whatever they're just a person hiding behind a screen name and may not even have hair for all we know. I can't stand bullies, but realize they must be upset about something and highly immature.
And by the way, I've been on BHM and those ladies are helpful as well! This troll probably isn't a member anywhere!
Wow! I just don't understand. Really I don't. Who has the time? Who is really that evil? I don't get it! Anyway, c'est la vie.

You have helped & inspired me along the way. I learn from naturals, relaxed & texlaxers. I love healthy hair so yea you doing the right thing by IGNORING IGNORANCE!

i'm sorry this happened :( the ladies are right with all they have said. i love your thick luscious relaxed ponytail though i am natural. cyberspace makes for cyber-bullies to appear at very turn.
I rather rock good quality wigs & weave before i EVER consider applying relaxers to my head!

Does she sell hair or something?? smh I wouldn't pay people like that any mind.
You can view my FOTKI too, my relaxed hair was on point. Other then the fact I hate moving my pony tails around and only work the middle, I didn't stop relaxing due to improper care or lack there of. I think my relaxed Tail bone hair was on POINT!

THe war needs to stop! It is only in our mind the division. I love all my sisters equally, relaxed, natural or bald! (I am trying to stop myself right now from balding my head.... I have so much products to use, I fear for my life if I even try it)

Don't pay people no mind sunnieb
Her point was to hurt your feelings. There was nothing positive about it! To me you don't need to demean or belittle to be different. My way isn't your way. Doesn't make you wrong.
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