DCing on dry hair


Active Member
I tried this last night with amazing results! On Thursday I shampooed and used Aphogee 2 minute then followed it up with Aussie 3 Minute. My hair did not feel as moisturised as I like so last night I used ORS Replenishing on my dry hair and DCed it under a steam cap for about 90 minutes. I highly, HIGHLY, recommend this
I get the strength I need + the shine (sealed with Vatika Oil) and the moisture. The last time I used A2M + ORS Rep I got similar results. Just wanted to share
Yep, the day after a wash seems to be what works for me. Maybe what I should do is Shampoo and do a protein treatment then wait for my hair to airdry and DC then.
I love doing it on dry hair, but it takes a lot more product for me since my hair is extremely thick and just sucks it up. You can't beat the results though.
I love DC'ing on clean dry hair. Youn get better results.

How do you do that? Do you shampoo and wait for the hair to dry before using conditioner? Or do you do it the next day?

When I do it on dry hair it's not clean hair. I've been wondering about this.

^^I wash my hair every three days. I don't use leave-in products in my hair and sometimes I will baggy 24/7 in between washes and wear a head wrap. Or I could CW in between the washes making that 3 washes in a week. So when I DC on my dry hair, it is usually fairly clean hair.
Doing this right now. I'm usually too lazy to wash and then DC (esp if my hair is in weave-as it is now) so I put my DC on and wrap in a plastic bag and towel and lodge at LHCF for a few hours, then I rinse out and MAY use a mild shampoo on my scalp and a moisturising conditioner for 2 mins afterwards, works a treat.:yep:
^^I wash my hair every three days. I don't use leave-in products in my hair and sometimes I will baggy 24/7 in between washes and wear a head wrap. Or I could CW in between the washes making that 3 washes in a week. So when I DC on my dry hair, it is usually fairly clean hair.

Thanks, that makes sense.
I loovveee deep conditioning on dry hair! I feel like my hair absorbs so much more of the conditioner, kind like a sponge. The only downside is all of the conditioner it takes to coat my hair :ohwell: