Dating question.....


Well-Known Member
I fully acknowledge that I am clueless about dating and flirting. :) I just want some opinions/stories from the ladies who have been successful at meeting their SO/husband.

When you first went out with your current SO/husband, were the sparks there immediately? Flirting, butterflies, touching and all that? Do you think it's essential at the start? Maybe it depends on how well you know them, etc?

I haven't had a serious relationship in 4 years. I am looking for love but very cautiously. The men I've gone out with lately have been blind dates from the Internet or guys I've met through activities/mutual acquaintances. I feel like I just want to get to know someone first before something like sparks take over. In my experience, I don't think sparks have to come from the first glance. I think fast sparks lead to a fast fizzle. What say you?
Yes, sparks from the beginning. They are still there. Together 28 years, married 24. Sparks not as intense or often but still there nonetheless, still often enough and intense enough. He still gives me a thrill. The love has grown deeper through the years. We both admire and appreciate each other. Not sure if sparks are necessary from the beginning, but glad they were there for us.

Also, I think it's important to have an open heart. Be discerning, take things slowly, but open your heart to love.
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