Dating While In A Serious Relationship


Well-Known Member
My girlfriend decided to find her husband. Her so of 7 years is not budging on marriage even though they have a kid together.

So she set up a couple dating profiles and is now spoilt for choice.

They dont live together but coparent. She has been faithful for 7 years. He has never been.

What say you?
Why not just end the damn thing? Is there something that she is holding onto? If not then she needs to be honest with current SO or she will start a potentially promising relationship whilst she has a lot of baggage (which will more than likely be a deal breaker to whomever she is dating)
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This title has me weak :drunk:
I read the title and was like

They aren't in a serious relationship. She was in it by herself and now she can live her life. :)

If she was serious she would end the rlsp.

What's her real motivation? Too make him jealous, thinking it will make him commit?

The man has been trying to make her break up with him since if he's been repeatedly cheating and not marrying her.

She must like drama and wants to enter the next one with it.
I have been telling her to leave this bum from day one. Her dating others is a big sign of improvement. Even though she has not dumped him.

By the way, did I add in the op that while preggers she found out he was married since high school? His wife dumped him after finding out about her. She thought she would be wife number two but he is not budging.

She is in her mid 30's and only ever had 2 serious relationships. So it may sound ratchet her dating while still in a"relationship" but it is progress. Dis woman sticks to her ratchet men like white on rice...

Secretly I think he is doing her a favour...
Good luck with that online dating thing. I will never online date anyone with the potential of finding a serious mate/husband. Too many Dr. jekyll and Mr. hyde types and scam artists. If she serious about moving on, she would completely dump the baby daddy and get some time for herself.
Either way its too late now, right now tons of men are hitting her up, texting her even calling her. She can fulfill her many needs just socially to many men and get support, sympathy, attention, etc. Once other men are out there providing you with things that you are lacking, is a sign its over. even the act of making profiles is a sign of its over. Move on